Treatment Models of OMM - Exam V Flashcards
The ________ model recognizes that an assessment of the patient’s health must consider the mental, emotional and spiritual elements.
According to the Behavioral Model, one cannot show emotion without moving a _________
According to the Behavioral Model, patients who are depressed have a heightened sense of ________ which is why the musculoskeletal system is heavily involved in presenting the patient’s __________
- Pain
- Mental status
According to the Behavioral Model, stress can manifest itself as increased ____________ in the tissues
The goal of the Behavioral Model is to utilize OMM to improve the body’s abilities to manage and adapt to ___________
The goal of the Behavioral Model is to improve the biological, social and ________________ components of a patient’s health issues
Example is tobacco addiction –> COPD –> Biomechanic changes in lungs and chest wall –> hypoxia –> patient anxiety and agitation
The goal of the Behavioral Model is to establish ________ balance and improve compensation
The ________ model views the patient from a structural or mechanical perspective.
The goal of the biomechanical model is to keep the body aligned without _____________
Somatic Dysfunctions
The ________________ model recognizes that the body attempts to maintain a balance between energy production, maintenance, and expenditure (homeostasis).
The Metabolic-Energy Model looks at the body’s ability to adapt to internal and external ________________ to maintain and restore health
Environmental Stressors
Example = arthritis –> if patient already has an underlying disease that is burdening the system, this added expenditure of the body may compromise the even more
A goal of the Metabolic-Energy Model is to enhance self-healing, self-____________ mechanisms
A goal of the Metabolic-Energy Model is to remove somatic dysfunctions to allow a decrease in __________________
Energy Expenditure
A goal of the Metabolic-Energy Model is to enlighten the patient to a healthier lifestyle to restore _____________
Energy Reserves
A goal of the Metabolic-Energy Model is to enhance the ________ system, endocrine and organ function by decreasing the burden of ____________ states
- Immune
- Disease
A goal of the Metabolic-Energy Model is to improve cranial and ________ motions and ____________ fluctuations
- Sacral
- Fluid
The ____________ looks at the patient’s concerns in terms of strains/impairments of neurologic function that may be brought about by mechanical stressors, metabolic abnormalities, respiratory/circulatory restrictions, or behavioral constraints.
Neurological Model
A goal of the Neurological Model is to restore _________ and _________ balance
- Chemical
- Autonomic
i.e. - electrolytes, hormones/sympathetic and parasympathetic
A goal of the Neurological Model is to address neural _________ activity AKA ____________
- Reflex
- Viscero-Somatics
A goal of the Neurological Model is to remove ________ segments that may be tethering the normal passage of nerves
A goal of the Neurological Model is to decrease incoming AKA ________ nerve signals and relieve pain
The ____________________ focuses on the homeostasis that must occur within the respiratory and circulatory components of the body to maintain health and respond quickly and competently to eradicate disease.