Treatment Flashcards
Alkaline Phosphatase (Al-kah-lin FOS-fah-tase)
An enzyme needed in the formation of bone; serum activity of this enzyme is useful in diagnosis
Arthrocentesis (ar-thro-sen-TE-sis)
Aspiration of fluid from a joint by needle puncture
Arthrodesis (ar-THROD-eh-sis)
Surgical immobilization (fusion) of a joint; artificial ankylosis
Arthroplasty ( AR-thro-plas-te)
Partial or total replacement of a joint with a prosthesis
Arthroscopy (ar-THROS-ko-pe)
Use of an endoscope to examine the interior of a joint or to perform surgery on the joint; the instrument used is an arthroscope
Diskectomy (dis-KEK-to-me)
Surgical removal of a herniated intervertebral disk; also spelled discectomy
The study and treatment of disorders ot the skeleton. Muscles, and associated structures; literally “straight” (ortho) “child” (ped) also spelled orthopaedics
Reduction of a fracture
Retuen of a fracture bone to a normal position; may be closed (not requiring surgery) or open (requiring surgery)
Traction (TRAK-shun)
The process of drawing or pulling, such as traction of the head in the treatment of injuries to the cervical vertebrae