What are the 4 main treatment focuses? (aims of intervention)
Restore, Adapt, Maintain or Prevent symptoms
How would you treat 2/5 power shoulder (flexion & abduction) with subluxation causing an inability to use the upper limb in functional tasks?
How would you treat 3/5 power hip & knee (extension) causing difficulty with standing and transfers?
How would you treat altered coordination (ataxia) during a heel/shin test causing difficulty with mobility?
How would you treat poor sitting balance - meaning the patient cannot sit independently?
How would you treat a positive Rhomberg (reduced standing balance, needs AO1 to stand safely)?
How would you treat a 3/5 power elbow and wrist (extension) causing difficulty with dressing/washing-up or reaching high for items?
How would you treat 1/5 power hip flexion/extension?
How would you treat poor postural control with kyphotic posture causing pain and reduced balance?
How would you treat poor bed mobility causing difficulties with turning over in bed, and getting in/out of bed?
How would you treat freezing and poor initiation in gait?
How would you treat reduced dynamic balance when walking, causing frequent falls?
How would you treat altered coordination in the finger-to-nose test and rhythmical hand-tapping test causing difficulty with reach to grasp and fine motor coordination?
How would you treat 1/5 power in ankle dorsiflexion causing altered gait patterns?
How would you treat an altered tone in the gastrocnemius causing an altered gait pattern?