Innominates I - Exam V Flashcards
The pelvic girdle is composed of what three structures?
- Sacrum
- Coccyx
- Two hip bones - “innominates”
The hip bones AKA “innominates” can be further subdivided into what three structures?
- Ilium
- Ischium
- Pubis
What structures form the pelvis?
The 2 innominates
The ilium contains what 3 parts?
- Iliac crest
The ischium contains what:
Ischial tuberosity
The pubis contains what?
Pubic tubercle
The hip socket is known as the ____________ and is composed of what?
- Acetabulum
- All three bones
The hip joint AKA the ____________ joint is very mobile, making it a true, “____________”
- Femoro-acetabular
- Ball-and-socket joint
What are the two structures crossed out?
- Linea Aspera
- Adductor Tubercle
landmarks of the femur
The 2 main landmarks of the tibia/fibula are the:
- Fibular head
- Pes Anserine - proximal medial surface
The 4 major hip flexors are the:
- Psoas Major
- Psoas Minor
- Iliacus
- Rectus femoris (part of quads)
The 3 ligaments of the hip joint are the ________femoral joints.
- Ilio-
- Ischio-
- Pubo
The ligaments of the hip joint are important because they can be addressed with:
What anatomical structures of the hip joiont contribute to the fibrous portion of the joint capsule?
The ligaments of the hip
Which muscle does mostly knee flexion and is a minor hip flexor muscle, commonly known as the “hacky sack” muscle?
Two minor hip flexor muscles =
1. Sartorius
2. Tensor Fasciae Latae
Which muscle does mostly hip abduction and internal rotation, but is also a minor hip flexor muscle?
Tensor Fasciae Latae
Two minor hip flexor muscles =
1. Sartorius
2. Tensor Fasciae Latae
The major hip extensor is the:
The 4 muscles of the hamstring are the ____________. Their function is in hip ___________
- Biceps femoris - LH
- Biceps femoris - SH
- Semimembranosus
- Semitendinosus
- Extension
The 5 ADductor muscles are the:
remember mneumonic!
- Gracilis
- Adductor Longus
- Adductor Magnus
- Adductor Brevis
- Pectineus
ADductors fill in the “GAAAP”
Remember they bring the leg toward midline - think in the gym!
The general rule for structural exams is when you are assessing tension in a muscle group, that muscle is moved in the (same/opposite) direction of their action?
Think Piriformis muscle - you test it by internal rotation but it’s actual action is external rotation
The 3 ABductors and Internal rotators of the hip are the:
- Gluteus Medius
- Gluteus Minimus
- Tensor Fasciae Latae
Clinical Correlation: A positive ________________ sign is when a patient stands on one leg and the other hip drops. This is due to weakness of the ____________ muscle or the ________________ nerve
- Trendelenburg Sign (Gait)
- Gluteus Medius
- Superior Gluteal Nerve
The 2 external rotators of the hip are the:
- Piriformis
- Gluteus Maximus
Practice Question: Assessing tension of the gracilis muscle would require you to move the thigh in what direction?
remember you move the muscle in the OPPOSITE direction of its usual action
If the ASIS is superior that equates to (anterior/posterior) innominate rotation?
Learning Objective = Innominate motions of sacrum, walking cycle, LPFR
If the ASIS is inferior, that equates to (anterior/posterior) innominate rotation?
Learning Objective = Innominate motions of sacrum, walking cycle, LPFR
When walking, the leg that is in the forward position, the innominate on that side is in (anterior/posterior) rotation?
When walking, the leg that is behind, the innominate on that side is in an (anterior/posterior) rotation?
According to the Lumbo-Pelvic-Femoral Rhythm concept, the innominate follows the _______________
They follow each other!
think when you swing your thigh up when stretching for leg day, the innominate is moving with it
According to the Lumbo-Pelvic-Femoral Rhythm concept, the sacrum and the lumbar spine move in (same/opposite) directions.
According to the Lumbo-Pelvic-Femoral Rhythm concept, you can move the lumbar spine by moving the _____________
Applying the Lumbo-Pelvic-Femoral Rhythm concept, if the thigh is flexed or extended past the innominate rotation, what will flex or extend with it?
The lumbar spine
Applying the Lumbo-Pelvic-Femoral Rhythm concept, ABducting the thigh past the innominate rotation will cause the lumbar spine to ____________
Sidebend to the same side
Inflare of the innominates is when the ASIS is (closer/farther) from midline?
Outflare of the innominates is when the ASIS is (closer/farther) from midline?
Upslip of the innominates is (inferior/superior) translation of the innominate on the sacrum?
Downslip of the innominates is (inferior/superior) translation of the innominate on the sacrum?
What is the correct answer?
Somatic dysfunction of the pubic symphysis: When the pubic tubercle is higher on one side that is called ____________________
Superior pubic shear
Somatic dysfunction of the pubic symphysis: When the pubic tubercle is lower on one side that is called ___________________
Inferior pubic shear
The Standing Flexion Test is positive relative to the side that the PSIS moves _____________
Learning Objective = Diagnosing innominates
The ASIS compression test is positive relative to the side that is (more/less) compressible?
Learning Objective = Diagnosing the innominates
Practice Question: On an exam you find the following:
- StFT positive on the right
- ACT positive on the right
- Superior pubic tubercle on the right
What is the diagnosis of the pubic somatic dysfunction?
Right Superior Pubic Shear
Learning Objective = Diagnosing the innominates
Counterstrain technique is (direct/indirect) and (passive/active)
- Indirect - taking tender muscle where it WANTS to go
- Passive - Patient does not do any work
Muscle Energy technique is (direct/indirect) and (passive/active)
- Direct - taking tender muscle where it DOES NOT want to go
- Active - Patient is participating
Bringing patient to 4 barriers!
Clinical Correlation: Lymphedema is a manifestation of what somatic dysfunction?
Lymphedema is the congestion of ________________ return leading to ____________ of the limb
- Lymphatic
- Swelling
Elevation, compression stockings, low salt diet, OMT, massage, proper hygiene to avoid cellulitis = all treatments
Treating Lymphedema with OMM allows the swelling to decrease by treating the _________________
Innominate bones
The goal of treating lymphedema is decreasing restrictions under the ____________ ligament and improve ________ and ________ return of the lower extremities.
- Inguinal
- Venous
- Lymphatic
What is the correct answer?