Treatments Flashcards
Semantic/Phonological Cueing Hierarchy
PWA who has word finding/retrieval errors.
Employs a hierarchy of cueing. Want the least amount of cueing but you move through the hierarchy until they are able to achieve word production and then try to elicit the response at the lower levels of cueing.
Constraint-Induced Language Treatment
Constraint-Induced Language Treatment CILT
People with nonfluent chronic aphasia
Forced and Massed practice
Shaping of the behavior
Use it or lose it
Conversational Scripting
Individuals who have “multiple levels of aphasia severity”
Basically, the patients read a script over and over until it is memorized completely so they can be used in conversation outside the therapy room.
Melodic Intonation Therapy
Melodic Intonation Therapy
Those with unilateral left hemisphere stroke, nonfluent, speech, and have poor repetition with moderately preserved auditory comprehension.
Makes use of the right hemisphere in utilizing prosodic processing skills to understand words and use expressive language.
Oral Reading for Language in Aphasia
Oral Reading for Language in Aphasia
Individuals with fluent and nonfluent aphasia (severity varies)
SLP starts out reading and pointing to words simultaneously and then eventually the patient reads the stim word with the SLP only aiding as needed. (conversion of graphemes to phonemes)
Promoting Aphasic Communication Effectiveness
Promoting Aphasic Communication Effectiveness
Individuals with global aphasia with poor writing and speaking
patient and SLP alternate in communicating messages, they use pictures, or they can use whatever method of communication they need to get the message across
Response Elaboration Treatment
Response Elaboration Treatment
PWA who has anomia
Uses scaffolding. Build the conversation. Similar to script- elaborate on hat they give to you
Schuell’s Stimulation Approach
PWA who is anomic
Uses the auditory modality to aid in the reacquisition of language in other modalities.-repetitive drill work
Sentence Production Program for Aphasia
Sentence Production Program for Aphasia SPPA
PWA with poor grammar
Show a picture with the sentence below and they fill in the blank. Increases use of proper grammar at the sentence level.
upported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia
All types and severities of aphasia
Communication partner used as an “assistive device”
Treatment for Aphasic Perseveration
eatment for Aphasic Perseveration TAP
Fluent aphasia - perseveration
The purpose of the program is to decrease verbal perseverations
Voluntary Control of Involuntary Utterances
Voluntary Control of Involuntary Utterances VCIU
Those with unilateral left hemisphere stroke-subcortical. Speech output is limited, good reading comprehension for single words.
Shifts patients from automatic, nonpropositional speech to speech acts that are more voluntary and/or propositional.
Back to the Drawing Board
Back to the Drawing Board
PWA who can draw and didnt do well with other therapy types
Helps them develop drawing as a means of communication
Visual Action Therapy
Visual Action Therapy
globally aphasic – cannot write or speak but can gesture,
used to increase the use of gestural communication for those who are unable to speak effectively
Treatment of Wernicke’s Aphasia
Treatment of Wernicke’s Aphasia
fluent aphasia
This method is used to improve auditory comprehension by reauditorization- words that are repeated correctly may be understood
Anagram, Copy and Recall Treatment
Copy and Recall Treatment
Copy and Recall Treatment / Anagram, Copy and Recall Treatment (CART or ACRT
aphasia who experience severely impaired writing
Improves the connection between the meaning of the word and the written representation and provides PWA with a set of words that allows them to communicate basic needs