Traumatic Brain Injury Flashcards
Most common causes of death in childhood
• Low numbers served under IDEA (<50,000)
o Why
• Almost 80 % of causes of TBI is mild
• Most TBI à temporary effects?
• Most TBI leads to only temporary symptoms so its controversial
• Most children perform fine after a year
• Families notice continuous differences
• Over estimate how good their memory was before
• 504 plans
• Only require accommodations at school
• A lot easier for parents to get
• Other IDEA categories
• Not counted under the number of TBI patients
• Filed under something else
TBI under IDEA
• Acquired injury to the brain due to “external physical force”
• Resulting in impairment (educational and other)
o Has to be caused by physical force and has to impact you educationally
Types of TBI
Open (penetrating) head injury
o Focal deficits
• Localized to one particular function because there was one particular part of the brain that was damaged
• Closed head injury (far more common)
o Diffuse deficits
• All over the place, don’t know specific spot that was damaged
• No damage in one particular place
• But impairment throughout the brain
o Axonal shearing (severing of connections)
• There is a tear which causes impairment throughout the brain
Severity of TBI
• Mild (mTBI) (concussion) • Moderate TBI • Severe TBI o Higher the score for the GCS the lower the severity • Severity rating based on o Length of Loss of Consciousness o Length of Posttraumatic Amnesia o Glasgow Coma Scale Score (GCS) • Questions you ask to determine the severity of the TBI
Mechanisms of Damage
• Contusions (“Brain bruises”)
o Brain can hit the skull which can then cause contusions
• Hemorrhage à Hematoma
o Any sort of bleeding which can lead to a accumulation of blood in the brain which is a hematoma
• Puts pressure on the brain areas since the blood is pushing the brain
• Anoxia
o A lack of oxygen to the brain
o If damaged the person will forget to breath
• Increase intracranial pressure
o In closed head injury’s
o Brain can swell which can cause pressure on certain parts of the brain
Consequences of TBI
• Medical/sensory/motor o Headache – most common o Nausea first few days o Over sensitivity to light o Trouble processing • Cognitive/academic o Working memory o Processing speed o Executive function • Social/emotional/behavioral o Personality change o Behavior can be unpredictable from day to day
Educational Strategies
• Highly individualized • Delayed school re-entry • Scheduling of instruction with frequent breaks • Resource room for organization o Helping organize yourself o Often helps them with organization • Decrease need for multitasking o Provide students with notes • Test accommodations o Given extra time or separate room