Right Hemisphere Treatment Flashcards
Treatment of Right-Hemisphere Damage is..
Relatively new in the field
The are few ___ to date.
Treatment Efficacy studies
Disagreement about treatment targets
~task-oriented- treating specific skills
~Process-oriented- theory-driven, address cause not symptoms
Major Treatment Targets
~Denial and indifference issues ~Impaired attention ~Visual neglect ~Impulsive behavior ~Pragmatic language skills ~Impaired recognition of absurdities ~Impaired comprehension of metaphors and proverbs ~Prosody ~Pragmatics ~Affective language/emotional expression ~Discourse aspects: ~Macrostructure ~Agnosias: impaired facial recognition
Treatment of Attention Deficits
~Simple Reaction Time Tasks ~Complex Reaction time Tasks ~Serial tasks ~Visual matching Tasks ~Stroop-type tasks ~Cancellation tasks ~Alternating responses during cancellation or serial tasks ~Dual tasks
Simple Reaction Time Tasks test what?
Arousal and sustained attention
Complex Reaction time Tasks test what?
Arousal, vigilance
Serial tasks test what?
Selective attention, vigilance
Visual matching Tasks test what?
Selective attention
Stroop-type tasks test what?
Vigilance, selective attention
Cancellation tasks test what?
Selective attention
Alternating responses during cancellation or serial tasks test what?
Selective attention, flexibility, vigilance
Dual tasks test what?
Sustained attention, flexibility
Visual Neglect
~Verbal reminders to look left
~Visual and tactile cues-
~Restructuring the environment
~Reducing Neglect in Reading
Reducing Neglect in Reading
~Improved attention skills ~Tracking moving objects on a computer-scanning ~Meaningful stimuli ~Contiguous stimuli ~Interactive stimuli
Treatment of Visual Neglect
~verbal reminders ~salient visual and tactile cues used ~restructure environment ~tasks to encourage leftward search ~Use of contiguous stimuli
Treatment of Affective Deficits
~Comprehension of nonverbal emotional expression- scene discussion ~Production of nonverbal affective expression: - not responsive to Speech Tx. May need counseling. Could use discourse treatment
Treatment of Prosodic Deficits
Comprehension: Production Tasks: Produce emotional prosody in sentences Produce emphatic stress in words Produce emphatic stress in sentences
Comprehension (from treatment of prosodic deficits)
~ID emotional prosody in sentences
~ID emphatic stress
~ID sentence stress
~Discriminate sentence types
Treatment of Discourse Deficits
Inference Generation Tasks Guided inference generation Individual inferences Picture/story interpretation Picture titles/ story headlines Story continuations
Semantic Treatment
-Alternative meanings: ~Activation tasks- stimulate activation of alternate meanings --Homographs, word associations --Resolving ambiguities, inference revision ~Suppression Tasks-Improve awareness and conscious control or suppression of inappropriate alternate meanings --Homographs, semantic relations --Sentence interpretation
Treatment of Pragmatic Deficits
-No known treatment to address affective components
-Conversational Conventions:
~Increased conversational
~Decreased conversational
~Theory of Mind tasks
~Management of reduced
sensitivity to listener needs
Some consider _____ the most difficult aspect to treat!
denial and indifference
If in denial..
less motivated to work
Denial and Indifference
~May require delaying treatment until reduction of denial. ~Increase awareness of the problems ~Give immediate, systematic, and response-contingent corrective feedback ~Videotaping/audio taping ~Positive reinforcement of appropriate behaviors should accompany corrective feedback. ~Encourage self-correction- have the client chart or count errors ~Work closely with family or caregivers to give corrective feedback.
denial and indifference-
what kind of feedback?
Give immediate, systematic, and response-contingent corrective feedback
denial and indifference
encourage what?
self correction
Treatment of Impaired Facial Recognition
Very little information available on tx
Focus on part to whole association
Other ideas???