Translations Flashcards
The 1963 classic film Vidas Secas (Barren Lives), by director Nelson Pereira dos Santos is one of the pivotal works of Brazil’s Cinema Novo. Based on the novel by Graciliano Ramos, the documentary-style film is set in Brazil’s drought-plagued sertão, or northeastern backlands.
Pivotal work - trabalhos fundamentais/essenciais
Brazil’s drought-plagued , or northeastern backlands- sertão nordestino castigado/assolado pela seca, ou a caatinga nordestina
In light of the fact that the Ramos novel has often been compared to John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, it may not be coincidental that the film’s narrative begins in 1940, the year that John Ford filmed Steinbeck’s work.
The Grapes of Wrath - Vinhas da Ira
It may not be coincidental - Pode não ser coincidência
With stark black-and-white images, unfiltered light and a soundtrack primarily consisting of the rhythmic grinding of an oxcart wheel, the film follows Fabiano, an itinerant cowhand, his wife Sinhá Vitória and their two young sons and faithful dog Baleia as they migrate across the desolate landscape, attempting to make their way to the urban south
Rhythmic grinding of an oxcart wheel - rangido rítmico de um carro de boi
An itinerant cowhand - vaqueiro itinerante
As a cow handler, Fabiano can only find work when the terrible droughts abate. The rest of the time, the family is in a struggle to keep one step ahead of becoming carrion for the vultures—a fate that befalls the many creatures that die in the fierce desert heat.
As a cow handler - na condição de vaqueiro
The family is in a struggle to keep one step ahead of becoming carrion for the vultures - a família luta para permanecer um passo à frente de tornar-se carniça para os urubus
A fate that befalls the many creatures that die in the fierce desert heat - um destino que recai sobre as muitas criaturas mortas no calor escaldante do deserto
Maduro’s speeches are blunt and provocative, animated by a bumptious sense of humor
Blunt - direto; ríspido
Bumptious - presunçoso
He spent a great deal of time rallying crowds without a microphone
Fazendo comícios para multidões sem microfone
He delivered an hour-long soliloquy - a mixture of folksy homilies, socialist slogans, jokes and bluster
Soliloquy - monólogo
Folksy homilies - homilias com ar popular
Bluster - bravata
He has overseen a country in tumult
Ele tem governado um país tumultuado/em desordem
Parliament has censured him and consistently foiled his initiatives
Foiled - frustrar
Maduro, frustrated, decided to simply create his own legislature
Decepcionado, Maduro decidiu simplesmente criar sua própria legislature
Scores of people died and hundreds were injured
Dezenas de pessoas morreram
The protests died out
Arrefeceram; esmaeceram
Aumento da temperatura média da Terra
The rise in the average temperature of the Earth
Ocorrência de fenômenos climáticos extremos e piora das condições de vida
The occurrence of extreme weather phenomena and the worsening of living conditions
O acordo orienta-se para um conjunto de objetivos
The deal is to be oriented by a number of goals
Hatching a criminal plot
Hatch a plot or a scheme
Articulando uma conspiração criminosa
Porém: To hatch - incubar; hatching - incubação