Rosh PGY-2 Flashcards
What do you want to avoid cutting in ED thoracotomy?
Phrenic nerve
What approach do you use in ED throacotomy and how can you help distinguish the aorta?
Left anterior-lateral: incision is made along the fifth rib from the sternum to the posterior axillary line
NG tube in the E. You want to cross clamp the aorta to help perfuse the coronaries and the brain
What would you be treating with a ED throacotomy? 5 reasons
1- relieve cardiac tamponade,
2- support cardiac function with open massage
3- aortic cross-clamping
4- internal cardiac defibrillation
5-control cardiac, pulmonary, or great vessel hemorrhage.
What is the indications for ED thoracotomy?
Penetrating: cardiac arrest after initially good vital signs in the field OR SBP <50 after fluids OR ED arrest
Blunt: ED arrest
OR air embolism
Scalp hematoma on the side or back of childs head- you should suspect…
underlying skull fracture
NOT predictive on frontal bone
Tx for flail chest?
Intubation or Non invasive ventilation
Output from CT to go to OR?
> 1,500 mL of blood immediately or > 200 mL/hour for 3 hours
Isolated sternal Fx disposition?
Pain control and DC home
Mortaliy rate is <1%
Most Common finding in basilar skull Fx?
+ FAST, when do you go to the scanner?
when stable
What are the reverisble causes of hemorrhagic shock in trauma?
Long bone deofrmity
Pelvic bleeding
pericardial tamponade
Where do you put the Chest tube in preggos?
Same spot but 3rd rib and not 4-5th. diaphragm is up 4 cm
Testicualr trauma DDx
hemaotcele hematoma fracture avulsion dislocation into inguinal canal or abomdinal wall trauamtic epipdidymitis scrotal lacs or contusion truamtic torision
Which bad c spine fx has rare neuro deficts?
Hangmans (bilateral pars inter. fx from extension)
Axial load fx?
Jefferson fx, disruption of ant and post ring of C1
5 NEXUS criteria
- Injury
- Intoxication
- Neuro deficits
- Midline tender
Hemorrhagic shock criteria HR goes up Pulse pressure narrows RR increases UOP starts to drop slightly BP drops Confused and Lethargic
2 2 2 2 3 4
unilateral facet dislocation dispo
Home and follow up in c collar
MC blunt injury to peds?
to adults
Both spleen
When do you go to IR for pelvic traumatic injury?
Negative fast, positive Pelvic X ray ro exam
If positive FAST its OR
What type of extrmemities do you have in neuro shock?
Warm and Dry
T5 or above, possible bradycardia
S/p Heart transplant Basal Heart rate?
90-110 (loss of vagus nerve!)
acute rejection leads to shock- give pressors
How do you use the PERC
If they are low risk pre test, then go thru the criteria. if you have any 1 + then get a d dimer. if not then no test needed
3 things to do in late decels?
lateral recumebtn positiion
what OD? Hyperpyrexia acidosis gypolcyemia pulm edema/septic picutre hypoK
get uRine Alkoltic w/ bicarb
Give D5W Bicarb + K
Stable V tach- Sync shock or Procainamide?
What is the evolution of STEMI on EKG between these? STEMI Q wave Hypercute T waves J point elevation TWI
Hyperacute Ts- minutes after J point elevation STEMI - flat to convex Q Wave TWI
MC Amiodoarone Side effect
Hypotension (25%) Bradycardia (5%)
class 1 2 3 4 Blocks K and slows AP mechanism of aciton
Deep inverted Ts or Biphasic T=?
Wellens LAD- urgent cath
MC ACS complaint from old ppl?
weak andd dizzy too
atypicals from Dm2 patient
ETT meds?
Naloxe Atropine !!Vasporessin Epi Lido
Dont give what imed in WPW and why?
Urges accessory pathway usage
compression rate for newborn?
The optimal ratio is 3 compressions to 1 ventilation for a total of 90 compressions per minute and 30 breaths per minute
Return to baseline?
3 hours
5-14 days
Most sensitve and speciifc than others
Vtach Ddx?
Ischemic/Non ischemic cardiomyopathy
what is a J point?
end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment. A positive deflection of the J point is termed an Osborn wave and can be seen in hypothermia. Notching of the J point can be seen in benign early repolarization.
why procainamide in VT and WPW?
blocks accessory pathway too
difference on x ray between AICD and pacemaker?
Thick distal leads (big shock) for AICD
Thin for pacemaker
Implant for brugagada, HOCM, HEart failure, Dysthrmias etc
What is pacemaker syndrome (20%) and how do you treat it surgically?
loss of atrioventricular synchrony and the presence of retrograde ventriculoatrial conduction
syncope or near-syncope, heart failure, fatigue, exercise intolerance, dizziness
Get a dual chamber and nto a VVI pacemekaer
First 3 letters of PAcemaker means what?
chamber paced ventricle (atrial, dual, none O)
chamber sensed ventricle “”
pacing response inhibited (triggered, dual, none 0)
etoligies for A flutter and Tx
Still BB/CCB/ or electicity
HTN, ischemic, Rheumatic, Cardiomyopathy
Etiologies for A fib
Ischemic valvular heart disease thyrotoxicosis cardiomyopathies myocaridtis
DDx for Sinus Tahc?
Poor HEart function PE Hypovolemia (fluids or hemorrhage) Hypoxia DKA HyperTSH fever drugs withdrawal Pain/anxiety
use mroe adenosine in? less in?
More ceffeine
less carbamazpeine, dipryamdole, heart transplant