Treatments And Diseases Flashcards
Sudden, severe; having a short course
Benign / be-NINE
Not recurrent or malignant,
Favorable for recovery,
Describing a tumor that does not spread (metastasize) to other tissues,
Carcinoma / kar-sih-NO-mah
A malignant neoplasm composed of epithelial cells (from Greek root carcino, meaning “crab”) (adjective: carcinomatous)
Chronic / KRON-ik
Of long duration, progressing slowly
Cyst / sist
An abnormal filled sac or pouch:
Used as a root meaning a normal bladder or sac, such as the urinary bladder or gallbladder (root:cyst/o)
Edeme / eh-DE-mah
Accumulation of fluid in the tissues, swelling; adjective: edematous (eh-DE-mah-tus)
Etiology / e-te-OL-o-je
The cause of a disease
Gram stain
A laboratory staining procedure that divides bacteria into two groups: gram positive, ehich stains purple, and gram negative, which stains red
Hernia / HER-ne-ah
Protrusion of an organ through an abnormal opening; commonly called a rupture
Immunity / ih-MU-nih-te
All our defenses against infectious disease
Inflammation / in-flah-MA-shun
A localized response to tissue injury characterized by heat,pain, redness, and swelling
Lesion / LE-zhun
A distinct area of damages tissue, an injury or wound
Malignant / mah-LIG-nant
Growing worse,
tending to cause death,
describing an invasive tumor that can spread(metastasize) to other tissues
Metastasis / meh-TAS-tah-sis
Spread from one part of the body to another,
Characteristic of cancer:
verb is metastasize (meh-TAS-tah-size)
Adjective: metastatic(met-ah-STAT-ik); from Greek met/a ( beyond, change) + stasis (stand)
Microorganism / mi-kro-OR-gan-izm
An organism too small to be seen without the aid of a microscope