Transportation Flashcards
Federal Highway Act of 1916
Required each state to create a DOT
Federal Highway Act of 1916 & 1921
Gave states the initiative in constructing roads, but gave the federal governement a review-and approve role when federal funds were involved.
Federal Aid Highway Act of 1934
States may use up to 1.5% of a highway project’s federal funds for planning
Federal Highway Act of 1962
Created MPOs
ISTEA- Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
Required MPOs and state DOTs to create an ongoing series of 3 year “Transportation Improvement Programs” )TIPs, as well as a 20 year “long Range Plan”
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA 21)
“Access to Jobs Program”-most important social goal. -54% decrease in funding for new highway construction.
Safe Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)of 2005
Created the Highway Safety Improvement Program designed to keep up w/repair & reconstruction of aging infrastructure.
First Turnpike in US
Lancaster Pike (1793) between Philadelphia & Lancaster.
First subway
Boston -1897
First limited access high speed roadway
Pennsylvania Turnpike -1940
Average vehicle occupancy rate in US
1.4 persons (rate goes down during rush hours)
Includes private/public carpooling and subscription bus/taxi services.
Established in 1971
Traffic Assignment/Trip Assignment
Use network models to predict distribution of traffic for each roadway by the hour.
Typical street standards
“Ideal cross section” 56’ 500’ max tangents. 150’between intersections. Clear site distances of 75’