Trauma from occlusion: Peri-implant tissues Flashcards
What is the bone reaction around implants upon functional loading and upon excessive occlusal load?
- Functonal loading: It may enhance osseointegraton (direct bone-implant contact) rather than induce marginal bone loss.
- Excessive occlusal load (supraocclusion): No loss of osseo-integraton or marginal bone.
- Experiments in dogs
- Excessive occlusal load: Loss of osseo-integraton – formaton of fbrous tssue.
- Less dense bone around the failed implants!
- Experiments in monkeys
Does bruxism cause bone changes that affect the survival of dental implants?
Unknown what specifc bone changes may bruxism cause.Inconclusive data!
- “Bruxism is a contributng factor of causing the occurrence of dental implant technical/biological complicatons and plays a role in dental implant failure.”
- “Bruxism may signifcantly increase both the implant failure rate and the rate of mechanical and technical complications of implant-supported restoratons.”
What factors may lead to implant failure in a bruxer patient?
Associatons have been reported between:
Associatons have been reported between:
- Bone quality
- Implant characteristcs (length, surface, etc.)
- Prosthetics
- Systemic diseases and medication and implant failure in bruxer patients.
What is the effect on the bone when orthodontic forces are applied on dental implants?
- Normal orthodontc forces: No bone loss. Appositon of bone, increased bone density.
- There is a threshold above which the orthodontc forces will lead to implant loss.
What is the effect of excessive occlusal load on the bone around a dental implant?
No loss of:
- bone and
- implant stability / integrity
even when under heavy function.
Is there any effect on the bone when a lateral static load is applied on an implant?
No bone loss
Adaptve remodeling (greater bone-implant contact)
- [Some studies showed marginal bone loss under certain conditons in animals]
How does the tooth-implant connection with fixed prosthesis affect the success rate of the construction?
5-year follow-up-
- No adverse efects of splintng teeth to implants.
- A combinaton of implant and tooth support for FDP is acceptable.
10-year follow-up
- Inconclusive