_____ are related to a range of environmental considerations from local to global.
Transportation systems
____ are related to transport modes, their energy supply systems, their emissions, and the infrastructures over which they operate.
Environmental impacts
The ____ of economic activities, notably their ____, is also increasingly linked with environmental impacts.
spatial structure
land use
The sustainability of transport systems has become one core issue in the provision of mobility, particularly _________.
- Human activities are dependent on the usage of several forms and sources of ___ to perform work.
- The more available and affordable ___ sources are, the more capabilities and opportunities can be mobilized.
- The challenge is to extract and use this ____ effectively.
Types of physical work related to human activities
▸ Modification of the environment
▸ Appropriation of resources
▸ Processing resources
▸ Transportation
The more energy consumed, the greater the amount of work realized, with ______ correlated with ______.
economic development
higher levels of energy consumption
A common pattern in energy transition involves moving to sources that have a _____, but that requires a higher level of technical expertise to be extracted, processed, stored, and distributed
higher energy content
Several utility factors favor the usage of petroleum as the main source of energy in general,
and for transport activities in particular:
- Occurrence
- Transferability
- Energy content
- Reliability
- Storability
- Flexibility
- Safety
- Cleanliness
- Price
____ is the location of energy sources considering the demand. Several energy sources are only available when a transportation system able to transfer large quantities of the energy resource is available. The exploitation of oil fields in several regions of the World (Middle East, Siberia, etc.) was made possible when an efficient
transportation system based upon pipelines and tankers was established.
The distance over which an energy source can be transported
depends on its physical form (solid, liquid or gas), energy content, and on the available transport technology.
Most petroleum products are in a liquid, more or less viscous, form. They thus offer an efficient form to be transferred, which is less convenient than solids such as coal, but much more than gases. Furthermore,
economies of scale in transportation, notably maritime, enhance transferability by reducing the unit costs.
A low energy content is inadequate when demand is high and
concentrated in space.
Gasoline and other petroleum products have a high energy content compared to other fossil fuels like coal, but even more when compared to gravity (hydroelectricity) and solar energy.
Energy content
Continuous availability is an advantage over intermittent sources. The emergence of many sources and continuous supply through maritime and land routes has given a relative reliability for petroleum products.
An energy source has an advantage when it can be stored to answer
variations in demands and interruptions of supplies.
In liquid form, petroleum products are easily stored and several countries have built strategic reserves.
The capacity of an energy source to answer multiple uses is an advantage
to energy sources that can fit a single purpose.
In addition to providing energy, petroleum by-products are the basis of whole industrial sectors (petrochemical) that synthesize goods like plastics, fertilizers, pharmaceutical products and synthetic rubber.
Sources that can be provided and used at low risks (human and environmental) are an advantage. Although the petrochemical industry presents some risks (accidents
during extraction, refining, transport and usage), oil is considered a safe source of energy for its production and usage.
Sources that produce few waste and are cleanly used are an advantage.
Relative to other conventional energy sources like coal, oil is cleaner to use and produces a limited amount of waste. Still, the use of petroleum products has negative environmental impacts such as the emission of particulates and carbon into the
Low cost energy sources are generally preferred.
Cost is a function of the occurrence, the transferability and the energy content of an energy source.
With massive investments on large scale extraction, refining and transport of petroleum products, a constant supply and intensive competition from several oil producing countries, petroleum products prices are cheaper than many other sources.
Energy consumption has a _____ with the level of development.
strong correlation
Among developed countries, transportation now accounts for between _____ of
consumed energy.
20 and 25%
The benefits conferred by _____, notably in terms of better comparative advantages and access to resources, have so far compensated the growing _____ spent to support this expanded spatial system.
additional mobility
amount of energy
At the beginning of the 21st century, the transition reached a stage where fossil fuels, such as _____, are dominant. Out of the world’s total power production, ___ is
derived from fossil fuels.
▸ Transportation and energy can be seen from a ______where giving momentum to a mass (passengers, vehicles, cargo, etc.) requires a proportional amount of energy.
▸ How energy is used has a strong _______.
▸ There is often a compromise between _______ related to the
desired economic returns.
▸ Passengers and high-value goods can be transported by fast but energy-intensive modes since the _____ of their mobility tend to have a high value, which conveys the willingness to use more energy.
▸ ______, mainly those achieved by maritime transportation, are linked to low energy consumption per unit of mass being transported, but at a slower speed.
▸ Comparatively, ____ has high energy consumption levels linked to high-speed services.
cost-benefit perspective
modal characteristic
speed and energy consumption
time component
air freight