Treatment: Skill Acquisition Flashcards
Discrete Trial
A discrete trial is a single cycle of instruction that may be repeated several times until a skill is mastered. A discrete trial consists of 5 main parts:
- An initial instruction - ex “Touch your nose”
- A prompt or cue given by the teacher to help the child respond correctly - ex. Teacher points to child’s nose
- A response given by the child - ex. Child touches their nose
- An appropriate consequence, such as correct responses receiving a reward designed to motivate the child to respond correctly again in the future - ex. “Nice job touching your nose,” teacher gives child a sticker
- A pause between consecutive trials - waiting 1-5 seconds before beginning the next trial
Discrimination Training
The idea behind discrimination trying is to teach clients a skill that can be applied across any kind of target and in any kind of environment. A client who learns to discriminate can then discriminate between objects, pictures, receptive labels, and other things.
Discrete Trial Training
Discrete trial teaching is an education strategy based on the principles of applied behavior analysis. Discrete trial teaching involves breaking skills down into small components and teaching those small sub-skills individually. Repeated practice of skills is conducted, and teachers may incorporate prompting procedures as necessary. Correct responses are followed by reinforcement procedures to facilitate the learning process.
Natural Environment Training
Natural Environment Training (NET) are instructions that are both driven by the individual’s motivation and carried out in the environments that closely resemble natural environments, while being highly instructed with regard to the individual’s access to reinforcement
Fluency-based Training
Proponents of fluency training argue that one should teach to a predetermined “optimal” rate of accurate responses (the fluency aim) rather than teaching only to an accuracy criterion (e.g., percentage correct) to produce better learning outcomes.
Generalization is the ability for a student to perform a skill under different conditions (stimulus generalization), the ability to apply a skill in a different way (response generalization), and also to continue to exhibit that skill over time (maintenance).
Maintenance refers to the continued performance of a skill over time once all teaching has ceased (including prompting, specific skill reinforcement, and other applied behavior analysis (ABA) strategies). For example, when a student is learning to read the word “there,” it is still being taught.
Caregiver Training
ABA parent training is an important piece of any treatment plan when working with children and adolescents. As caregivers, parents are responsible for helping their child learn and develop by guiding them and teaching them skills and behaviors that will help them in everyday life.
Premack Principle
Basically, the Premack principle states that engaging in more probable behaviors or activities. It is a reinforcement principle, meaning it can be used to teach adaptive behaviors by offering fun behaviors as a reward
Preference Assessment
A preference assessment is a tool used to guide practitioners in providing reinforcement to a client to increase the future probability of a behavior. Plainly, a preference assessment tells us what will motivate at a specific point in time
The term ‘prompting’ refers to providing assistance or cues to encourage the use of a specific skill
Errorless Learning
Errorless learning involves early and immediate prompting of the target, so that student response is sure to be correct. These immediate prompts guarantee success. Once the student is familiar with the target behavior, prompting is systematically faded until the student is able to respond correctly on his/her own
Most-to-least Prompting
Most-to-least prompting involves teaching a skill by starting with the most intrusive prompt to ensure the learners contacts the correct response and reinforcement, while also reducing errors. The intrusiveness of the prompts are then systematically, faded across trials if the learner is demonstrating success
Least-to-most Prompting
The least-to-most prompting procedure uses an array of prompts sequenced together for assisting a student to learn a new skill. When the teacher provides instruction, he or she sequences the prompts starting with the least intrusive then moving to the next intrusive
Prompt Fading
Prompt fading is the process of systematically reducing and removing prompts that have been paired with an instruction, allowing the student to independently respond correctly
Time Delay Chaining
When utilizing a time delay, start with a zero second (i.e. no) time delay - so it will basically be like errorless teaching. For the first few trials, give the prompt right away so the student knows how to respond. Then after several trials, increase the time delay. For example, you may start with two seconds.
Chaining is an instructional strategy, grounded in applied behavior analysis (ABA) theory. Chaining is based on task analysis, in which individual steps are recognized are requirements for task mastery. Chaining breaks a task down into small steps and then teaches each step within the sequence by itself
Shaping is the use of reinforcement of successive approximations of a desired behavior. Specifically, when using a shaping technique, each approximate desired behavior that is demonstrated is reinforced, while behaviors that are not approximations of the desired behavior are not reinforced
Pacing has been identified as a key variable in discrete trial training that may enhance skill acquisition. Instructional pacing is the rate at which each individual presentation of the instructional target occurs.
Alternative and Augmentative Communication
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) includes all forms of communication, other than oral speech, used for expression or the communication of wants and needs. There are two types of AAC systems - aided and unaided. Unaided communication systems include using a person’s body to communicate, such as gestures, sign language, or body language. Aided systems include the sue of specialized equipment, in addition to the person’s body, to communicate. Examples of aided systems include picture exchange communication system (PECS), electronics that produce voice output, communication boards, and/or communication books
Functional approaches to teaching language skills
Functional communication training may not necessarily mean learning words; instead, it means teaching a child with ASD to communicate in any type of suitable way. Just some of the interventions used in FTC include gestures, sign language, or the use of pictures or icons, such as picture exchange communication system (PECS).
Mand Training
Early mand training is a form of behavioral training that uses prompting and reinforcement of requests to get preferred items or activities. A “mand” is a functional unit of language as defined by B.F. Skinner and is controlled by student motivation to use words (or sign/pictures) to access the item, activity or information. This is the first step in teaching language as it is based upon student motivation and results in a student being reinforced specifically with what he/she has requested. it should be noted that for children who cannot imitate speech sounds or words, a different response form such as sign language may be required
Tact Training
The tact is a form of verbal behavior where the speaker sees, hears, smells, tastes something and then comments about it. The tact is often associated with expressive labels
Training Echoic Behavior
The echoic is a form of verbal behavior where the speaker repeats the same sound or word that was said by another person. like an echo. Infants and children absorb vast amounts of information through the imitation of others
Training Inter-verbal Behavior
The inter-verbal is a form of verbal behavior where the speaker responds to another’s verbal behavior (e.g. like in a conversation). Inter-verbal behavior is the most complex verbal behavior to teach
Teaching Joint Attention
The most important piece in joint attention is the eye contact that is made when the child is looking back and forth between the item and the person near them. Eye contact is often accompanied by gestures, points, or when the child physically walks (or runs) up to the other person to show them the item, which may also be accompanied by a comment. Joint attention is usually followed in a sequential order:
- eye contact between child and another person
- the child bringing and showing the other person the item
- child responding to another person’t point
- child initiation pointing to an item
Teaching Play Skills
A successful way to teach play skills to children with autism is to initially teach the specific play skill in a very structured manner.
* Break the play skill into small, discrete steps and teach one step at time. As the child demonstrates success in learning one step, add the next step. (After the child can add eyes to Mr. Potato Head, then add ears, then arms, etc.)
* Use modeling to teach a skill (e.g. the adult builds a tower of Legos as the child watches, then the child builds his own tower)
* Always provide reinforcement (behavior specific praise “Nice job putting the piece in the puzzle,” immediately following the child’s demonstration of the skill). As the child exhibits improved accuracy of the skill, reinforce successive approximations
* The child should have plenty of opportunities to rehearse the skill in a structured setting.
* In the structured setting, have the learning opportunities be short and sweet, so the task does not become aversive to the child
* Fade the adult prompting and presence out gradually, so the child can gain more independence. Systematically fade the reinforcement so that it is provided after longer durations.
Four types of play:
* Solitary play: playing alone with toys, uninterested, or unaware of others playing
* Parallel play: playing alone but next to a peer or with the same toys
* Associated play: playing with the same materials but not working towards a common goal
* Cooperative play: when the child is interested in both the individuals and the activity that they are playing
Teaching Motor Skills
- Fine motor activities involve manual dexterity and often require coordinating movements of the hands and fingers with the eye, which is known as hand-eye-coordination
- Gross motor skills are movements that involve large muscle groups and are generally more broad and energetic than fine motor movements. These movements include walking, kicking, jumping, and climbing stairs
Teaching Adaptive and Safety Skills
- Navigating and using community resources appropriately and independently
- Exiting a car and crossing a parking lot or busy street safely
- Responding appropriately in emergency situations such as fire or earthquake
- Addressing potential household hazards such as responding safely to cleaning chemicals, using appliance appropriately or answering the doorbell when it rings
- Identifying a need to dial 911
- Using basic first aid procedures
- Interacting appropriately with pets and other animals
- Using the internet safely
- Magnifying teasing and bullying
Teaching Social Skills
- Social narratives/social stories: Behavior analysts create personalized, written stories (often with accompanying pictures) that help individuals better understand how to properly behave in certain situations. The story includes specific details regarding their social deficit and includes their thoughts and other people’s thoughts are key elements of the story. It allows the behavior analyst to implement “what ifs’” into the story to allow individuals to understand how choosing alternative behaviors benefit them in social situations
- Comic Strip Conversations: Behavior therapists may create social stories in a comic strip format, using “though bubbles” to represent what others may be feeling during a social interaction. Because individuals lacking social skills also have difficulty being empathetic, this social skills training technique can be very helpful
- Hidden Curriculum: Hidden curriculum deals with teaching individuals about unspoken social rules or cues. Hidden curriculum outlines the dos and don’ts of navigating in certain social situations
- Social Scripts: Social scripts allow individuals to engage in role playing. Through written scripts, they can act out common social situations with the behavior therapist or other adult.
Interpreting social cues, understanding people’s intentions, and processing when and how to respond and interact with others in social situations are not innate abilities among individuals with autism, who are often said to be ‘socially blind.’
Teaching Cognition Skills
Cognitive skills are often divided into nine different categories. Each of these cognitive skills reflects a different method that your brain uses to effectively interpret and use information.
- Sustained attention helps you focus on a single task for a long period of time. This is the basic ability to look at, listen to and think about classroom tasks over a period of time. Without attention, new learning simply does not happen, and issues of understanding and memory are of no relevance
- Selective attention allows you to focus your attention on a single task even when there are distractions around you. Having a conversation with someone in a crowded, public space. One chooses to focus on what the friend is saying rather than every single noise present in the background
- Divided attention sometimes you need to have your attention in multiple places, and divided attention helps you retain information while successfully completing two or more tasks at the same time. Split attention prevents autism children from being able to focus attention on learning, and tasks
- Long-term memory allows you to recall information from the past. Children with autism have a hard time remembering anything verbal
- Working memory also known as short-term memory, working memory helps you retain information while you are using it. Children with autism show good associative learning ability, verbal working memory and recognition memory
- Logic and reasoning skills help you solve problems and generate ideas. Help children with autism playing sorting games
- Auditory processing your brain uses auditory processing to make sense of information that comes in through your ears by blending, analyzing and segmenting sounds for immediate or future use. Children with autism sometimes feel over whelmed by noisy environments or frequently covering one’s ears even when no abrasive noise is present
- Visual processing helps you effectively interpret images. Often the spatial visual process becomes affected causing the child to isolate on details and perseverate visual attention on repetitive visual behaviors
- Processing speed is a cognitive skill that helps you quickly and accurately perform tasks. Children with autism have a deficit in processing sound
Teaching Executive Function Skills
ABA therapy increases executive functioning skills for children with autism by developing individualized treatment procedures that focus on teaching and improving several life skills. These include: * Organizing * Planning * Working memory * Paying attention * Initiation * Flexibility Because executive functioning encompasses everything an individual may do to manage day to day tasks and behavior, it is extremely important to teach these skills to children with autism
Teaching Academic Skills
- Avoid sensory overload. Students with autism can be distracted by unexpected things in their environment, such as bright lights, smells, and sounds. Reduce the sensory stimuli in the classroom by using calm colors and not putting too much up on the walls. This can help to boost concentration abilities for autistic children
- Use visuals. Visuals serve as quick and clear reminders about items in the classroom, such rules, where things go, and resources
- Use concrete language. Figurative language is often difficult for children with autism to understand. Autistic students tend to interpret language in concrete terms, so they will benefit from clear concrete instruction in the classroom
- Teach social skills directly. Hidden curriculum ideas that develop social skills may be too complex for children with autism to grasp. Teach social skills directly by modeling and discussing appropriate behavior in easy to understand ways
Visual Supports
First - Then Board is a visual display of something a child prefers that will happen after completing a task that is less preferred
Visual schedule is a visual representation of what is going to happen throughout the day or within a task or activity
Curriculum Modification
Low-Distraction Work Areas Printed Schedules of Activities and Events Visual Cues for Common Requests Earplugs Sensory Retreat Spaces Exercise Breaks Classroom Aides