Transport Physiology Flashcards
Membrane permeability
- selective passage of hydrophilic solutes across the hydrophobic barrier
- selective and regulated passage of ions and nonelectrolytes across the cell membrane important for homeostasis
- transport proteins may help
Electrochemical potential
- partial moral free energy of the solute or potential to do work when a difference in electrochemical potential exists across the cell membrane
- the potential of a solute on either side of the cell membrane is a function of solute activity, the solute charge and valence and electrical potential difference across the membrane
- for neutral solutes without charge such a non-electrolytes only the chemical potential matters
Solute Electrochemical Potential Gradient
-the electrochemical or chemical potential difference of a solute across the cell membrane may be considered a gradient of driving force acting on solute transport across cell membrane
-Active transport
- movement of solute from low electrochemical potential to high on other side of cell membrane
- ability to generate and maintain an electrochemical or chemical potential difference for ions and nonelectrolytes across the membrane
Passive transport
-movement of solute from a place of high electrochemical potential on one side of cell membrane to a place of lower electrochemical potential on the opposite side
Thermodynamic Equilibrium
- in absence of solute electrochemical potential difference across the membrane, and a driving force for solute transport, transport mechanisms that are passive mediate equal unidirectional solute transport in the forward and reverse direction across the membrane resulting in no net transport
- for anions and cations this happens when the chemical and electrical driving forces acting on solute transport are equal and opposite
Unidirectional and net Solute Transport
-for electrolytes and nonelectrolyes where unidirectional solute transport is equal and opposite across the cell membrane, no net transport occurs and the charged or uncharged solutes are in transmembrane electrochemical equilibrium with respect to the driving forces acting on the transported solutes
Non-equlibrium steady state
- solute is in electrochemical disequilibrium across the cell membrane but unidirectional solute transport is equivalent
- exists for Na across the cell membrane where active transport of Na by the Na/K ATPase maintains a relatively constant, low intracellular Na concentration and an inward Na electrochemical potential gradient is maintained by equivalent unidirectional Na transport into and out of the cell
- difference: in physical or chemical properties of a defined space or place relative to a comparable space or place
- direction: up/against is from low to high, down is from high to low
- driving force: source of potential energy acting on the movement or change in the physical and/or chemical properties of a defined space or place relative to a comparable space or place- high BP (arterial) and low BP (venous) is driving force for blood flow in arterial to venous direction
Passive Transport Mechanisms
- mediate net solute transport across the cell membrane in a direction from higher solute electrochemical potential to lower electrochemical potential or down the solute electrochemical potential gradient
- never can go low to high (up)
Primary/Secondary Active transport
- mediate net solute transport across cell membrane in a direction from lower solute electrochemical potential to higher electrochemical potential or up the solute electrochemical potential gradient
- the source of required energy arises from the hydrolysis of phosphate bonds of of ATP in primary active transport
- arises from a coupling to a second solute, moving down its electrochemical potential gradient in secondary active transport
Primary active transport
- include ion-translocating ATPase or pumps which are directly dependent upon and transduce the energy released from ATP hydrolysis into the potential energy stored in the formation and maintenance of an ion electrochemical potential gradient
- Na/K ATPase, H/K-ATPase, H-ATPase, Ca-ATPase, Mg-ATPase, Organic anion-ATPase and Organic cation-ATPase
Secondary active transport
- symporters and antiporters indirectly dependent upon the energy released from ATP hydrolysis
- transduce the energy stored in one solute electrochemical potential gradient into the formation and maintenance of a second solute electrochemical potential gradient by coupling the transport of two or more different solutes across the membrane in the same symport or opposite gradient antiport
- mediate concentrative, intracellular accumulation of solutes such as glucose, amino acids, vitamins, etc
Non-mediated transport
- simple diffusion, passive
- transfer of solutes across the membrane withour interaction with or mediation by the presence of membrane transport proteins
Mediated transport
-channels, carriers and pumps- distinguished by differences in functional properties and ability to mediate active or passive transport
Channel mediated transport
- passive
- mediates transport of solutes down the gradient
- can be opened or closed depending on the position of a gating mechanism
- the conformation change opening and closing the gating mechanism is channel protein specific and may be induced by ligand binding or changes in voltage across the membrane
Carrier mediated transport
- Faciliated Diffusion (Uniporter- passive, goes down the gradient, carrier proteins associate with solute undergo conformational change and release solute on the other side of membrane
- Cotransport- symporter- active and goes against gradient, source from coupled transporter of two or more solutes across the membrane where one acts of driving forces moving down electrochemical potential gradient and is coupled to active transport of a second solute moving against its electrochemical potential gradient
- Countertransport- antiport- active and does against gradient, the transport of the driving and driven solute are in opposite direction across the membrane
Pump mediated transport
- active, against gradient
- arises directly from ATP hydrolysis and the effective pump mediated transduction of the energy released upon ATP hydrolysis into the energy stored in formation of a solute electrochemical potential difference across the cell membrane
Ion-Translocating ATPase
- primary active transport is mediated by ATPases
- transduce energy of ATP hydrolysis into the energy sotred in the formation of transmembrane ion gradients
- Na/K ATPase-Na out, K into the cell
- Na concentration gradient inward driving force for secondary active transport of essential organic and inorganic metabolites
- K outward gradient maintained by Na/K ATPase generates inside negative voltage difference across the cell membrane
- 1 molecule of ATP hydrolyzes, 3 Na are extruded and 2K are accumulated into cell
- steady state- leak of of Na into the cell and K out of the cell with active transport of Na and K across the cell membrane
Carrier Mediated Secondary Active Transport
- up or against the electrochemical potential gradient
- can be primary or secondary energy source
- carrier mediated secondary transport may couple transport of driving and driven solute in the same or opposite direction
Kinetics of Diffusion
-Simple Diffusion- linear, does not show saturability
-Carrier-Mediated- at low solute concentrates the rate of solute transport increases linearly with solute concentration, and as solute concentration increases further, the rate of solute transport increases less and less as it approaches a maximum value at high solute concentrations
-Km-substrate affinity
Vmax- quantitation of maximal transport
-maximal velocity is only as fast as the rate limiting step, which is conformational change of transporter
Substrate Selectivity/Specificity
- may be further classified by which substrates are transported by a particular transport protein
- Na channel will not transport K
Competitive or Noncompetitive Transport Inhibition
- one may inhibit the transport of a second substrate B without the necessary transport of A
- Amoriloride inhibits epitheial Na channel but it doesnt do others
- differences in transport inhibition arise from the presence (competitive) or absence (noncompetitive) of an interaction between the transported substrate and the inhibitor for occupancy at the same (competitive) or different (non competitive) sites in the transport protein
- the number of substrate molecules transported in one complete cycle of molecular events mediated by the transport protein and resulting in transfer of substrate across the membrane
- Na-Glucose 1Na in:1 glucose in
- 3Naout : 2K in
- confers membrane potential difference (voltage) as we as substrate concentration difference as an additional driving force favoring or opposing transport
- inside negative membrane potential in addition to the inwardly directed Na concentration gradient are both thermodynamic forces driving electrogenic Na-Glucose cotransport across the membrane
Transporter Mediated Homeostasis of Acid-Base Balance
- homeostasis of intracellular pH depends on the steady state balance of transport function mediating acid efflux and acid influx
- the efflux of the base equivalent HCO3 from the cell effectively acid loads the cell by leaving behind inside the cell, a H equivalent for every HCO3 transported out of the cell