Treatment Models of OMM - Exam V Flashcards
The ________ model recognizes that an assessment of the patient’s health must consider the mental, emotional and spiritual elements.
According to the Behavioral Model, one cannot show emotion without moving a _________
According to the Behavioral Model, patients who are depressed have a heightened sense of ________ which is why the musculoskeletal system is heavily involved in presenting the patient’s __________
- Pain
- Mental status
According to the Behavioral Model, stress can manifest itself as increased ____________ in the tissues
The goal of the Behavioral Model is to utilize OMM to improve the body’s abilities to manage and adapt to ___________
The goal of the Behavioral Model is to improve the biological, social and ________________ components of a patient’s health issues
Example is tobacco addiction –> COPD –> Biomechanic changes in lungs and chest wall –> hypoxia –> patient anxiety and agitation
The goal of the Behavioral Model is to establish ________ balance and improve compensation
The ________ model views the patient from a structural or mechanical perspective.
The goal of the biomechanical model is to keep the body aligned without _____________
Somatic Dysfunctions
The ________________ model recognizes that the body attempts to maintain a balance between energy production, maintenance, and expenditure (homeostasis).
The Metabolic-Energy Model looks at the body’s ability to adapt to internal and external ________________ to maintain and restore health
Environmental Stressors
Example = arthritis –> if patient already has an underlying disease that is burdening the system, this added expenditure of the body may compromise the even more
A goal of the Metabolic-Energy Model is to enhance self-healing, self-____________ mechanisms
A goal of the Metabolic-Energy Model is to remove somatic dysfunctions to allow a decrease in __________________
Energy Expenditure
A goal of the Metabolic-Energy Model is to enlighten the patient to a healthier lifestyle to restore _____________
Energy Reserves
A goal of the Metabolic-Energy Model is to enhance the ________ system, endocrine and organ function by decreasing the burden of ____________ states
- Immune
- Disease
A goal of the Metabolic-Energy Model is to improve cranial and ________ motions and ____________ fluctuations
- Sacral
- Fluid
The ____________ looks at the patient’s concerns in terms of strains/impairments of neurologic function that may be brought about by mechanical stressors, metabolic abnormalities, respiratory/circulatory restrictions, or behavioral constraints.
Neurological Model
A goal of the Neurological Model is to restore _________ and _________ balance
- Chemical
- Autonomic
i.e. - electrolytes, hormones/sympathetic and parasympathetic
A goal of the Neurological Model is to address neural _________ activity AKA ____________
- Reflex
- Viscero-Somatics
A goal of the Neurological Model is to remove ________ segments that may be tethering the normal passage of nerves
A goal of the Neurological Model is to decrease incoming AKA ________ nerve signals and relieve pain
The ____________________ focuses on the homeostasis that must occur within the respiratory and circulatory components of the body to maintain health and respond quickly and competently to eradicate disease.
Per the Respiratory-Circulatory Model, strains within the
_________ do not allow or to be removed, thus perpetuating an injury or disease
- Tissues
- Nutrition
- Waste
i.e. - pneumonia
The main goal of the Respiratory-Model is optimize ________ so that we can optimize ____________ which will improve our health
- Respiration
- Circulation
According to the Respiratory-Circulatory Model, we can think of circulation as the cell’s connection to the ______________
Outside world
________ is defined as movement to and from or around something, especially that of fluid in a closed system.
The circulatory system is further defined as delivery of substrates through the ________ system and removal of waste products through the venous and _____ systems.
- Arterial
- Lympathic
What 3 pumps control cardiovascular-pulmonary system? All in all, pumps need ________ to work
- Heart
- Diaphgram
- Muscles
The heart is the ________ pump, the diaphragm is the _____________ pump and the muscles are the ________ pump
- Pressure
- Abdomino-thoracic
- Peripheral
Relative to circulation, fluid moves from areas of (high/low), also known as ____ pressure to areas of (high/low), also known as ________ pressure
- High
- Arterial
- Low
- Venous
Keeping a pressure gradient is imperative!
Arterial circulation is based on proper functioning/pumping of the ________ because it is delivering ________ to the ________
- Heart
- Blood
- Tissues
Venous and lymphatic circulation returns _____ and waste products from the tissues and is based on the ________________ system working
- Blood
- Respiratory
Relative to circulation, the biomechanics of what three structures must work together to produce negative pressure to draw in oxygen?
- Rib cage
- Diaphragm
- Thoracics
Relative to circulation, the ________ produces pressure/resistance to flow that must be overcome
Arteries have muscles and can contract whereas veins rely on surrounding muscles to produce pressure via contraction to allow flow back to the lungs and heart
Relative to circulation, you cannot push fluids into an area where there is _____________
Venous return occurs through the use of ________ valves, Muscle pumps such as the ________ and 4 diaphragms which are: thoraco-abdominal, Sibson’s fascia (AKA thoracic inlet), Urogenital- ____________ and tentorium cerebelli
- One-way
- Soleus
- Pelvic
these diaphragms are horizontal fascial planes
Lymphatic vessels, empty lymph with ________ waste products into the __________
- Metabolic
- Venous system
24 hour lymph flow = 2-4 liters!
Lymph flow depends on one-way valves, muscle pumps, diaphragms and ________________. This is the same as what system?
- Smooth Muscle
- Venous sytem
The main drain of the body is the _____________
Thoracic inlet
The movement of air or dissolved gases into and out of the lungs is called ________________
Respiration is when oxygen from the air is exchanged for ________ in the ________ and then air is exhaled
- Carbon Dioxide
- Blood
Breathing is dependent on the proper motions of the ________ cage and its musculature
Respiration allows for _______________
Ability for oxygen and CO2 to diffuse properly in alveoli is a huge player in respiration
If we do not have efficient venous and lymphatic return, pressure on the ____________ side builds up and comes close to pressure on arterial side. This leads to not enough ____________ coming into cells
- Venous
- Nutrition –> ILLNESS
The movement of 146 joints, reflex neural activity of respiratory center and fascial planes all encourage a (positive/negative) ____________ pressure and acts as a pump for venous and lymphatic return by milking the IVC and Cysterna __________
- Negative
- Intrathoracic pressure
- Chyli
When we inhale, the lungs expand and allow air flow into the lungs by which venous blood and lymphatic fluid are drawn from the periphery toward the ________________
When our biomechanics are not working properly when we inhale, we see an increase in ____ and ________ diameters of the chest
- AP
- Lateral
The two key diaphragms for the thoracic cage are ________ and ___________
- Thoraco-abdominal
- Sibson’s fascia (inlet)
The thoraco-abdominal diaphragm attaches to the lower _ ribs, process, (left/right) crus into L1 and L2 of lumbar spine and (left/right) crus into L1 and L3 of lumbar spine and is innervated by the ________ nerve C3-___
- 6
- Left
- Right
- Phrenic
- C5
What is considered the most powerful pump in the body, even more than the heart? It is the heart of the respiratory-driven ________/ ________ circulation
- Thoraco-Abdominal Diaphragm
- Venous
- Lymphatic
The model we don’t think about as much when it comes to synchronization of the diaphragms is the ____________ model
think about how anxiety or anger affects your breathing
When arterial and venous/lymphatic systems are out of balance, ________ congestion can develop
Passive congestion and accumulated waste products in the interstitial spaces initiates an ____________ reaction and disease of the ____ develops
- Inflammatory
- Tissues
Hypoxia, somatic dysfunctions and degenerative processes result
The regional body compensations to CCp have local and global effects on the body via the ________________ system
The key translational regions of the body where structural changes lead to functional changes are what four junctions?
- Occipito-Atlantal
- Cervico-Thoracic
- Thoraco-Lumbar
- Lumbo-Sacral
they all have diaphragms!