Trematodes: Intestinal, Liver and Lung Trematodes Flashcards
Life cycle: eggs-miracida-sporocysts-rediae-cercariae-metacercariae-adults
Route of infection: ingestion o metacercariae contaminated raw or undercooked plants (water chestnuts, water bamboo, caltrops)
Geography: South China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia
Specimen source: stool sample
Morphology: adult; 2-7.5 cm, no nose cone. egg; large 130-140 mcm
Pathology: inflammation, mucous, hemorrhage, ulcerations-intestine
Fasciolopsis buski - large intestinal fluke
Life cycle: eggs-miracidia-sporocysts-rediae-cercariae-metacercariae-adults
Route of infection: ingestion of metacercariae infected mollusks (octopus, mussels, snails, slugs)
Geography: Philippines, China, Tailand, Celebes
Specimen source: stool sample
Morphology: adult; -
Echinostoma ilocanum
Life cycle: eggs-miracidia-sporocysts-rediae-cercariae-metacercariae-adults
Route of infection: ingestion of metacercariae infected raw, pickled or poorly cooked freshwater fish
Geography: Egypt, Israel, Philippines, Japan
Specimen source: stool sample
Morphology: adult-1.5 mm by 0.4 mm ( 3 suckers-oral, ventral, genital),egg-brownish yellow, 27-30 micrometers, percolated
Lab test: wet prep, conc. stool
Pathology: abdominal pain, mucous
Heterophyes heterophyes
Life cycle: eggs-miracidia-sporocysts-rediae-cercariae-metacercariae-adults
Route of infection: ingestion of infected metacercariae uncooked or pickled freshwater fish
Geography: Japan, Indonesia, Israel, Spain, “USSR”
Specimen source: stool sample
Morphology: adult-similar to Heterophyes and Clonorchis
egg-26-28 by 16 micrometers, brown yellow, percolated
Lab test: wet prep, conc. stool
Pathology: abdominal pain, mucous, diarrhea
Metagonimus yokogawai
Life cycle: eggs-miracidia-sporocysts-rediae cercariae-metacercariae-adults
Route of infection: ingestion of metacercariae infected uncooked freshwater fish
Geography: China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Vietnam
Specimen source: stool sample
Morphology: adult-1-2.5 cm by 3.5 mm
egg-similar to Heterophyes and Metagonimus, 28-35 micrometers, percolated
Lab test: t prep, conc. stool
Pathology: jaundice, eosinophils, liver damage
Clonorchis sinensis - Liver fluke
Life cycle: eggs-miracidia-sporocysts-rediae-cercariae-metacercariae-adults
Route of infection: ingestion of metacercariae infected freshwater fish
Geography: northern Thailand and Laos
Specimen source: stool sample
Morphology: egg-like C. sinensis, 19-29 mcm (um)
Lab test: wet prep, conc. stool
Pathology: abdominal pain, hepatomegaly, cholangitis – inflammation of bile ducts, cholecystitis – inflammation of gall bladder, obstructive jaundice
Opisthorchis viverrini
Life cycle: eggs-miracidia-sporocysts-rediae-cercariae-metacercariae-adults
Route of infection: ingestion of metacercariae infected aquatic vegetation ( watercress)
Geography: ww,only a few cases in the U.S.
Specimen source: stool sample
Morphology: egg-similar to F. buski and E. ilocanum, 130-150 micrometers, adult, ~ 2 cm and nose cone
Lab test: wet prep, conc. stool. ELISA test sensitive to both hepatic and intestinal infection
Pathology: biliary obstruction, cholangitis, pruritis, jaundice, hepatomegaly, eosinophils
Fasciola hepatica
Life cycle: eggs-miracidia-sporocysts-rediae-cercariae-metacercariae-adults
Route of infection: ingestion of metacercariae infected uncooked crabs or crayfish
Geography: Far East, Africa
Specimen source: stool, sputum
Morphology: adult-reddish brown in lungs or intestine; egg-similar to D. latum -operculated shoulders, lack knob, size 80-120 micrometers, ELISA for confirmation
Lab tests: sputum, wet prep, conc. stool
Pathology: cough, chronic bronchitis, cerebral complications
Paragonimus westermani - Lung Fluke