What are the 4 most important factors affecting prognosis of an avulsed tooth?
- extra alveolar dry time
- storage medium
- stage of root development
- damage/contamination to the root
What are the 3 standards and guideline documents for sedation?
- AoMRC (academy of medical royal colleges) - impact on clinical sedation in dentistry and training
- IACSD (intercollegiate advisory committee for sedation in dentistry) - standards for conscious sedation
What is the definition of conscious sedation?
a technique in which the use of drugs produces a state of depression of consciousness enabling treatment to be carried out, but during which, communication with the patient is maintained
What are the 3 levels of sedation?
- minimal sedation: a drug induced state which patient responds normally to verbal commands
- moderate sedation: a puroseful reponse to verbal commands
- deep sedation: patient cannot be easily aroused, however respond to repeated or painful stimuli
What is ASA I?
a patient without systemic disease, a normal healthy patient
What is ASA II?
a patient with mild systemic disease that does not affect lifestyle
e.g. healthy pregnant patient, healthy phobic patient, stable epilepsy or thyroid issues
What is ASA III?
a patient with severe systemic disease that limits activity but is not incapacitating
e.g. well controlled diabetes, post MI more than 6/12 months ago, well controlled asthma, stable angina
What is ASA IV?
a patient with incapacitating systemic disease that is a constant threat to life
e.g. unstable angina, post MI within 6 months, uncontrolled epilepsy, uncontrolled diabetes
What is ASA V?
a moribund patient not expected to survive 24 hours with or without medical intervention
What are 2 child anxiety scales?
- venham picture scale
- facial image scale