Tree plant list 2 - Native Flashcards
Asimina triloba
Pawpaw fam. Annonaceae
Asimina triloba fam. Annonaceae
Betula papyrifera
Paperbark birch fam. Betulaceae
Paperbark birch
Betula papyrifera fam. Betulaceae
Carpinus caroliniana
Blue beech fam. Betulaceae
Blue beech
Carpinus caroliniana fam. Betulaceae
Catalpa speciosa
Western catalpa fam Bignoniaceae
western catalpa
Catalpa speciosa fam Bignoniaceae
common hackberry
Celtis occidentalis fam Ulmaceae
Celtis occidentalis
common hackberry fam Ulmaceae
Pawpaw Botanical name Family name form size grow id natural habitat culture hort uses pests
Botanical name: Asimina triloba form: pyrimidal/ round topped Family Name: Annonaceae SIZE: medium GROW: slow- medium ID : - large fruit plums -flower has 3 lobes in and out -droopy leaves Natural Habitat : woodlands, Culture: rich, sheltered area Hort uses: - plant collector tree -edges of woodlot -edible plant Pests: none serious
Paperbark birch Botanical name Family name size grow form id natural habitat culture hort uses pests
Botanical name: Betula papyrifera Family name: Betulaceae Grow- med- fast Size: large form: oval- round ID: -white bark, exfoliates -toothed leaves culture: - full- partial sun, wet acidic soil Habitat: edges of swamps, lakes and bogs Hort uses: - yellow fall colour -parks, estates and large areas Pests: bronze birch borer, birch leaf miner- more prone if in dry soil
Blue beech Botanical name Family name size grow form id natural habitat culture hort uses pests
Botanical name: Carpinus caroliniana Family name: Betulaceae Grow: slow Size: small form: wide, spreading ID: small tree, dense wood -smooth bark, grey stripped -seeds are in long clusters with leaflettes on it Natural habitat: river edge, floodlands , acidic soils climax forests culture: sun or part shade , hardy Hort uses: rarely in cultivated, climax forests -fall colour- red/ orange Pests:leaf spots, canker and twig blight
Western catalpa Botanical name Family name size grow Form id natural habitat culture hort uses pests
Botanical name: Catalpa speciosa Family: Bignoniaceae Grow: fast Size: large form: tall, iregg, open to narrow crown Natural habitat: // Culture: deep fertile, moist soil with alkaline pH -sun to part shade -deer and draught tolerant ID: -broad leaf, fuzzy on back -flowers june- large white flower with yellow and purple, fragrant -long beans in fall -messy tree Hort uses: good in open spaces, large estates -yellow fall colour Pests: leaf spots, powdery mildew, veticullium wilt, twig blight
Common Hackberry Botanical name Family name size grow form id natural habitat culture hort uses pests
Botanical name: Celtis occidentalis
Family: Ulmaceae
Size: large
form: fine branch habit, board top ascending branches
ID: - base leaf irregular
-alt leaves on branch
-textured bark, cork like
-fruit small purple
Natural habitat: rich bottomlands, open fields, roadsides
Culture: hardy, well adapted to high pH
-urban tolerant
Hort uses: plains and prairies, parks and big areas, mass plantings
Pests: prone to but not affected ; witches broom, leaf spots, powdery mildew, leaf galls
Cercis canadensis
Eastern Redbud
Eastern redbud
Cercis canadensis
Fagus grandifolia
American Beech
American beech
Fagus grandifolia
Fraxinus quadrangulata
Blue ash
Blue ash
Fraxinus quadrangulata
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis ‘Sunburst
Thornless honeylocust
Thornless honeylocust
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis ‘Sunburst’
Gymnocladus dioicus
Kentucky coffee tree
kentucky coffee tree
Gymnocladus dioicus
Juglans nigra
black walnut
black walnut
Juglans nigra
Liriodendron tulipifera
Tulip tree
Tulip tree
Liriodendron tulipifera
black walnut bot name family size growth form culture nat hab hort use pests
Juglans nigra Common: Black walnut Family: Juglandaceae Size: large Growth: slow form: round crown id: -pinnately compound opposite leaf -roung textured hard fruit Culture: sandy soil Nat Hab: flood plains Hort uses: not much, good carpentry -exude toxins from roots- not much can grow around -yellow fall colour -not around patios fruit stains -strong winter silhouette Pests: non serious
Tulip tree bot name family size growth culture id form hort use pests
Liriodendron tulipifera Family: Magnoliaceae ID: big seed pod terminals -unique leaf** form: tall and narrow Nat hab: Size: large Growth: fast Culture: grows readily, not fussy Hort uses: large masses, flowers seen at distance -yellow flower colour -brittle branches Pests: non serious, aphids
Eastern Redbud bot name family size growth culture id form hort use pests
Cercis canadensis
Family: Fabaceae
Grow: fast
Size: small tree/ large shrub
Form: flat broad spreading crown
ID: -soft pale pink- purple flowers appear on trunk, all way down branches
-leaves heart shaped
-yellow fall colour
Culture: full sun- part sun, moist well drained soil
Hort uses: residential, specimen, shrub border , specimen, shade gardens, mass plantings
-yellow fall colour
Pests:canker, leaf spots, veticullium wilt ect
American beech bot name family size growth id culture nat hab hort use pests
Botanical name: Fagus grandifolia form: dense, upright oval Family: Fagaceae Grow: slow Size: large ID: -golden brown fall colour -smooth grey trunk carvings on -buds are thin and long- id in winter -holds onto leaves in winter Natural habitat: climax forest , ravines, slopes and valleys Culture: full sun part shade, moist well drained soils , WONT withstand wet Hort uses: large areas, parks gold courses -not urban tolerant but deer and black walnut tolerant -golden bronze fall colour -edible beechnut -lumber tree Pests: beech scale
Blue ash bot name family size growth form culture nat hab id hort use pests
Botanical name: Fraxinus quadrangulata Common name: Blue ash Family name: Oleaceae Size: medium Grow: slow form: irreg crown Natural habitat: dry, limestone, upland soil, river edges on fine sand and silt soil ID: -square stem, ridged -terminal buds large fuzzy -compound leaf -purple flowers- fragrant Culture: easy to grow in well drained soil with room Hort uses: collector or naturalization Pests: emerald ash bourer major problem, not allowed to plant in London
Thornless honeylocust bot name family size growth form culture nat hab id hort use pests
Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis ‘Sunburst’
Family: Fabaceae
Size: large
Growth: medium
form: pyramidal
ID: - no thorns
-pinnately compound opposite leaf with round elongated leaflettes
Nat Habit: moist bottomlands
Culture: full sun, alluvial soil , drought and urban tolerant but NOT heat tolerant
Hort uses:- parking lots, driveways/ roads
-beware winter damage
-yellow fall colour
-maintenance free ( leaves blow away), but prone to winter damage
Pests: plant bugs, leaf hoppers
Kentucky coffee tree bot name family size growth form culture nat hab id hort use pests
Gymnocladus dioicus Family: Fabaceae Size: large Growth: slow- medium form: round crown ID: - double compound leaf ** only one -seed looks like banana Culture: -heat, cold, drought, sale, alkaline tolerant Nat Hab: bottom lands, deep ravines, moist slopes Hort uses: broad canopy , grass can grow under -large areas, gold courses, parks -urban tolerant Pests: none serious
Nyssa sylvatica
Black Gum
family Nyssaceae
Black Gum
Nyssa sylvatica
Eastern Cottonwood
Populus deltoides
Populus deltoides
Eastern Cottonwood
Quercus alba
White oak
White oak
Quercus alba
Quercus bicolour
Swamp White Oak
Swamp white oak
Quercus bicolour
Black Gum Botanical Family: Size growth form ID culture nat hab Hort use pests
Common: Black gum
Nyssa sylvatica
Family: Nyssaceae Growth: slow Size: medium Form: broadly pyramidal Nat hab: dry mtn ridges, swamps sheltered from wind, not pollutant tolerant Culture: slightly moist acidic soil -sheltered, moist well drained soil -full sun to semi shade ID: -horiz branching -dark purple flowers Hort use: -yellow- orange fall colour -specimen, street tree Pests: cankers, leaf spots, rust, leaf miner and scale largely problem free
Eastern Cottonwood Family Size growth form ID culture nat hab Hort use pests
Populus deltoides Family: Salicaceae Growth: fast Size: large Form: Broadly pyramidal ID:- white fluffy seeds -long deltoid shaped leaves with long petiole Culture: hardy, will grow anywhere but prefers moist waterways -salt and pollution tolerable Nat hab: water ways Hort use: little except in hard to grow areas Pests: canker and leaf problems
White oak Family Size growth form ID culture nat hab Hort use pests
Quercus alba Family: Fagaceae Growth: slow- medium Size: large ID: shallow lobed leaves -shiny green top, white underside -long egg-like acorn Culture: deep, well drained acidic soil Nat hab: climax forest , slopes ravines Hort use: not residential- large and many blemishes on leaves -better in natural landscape Pests: lots, leaf spots, scorch, anthracanose , tent caterpillar, gypsy moth
Swamp White Oak Family Size growth form ID culture nat hab Hort use pests
Quercus bicolour Family: Fagaceae Growth: slow Size: large ID: - leaves symmetrical and round -silver on back, green on front -hardy, long lived, dense -acorns in pairs -dark brown flaky bark Culture: wet acidic conditions but adaptable to dry -doesn’t tolerate urban conditions Nat hab: swamps Hort use: large areas, parks, not residential needs space Pests: lots; Borer oak slug , tent caterpillar, gypsy moth, cankers, powdery mildew
Mossycop/ Barr oak
Quercus macrocarpa
Quercus macrocarpa
Mossycop/ Barr oak
Mossycop/ Barr oak botanical family size grow form id nat hab culture hort use pests
Quercus macrocarpa Family:Fagaceae Growth: slow Size: large Form: upright oval ID: - leaves randomly lobed -* acorn big cap (macrocarpa) -thick corky bark Culture: dry soil, will tolerate others -most drought resistant of oaks Nat hab: sandy plains moist uplands Hort use: large properties, woodland, ornamental -urban tolerant -yellow- brown fall colour Pests: non serious
Red oak
Quercus rubra
Quercus rubra
Red oak
Red oak botanical family size grow form id nat hab culture hort use pests
Quercus rubra Family: Fagaceae Growth: fast unusual for oak Size: large Form: rounded crown ID: - leaf ends come to sharp point -can hold leaves till spring Culture: any soil but prefers loam well drained acidic soil -full sun Nat hab: climax forest , sandy ridges, lean soil areas Hort use: -thrives in urban env’t -red fall colour -specimen, street or lawn tree Pests: chlorosis in high pH, none serious
Staghorn sumac
Rhus typhina
Rhus typhina
staghorn sumac
Staghorn sumac botanical family size grow form id nat hab culture hort use pests
Rhus typhina Family: Anacardiaceae Growth: fast Size: small tree/ large shrub Form: wide, spreading ID:- fuzzy branches -distinct seed type Culture: prefers well drained, not wet but will grow anywhere (highways) Nat hab: native Hort use: good to avoid soil erosion -roadside, massing in contained areas- reseeds from sukers -fall red colour -can make tea from fruit Pests: none serious
Black locust
Robinia pseudoacacia
Robinia pseudoacacia
Black locust
Black locust botanical family size grow form id nat hab culture hort use pests
Robinia pseudoacacia Family: Fabaceae Growth: fast Size: large Form: upright ID:- white flowers , thorns -compound round leaf -black-red bark -flat black seed pods hold till spring Culture:- anywhere except extremely wet Nat hab: woodlands/ fields Hort use: parks and areas with poor soil -not residential twig litter and weak branches Pests: canker, leaf spot, wood decay, witches broom, locust borer
Sassafras tree
Sassafras albidum
Sassafras albidum
Sassafras tree
Sassafras tree botanical family size grow form id nat hab culture hort use pests
Sassafras albidum
Common: Sassafras tree
Famiy: Lauraceae
Growth: medium
Size: large
Form: grows initially as shrub thicket saplings around parent
ID: - mitten leaves
Culture: can’t grow in London, prefers sandy soil ( vs limestone)
Nat hab: acid, rocky soil
Hort use: collectors tree, large parks, landscape
-yellow fall colour
-used to make root beer
Pests: European gypsy moths, Jap. Horned beetle and sassafras weevil
American Elm
Ulmus americana
Ulmus americana
American Elm
American Elm botanical family size grow form id nat hab culture hort use pests
Ulmus americana Common: American elm Family: Ulmaceae Growth: fast Size: large Form: vase shaped ID: - recognize by form= high branched canopy -ulmaceae leaf= shorter on one side Culture: - full sun - Rich moist soil that’s well drained Nat hab: Hort use: used to be good street tree ( strong wood) , now dies 3-5 years once infected by Dutch elm disease Pests: Dutch elm disease, wet wood, powdery mildew, leaf spot
full sun trees (3)
G. triacanthos
Q. rubra
U. americana
drought tolerant trees (4)
C. speciosa
G. tricanthos
G. dioicus
Q. macrocarpa
pollutant tolerant (6)
C. occidentalis G. tricanthos G. dioicus P. deltoides Q. rubra R. typhina
pollutant intolerant (3)
F. grandifolia
N. sylvatica
Q. bicolour
standing water intolerant (2)
F. grandifolia
R. pseudoacacia
- B. papyrifera
- C. caroliniana
- Q. bicolour
- Q rubra
- S. albidum
alkaline soil/ tolerant (2)
- C. speciosa
- G. dioicus
- C occidentalis
wind intolerant (1)
N. sylvatica
specimen (3)
C. canadensis
N. sylvatica
Q. rubra
large area trees (8)
- B. papyrifera
- C. speciosa
- C. occidentalis
- F. grandifolia
- G. triacanthos
- G. dioicus
- Q. bicolour
- Q. macrocarpa
street trees (3)
Q rubra
R typhina
U americana
collector trees (2)
A triloba
S albidum
natural area trees (6)
- C. caroliniana
- F. quadrangulata
- J. nigra
- Quercus alba
- R. pseudoacacia
- S albidum
deer tolerant (2)
- F grandifolia
2. C speciosa
black walnut tolerant (1)
F grandifolia
heat intolerant (1)
g tricanthos