Tres Flashcards
Hypsarrthymia, infant seizures on waking, delay=
infantile spasms
give ACTH, predinsose and AEDs
tuberous sclerosis
what is LEMON
when to give suggammadex
Sux raises K by…?
Look -beard/facial trauma. Eval 332. Mallampati. Obstruction (neck cancer, obesity, hematoma,infllmmation in airway) Neck mobility
Rocurionium (just put LMA in)
vWF minro bleeding tx
Cryoprecipitate (hase vWF in it) or Factor 8 concentrate
PTT prolonged if 8 very low
Termination criteria
K >12
ph <6.9 i thiknk/????
hypothermia of body temp less than 57- not dead until warm and dead
fluticason or cetirizine?
rash dista then central, hypoNA, thrombocytopenia, lfts?
Rocky moutnain
dermacentor tick
how many mcg of ep i are you giving in anaphgylaxis?
300 (1:1000) giving 0.3 ml
Tachy, red skin, LARGE WGMA kactic acidosis, AMS, headache
CN toxicity
Hydroxycobaliamine- binds and is excreted thru kidneys
stops oxidative phsophirlyation
SCIWROA prognosis?
Full recovery
spianl cord injury wihtout radiographic evidence
Basilar skull fracture stuff
gtemproal bone fractrue
Tx: just pain meds, observation- surgery not needed
Look above the eye lid
Cranial nerve deficits
BB Txs in ODs
GLucagon clackum fluids IV insulin (increase contractiliy with carb utilization) an dglucose lipid emulsions vasioressrs
Bradycardia, HypoTN, hyperK, AMS
Next move, massve PE- heparin or tpa/
heparin for submassive or less severe
hypoNA, hypoGlucose, hypoTN, not getting better with fluids?
Adrenal -100 mg hydrocortisone (or 4 Dex)
COPDers nto tkaing meds anymore
Dsiposition of electical injury
Get UA, EKG, BMP looking for arrythmia, mygolbin, mucle damage
if skin burn - observe for severql hours then go , if nto can g hoem i f all negative
figure out if AC current- more severe, an dhwo much volts was used.
What score od you use for nec fasc to help you out? US?
US can help too
Positive Hiv quick test needs hat next to confirm?
blood test with Blot or immnunoassay
Post exp ppx cna be given within 72 hours of tripple therapy
What do you need to have ready in the back of yoru mind for lots of fentanyl doses?
Rigid chest syndrome
Naloxone and BVM and then parlaysis if needed
bloody diarrhea in kid
THrmobocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, Renal filure? Tx?
Supportivem NO Abx
RBBBLead 1 and V1
LBBB lead 1 and V1
Downward deflection, Up
Up, Down
Thumb cannot resis abduction force, no pincer grip- what ijnury/
Game keepter skiier thumb
fever, tahcycardia, chest pain, dysnpea, oxygen sats OK after blood transfusion you need to
stop and make sure its nto hemolytic
msot likely your antiboides against donro leukocytes
Weigh tloss, painless jaindice, palpable gall baldder-
COurverier sign for choangiocarcinoma
Fever, exteeme rigidity, AMS from what OD?
Anti Dopamine pills for NMS
Icludes anti emetics liek phenergan and metocprlmaide
ARDS diangosis
emonstration of diffuse bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on imaging, (2) exclusion of a cardiac etiology (through normal echocardiography, BNP, or right heart catheterization), and (3) a PaO2:FiO2 of less than 200
Looks ike retinal detahcment on US but it moves aroudn liek a wave on US with EOM…
POster vitreous detahcment- emegrent for risk of retinal detahcment
vitreous is an avascular layer of the eye attached anteriorly to the ora serrata, and posteriorly to the optic disc head. Symptoms include the sudden onset of monocular flashes and floaters that appear particularly with eye movement
VBG on COPD exacerbation
CO2 retention with bicarb comepensation - but hten the compensationdoens tmake sense and they are more acidoditc
what is eryothema nodosum
tender looking bruises in the shins- delayed hypersenistivty inflammoatry reaction between demis and adipose
after bactrim, infection or AI dz like lupus or sarcoid
self limited for 6 weeks
nimodopine BP/ head control sz ppx neuro checks reverse cogaluaopthy
AIDS weight loss bowel obstrcuion picture
SMA syndrome
The duaodenum is pinned beteween aorta and SMA- the fat pad lessens
Define neutropenic fever
100.9 once or 100.4 for an hour with ANC of 500 or less
usually worst 6-10 days after chemo - cver psudomonas
FLu like prodrome + mice + single papule eschar?
Rickettsial Pox from a mite
6 weeks post parrtum + HTN + HA + abd Pain + blurry vision = TX?
IV Mag and HTN Meds
this is pre ecmaplmpsia- risk for stroke
What do you do with an avulsed tooth?
carry it in milk
put it back in after your rinse it within 60 mintues
call oral surgeon if after 60 mintues
ear pain + vesicels + facial droop=
Ramsay hunt syndrome - Zoster otiticus
Watch out for menintigits and givr acyclovir
you give zofran or anatheor antiemeitc and then all of a sudden they want to leave - why/
Akasthesia- offer them benztropine or benadryl
Bipap if encessayr
Asthma exacerbation on all the treatments getting wrose- what med?
Vent settings?
IM epi- repeat every 30 mins to 60 mins
Intubaitons is not that scary- 6 cc/kg, low PEEP at 5 to vercome tube resistance, I:E ratio 1:4/5, rate 10-12
5 complications from brown reculse bite?
Hemolysis DIC AKI Rhabdo Arthalgias
Supportive, ABCs, Hct lvl, avoid ointments, ice