Transplantation and Immunosuppressive Drugs Flashcards
Define transplantation.
Challenge with transplantation
the introduction of biological material (e.g. organs, tissue, cells) into an organism.
The problem with that is that the immune system has evolved to remove anything it regards as non-self.
What are the different kinds of transplants?
- autologous
- syngeneic
- allogeneic
- xenogeneic
Describe autologous donor/recipient relationships.
transplantation of tissue from one part of an organism into another part of the same organism
- no immune response
- e.g. skin transplant
Describe syngeneic donor/recipient relationships.
transplantation of tissue from donor into recipient who is genetically identical
- no immune response because genetically identical
- e.g. between identical twins
Describe allogeneic donor/recipient relationships.
transplantation of tissue from donor into recipient who is genetically different
- e.g. siblings/relatives
- most common
Describe xenogeneic donor/recipient relationships.
This is the transfer of tissue from an organism of one species to another.
This is not common; there have only been a few cases where this happens with success.
Describe the importance of MHCs in transplants.
MHCS are major histocompatibility antigens.
The human MHC is called HLA, Human Leukocyte antigen. It defines tissue compatibility.
The most important are differences between the antigens forming the major histocompatibility complex (MHC).
Describe HLA diversity (where it is found in the genome).
The HLA gene is found on chromosome 6.
Almost all nucleated cells present HLA Class I, while immune cells present both Class I and Class II.
Classifications of HLA
The alleles are split up into Class I (consisting of 3 alleles) and II (consisting of 6 alleles). The Class II molecules are heterodimers, while Class I are monomers.
Class I
Class II
Where are MHC I and II expressed?
-all nucleated cells
-APCs (which also express MHC I)
How can we match donor and recipient MHC?
via next generation sequencing
What is the importance of epitopes on donor MHC?
At the current time, HLA are typed, and the donor and recipient are matched based on typing information. There are many ways of doing it, sequencing being the best one. The trouble is that there are 1000s of HLA.
NGS can be used to identify the epitopes on the HLA, rather than the HLA themselves. There could be two HLAs that have genetic differences, but don’t have any different epitopes. It’s possible that the actual number of epitopes that are important in rejection is far fewer than the HL alleles. In terms of matching, we are moving from matching HLA to matching alleles on HLA.
This could be much better, but NGS is more expensive so cannot be done routinely.
Describe how APCs activate different T-cells.
Antigen-presenting cells will express MHC Class I and MHC Class II; this is where the variation is in the molecule.
The TCR detects a combination of both the peptide and the MHC, so it is a peptide-MHC or peptide-HLA complex that the TCR is detecting.
MHC Class I will activate TCR in CD8 T Cells, and MHC Class II will activate TCR in CD4 T Cells.
Describe MHC II loading in cells.
This is only on professional APCs.
These cells are good at taking up external material, which they will process in the phagolysosome into peptides. These peptides interact with the vesicle containing MHC and CLIP (maintains the shape of HLA until the peptides arrive).
When the peptides bind, the complex goes to the cell surface to activate CD4 T cells.
What is the key point about the differences in which cells have which class of MHC?
All cells have the MHC Class I, which means that if they are infected by a virus or bacteria, they can alert the immune system of it so that they are targeted or removed by CD8 cytotoxic cells.
MHC Class II is only on immune cells, so that when those cells have got to the site of infection and internalised the infectious material, they can present them to CD4 T cells to orchestrate a more robust and long-lasting immune response. Thus, they need more regulation.
As a recap, what is the difference between helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells?
Helper T cells – information and support for other immune cells via cytokine production
(helper T cells are required to produce antibody and cytotoxic T cell response)
Cytotoxic T cells – highly specific killer cells
What are the reasons for transplant rejection?
- MHC protein is foreign
- Peptide in the binding groove is foreign
Activation of T cells to react against transplant
What are the two ways in which foreign bodies can be recognised?
There can be direct recognition of the HLA, or indirect recognition of the peptide as foreign.
Indirect allorecognition
Indirect allorecognition:
Recipient T cells recognise a self-MHC molecule on a recipient cell with a bound peptide derived from the donor/foreign MHC molecule, causing T cell activation
Direct allorecognition
Recipient T cells recognise an intact allogenic (unmatched/foreign) MHC molecule expressed by a donor cell, causing T cell activation
Why is is so important to match HLA?
HLA mismatch correlated to the graft survival.
Even with no mismatches, the 10-year estimate of survival is only 33%.
This isn’t even with taking into account the immunosuppressive medicine, and the complications arising from that.
Dead donor transplant
More sensitive to MHC mismatch, therefore more complications
- organs from deceased donors likely to be in inflamed condition due to ischaemia
- the donor inflammation can exacerbate the immune response to mismatches.
What are the three types of graft rejection?
- hyper-acute rejection
- acute rejection
- chronic rejection
Describe hyper-acute rejection.
Antibodies to MHC can arise from pregnancy, blood transfusion or previous transplants.
Pre-existing anti-donor antibodies rapidly bind antigens on donor tissue and result in:
- complement activation
- antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (Fc receptors on NK cells)
- phagocytosis (Fc receptors on macrophages)
Onset of hyperacute rejection
within a few hours
Which antigens do pre-existing anti-donor antibodies bind to in hyperacute rejection?
- Usually to ABO blood group antigens expressed on endothelial cells of blood vessels
- MHC I proteins
Where is hyperacute rejection most commonly seen?
commonly seen in organs like kidneys because the immune response can easily access highly-vascularised tissue.
Effector mechanisms of preexisting anti-donor antibodies in hyperacute rejection
1) Antibodies bind to endothelial cells
2) Complement fixation
3) Accumulation of innate immune cells
4) Endothelial damage, platelets accumulate, thrombi develop
How can antibodies cause damage to transplanted tissue?
This works by the pre-existing antibodies detecting the antigen on the donor tissue.
The Fc region (which is normally conserved) on the antibody binds to the antigen. This can also bind to Fc receptors on immune cells.
This is an innate immune response using adaptive antibody binding.
The binding of the Fc region allows for complement activation.
This could be antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, where cells such as NK cells kill the cell bound to the antibody.
It could also be phagocytosis, by cells such as macrophages.
The reason this happens so quickly is due to the pre-existing antibodies and the complement fixation.
Whilst it kills individual cells, it also causes a build-up of inflammatory cells in endothelium, which results in damage to the endothelial cells, so the tissue is not sufficiently vascularised, and the tissue can die.
Describe acute rejection.
Direct allorecognition of foreign MHC:
- donor dendritic cells migrate to secondary lymphoid tissue where they encounter effector T cells → MHC mismatch
- dendritic cells express both MHC I and II, meaning they activate both CD8+ and CD4+ T cells
- CTL and macrophages increase inflammation and destroy transplant
Describe chronic rejection.
Indirect allorecognition
1) Donor cells die
2) Membrane fragments containing donor MHC are taken up by recipient/host dendritic cells
3) Donor MHC is processed into peptides which are presented by host MHC
4) T cell response is generated to the peptide derived from the processed donor MHC
Onset of chronic rejection
can occur months or years after transplant
Effector mechanisms of chronic rejection
· Blood vessel walls thickened, lumina narrowed - loss of blood supply
· Correlates with presence of antibodies to MHC I
Describe HSCT.
HSCT is Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transfer.
- stem cells find their way to the bone marrow after infusion and regenerate there where they are cryopreserved with little damage
- often autologous
What is the risk of transplanting immune cells?
GVHD is Graft-Versus-Host Disease.
- risk of donor immune cells attacking the host
- can be lethal - it’s best to stop it at the early activation stage, when it isn’t too prevalent.
One way to do that is to remove the T cells or suppress their function, except then you don’t have an immune response.
When can GVHD be advantageous?
There is one scenario where GVHD can be advantageous.
Sometimes mismatch and donor leukocytes are beneficial
We can use the stem cell transfer to remove any remnants of original leukaemia in a patient.
The donor immune system will be able to target the cancer in a way that the host immune system can’t.
Cancer cell are derived from self, and the immune system struggles to identify it as a foreign cell. However, if you have a donor’s immune system transplanted, it will be able to recognise the cancer cells as foreign and kill them because of the HLA mismatch.
How can we maintain a non-autologous transplant?
Immunosuppression drugs are essential to maintain a non-autologous transplant
What are the different phases of immunosuppression?
It’s essential to maintain non-autologous transplants.
There are various phases:
- INDUCTION: to try and prevent the build-up of an immune response
- MAINTENANCE: may require changing medication or lower doses depending on the side effects experienced
- RESCUE: if the immune response starts to mount towards the transplant, you have a rescue phase
Immunosuppressives may need to be maintained indefinitely.
List some examples of immunosuppressants.
General immune inhibitors (e.g. corticosteroids)
Cytotoxic – kill proliferating lymphocytes (e.g. mycophenolic acid, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate)
Inhibit T-cell activation (cyclosporin, tacrolimus, rapamycin)
MOA of cyclosporin
Disadvantage of cyclosporin
It blocks T cell proliferation and differentiation. Even if there was a nascent immune response against the transplant, it cannot develop into an effective cytotoxic response.
More toxic than other next generation therapies which are less toxic and effective at lower doses
List some examples of next generation therapies in immunosuppression and their mechanism of action.
- Cyclosporin and FK506 (Tacrolimus): inhibits production of IL-2 (IL-2 stimulates proliferation in T-cells).
- Mycophenolic acid: blocks lymphocyte proliferation through inhibition of DNA synthesis in T and B cells
- Rapamycin: blocks lymphocyte proliferation by inhibiting IL-2 signalling
- Steroids: they stop general anti-inflammatory effects from taking hold
- Anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody: depletes T cells by targeting them for destruction
- Anti-IL-2 receptor antibody: inhibits T cell proliferation by blocking IL-2 binding; it may also promote phagocytosis and complement activation
Why are combination therapies preferred over single-drug therapies?
Combinations are normally more effective than taking a single drug.
It will also allow you to lower the dose of both of them, and reduce the side-effects.
· Steroids e.g. prednisolone
· Cytotoxic e.g. mycophenolate motefil
· Immunosuppressive specific for T cells e.g. cyclosporine A, FK506
Why is immunosuppressive therapy monitoring important?
An immune response to the transplant may still develop.
Other immune responses may be affected
Transplant patients are more susceptible to infection and malignancy, and so we need to make sure that the patient’s immune response is not too suppressed
- Immediate risk e.g. CMV
Immunosuppressive drug toxicity can lead to organ failure
- E.g. cyclosporine nephrotoxicity in kidney transplant
What is the role of the intestinal microbiome in transplants?
The microbiome, particularly of the intestine, is involved in regulating adaptive immune responses.
Immunosuppressed patients (e.g. cancer patients) can take FMT – faecal material transplant – in order to promote effective anti-cancer immune responses.
Thus, it may be implicated in transplantation outcomes.
What are immune responses to transplant caused by?
Genetic differences between donor and recipient