Treaty Of Versailles Flashcards
When did the kaiser abdicate?
9th November 1918
When was the armistice signed?
11th November 1918
Where did the kaiser abdicate to?
Holland and the New Democratic German government feared a communist revolution as there was extreme hardship in Germany
What was the hardship in Germany a result of?
The Royal Navy’s blockade of German ports which had led to appalling food shortages and malnutrition in Germany
What did Woodrow Wilson want to base the TOV on?
His 14 points for peace and most importantly self-determination
When was the TOV signed?
28th June 1919
Who were the big three?
David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson
What was the idea behind the TOV?
To prevent future wars
What is Clemenceau’s nickname?
The tiger
What did Clemenceau want?
To punish Germany and wanted revenge on Germany for the suffering caused to the French people. He wanted Germany to remain forever weak in order to prevent further invasion
Where did most of the fighting take place?
North East France
How did Clemenceau want to punish Germany?
By taking away German territory, weakening German industry, and reducing Germany’s armed forces
When was the Franco-Prussian war?
What was Woodrow Wilson able to do?
Take a detached view as the USA had not entered the war until 1917
What did Woodrow Wilson want?
A just (fair) and lasting peace, to prevent Germany becoming aggressive again, didn’t want Germany to pay heavy compensation
What did David promise the British people?
To “squeeze the German lemon until the pips squeak”
What did the British public want?
To “hang the kaiser and make Germany pay”
David saw Germany as a valuable trading partner so wanted?
To prevent Germany becoming weak that a revival of trade and industry was hindered, prevent Germany turning to communism, avoid Germany being humiliated, end German threat and to make Germany a non-aggressive country without colonies
Did any of the big three get what they wanted?
No, none of the big three got what they wanted
What was the TOV?
It was a compromise peace
What were the military restrictions?
Army - 100,000 men, no conscription, no military aircraft, tanks, submarines or heavy artillery, no troops in the Rhineland, 6 battleships and 10,000 sailors
What were the territorial changes?
Colonies were given to victorious countries as mandates, 10% of German land given away, 12.5% population, 16% industrial production, Alsace-Lorraine returned to F, Northern Schleswig to Denmark, Eupen & Malmedy to Belgium, land to Poland and Czech
What were the economic terms?
Article 231 - accept war guilt - now pay reparations, £6.6 billion over 42 years, Saar went to F for 15 years, upper Silesia went to P, 1923 refused to pay reparations and France and Belgium invaded the Ruhr
How did Germany feel?
Humiliated, restrictions took away their pride, German representatives were not present during the negotiations, told to sign the TOV or be invaded
Was the treaty fair?
1871 - G had to pay 5 billion French Francs to F and took Alsace-Lorraine, 1917 - G took land from Russia under the harsh terms of the Brest-litovsk