Treatments: CBT Flashcards
Define Anger Management
Form of CBT in which violent offenders are encouraged to recognise what triggers their anger and taught techniques to regulate it.
Novaco suggests that some offenders are more likely to see situations as threatening and stressful causing them to be violent.
Cognitive Preparation
Work with a trained therapist and reflect on situations that triggered past anger and how they could have reacted differently.
Skill Acquisition
Offenders taught behavioural techniques to help cope with anger provoking situations. For example counting to 10. Becomes automatic if practised regularly.
CALM used in prisons
Two 24 hour sessions aiming to reduce frequency, intensity and duration of anger; specifically targeted to benefit male offenders.
Initial focus is on social skills and develops group skills.
Application and Practice
Therapist devises situations where the offender is able to demonstrate the skills taught.
By reconstructing events when they lost control in the past.
AM addresses diff aspects of offending behaviour.
The therapy is an interdisciplinary approach that works on a number of diff levels and acknowledges that offending is a complex psychological activity that requires an eclectic approach to treatment.
AM has undesirable effects with particular offenders.
After the Murder of John Monckton, his murderer had 24 AM sessions and used that in court to convince parole he should be released from prison.