Trauma Flashcards
Musculoskeletal system mass

where is soft tissue found




types of bone marrow


what causes fractures

fracture signs and symptoms

acute vs chronic fractures

hormonal effects on bones

bone cells and their formation

types of cartilage

fractures and bone healing

fracture treatment

fracture healing times

Epiphyseal growth plate

Synovial membrane

fracture treatments for open vs closed healing

traumatic tension pneumothorax


compartment syndrome

complex regional pain syndrome

fat embolism syndrome


Hypoxia causing mitochondrial dysfunction

Calcium cacasde from hypoxia

Hypoxia causing free radicals

Anti oxidants

Burns overview

Skin grafts

Superficial burns

partial thickness

full thickness

fourth degree burn

Rule of 9s

Dos and Don’ts of superficial burns

Hemodyamic instability

Hypervolemic and hypermetabolic state

Burn treatment

Burn inflammatory effects

Hypermetabolic injury response

Electrical burn affects

Inhalation injuries

Extreme temperature