Transportation Flashcards
What are the roads called during the 18th century transportation development
Turnpike roads
How did highway robbery become a new source of crime
Many roads were through open isolated areas easy to rob people and get away. Horses were also cheap to buy due to industrial and agricultural changes.
How did merchants suffer during highway robbery
They were becoming rich however these travellers lost valuable items as there weren’t such reliable storages of banks at the time.
What was the name for the car division of the police
Flying squad
When we’re motorbikes first used by police?
1930s became more common
When we’re helicopters introduced?
What type of equipment did they carry in 20th century
Daylight and night vision equipment, radio equipment to track suspects
Why was the use of cars initially not taken up?
Because fewer forces could afford police patrol cars before 1930s
Why have developments in transport been important in picking method?
Improving communication Could get to the crime seen Surveillance - helicopters Carrying specialist equipment Different types of vehicle - riot vans Military vehicles, special forces
When was the Transportation Act
1717 allowed convicts to choose transportation to North America instead of whipping and sometimes hanging.
What were Prison Hulks?
Old warships and merchant ships were used to keep prisoners. Known as floating prisons. Conditions were harsh and outbreaks of disease were common.
Reasons for transportation
It was seen as alternative to hanging Believed it would reduce crime in Britain Imprisonment was very costly Prisoners would benefit new life Help colonise areas of the empire
When was the use of transportation
What century was this banishment
18th and 19th century
How many prisoners were sent to Australia
When was the Newport uprising
Name some reasons for the ending of the bloody code
Public executions weren’t working, attracted large unruly crowds
Alternative punishments like transportation
Capital punishment too excessive
Juries not willing to convict for minor offences