Politics Flashcards
America and Russia are at loggerheads = at daggers drawn
Em completo desacordo; em luta aberta = em luta aberta
He criticized the UN bureaucracy as unwieldly
Difícil; pesado; de difícil gestao
I love him, warts and all
Com as coisas boas e ruins
China is an irksome regional power
Incômodo; desagradável
His country is seen as less warily
Desconfiado; cuidadoso; cauteloso
Maverick members of the FARC have joined the peace agreement
Maverick: dissidente
She performed fitful errors
Fitful: irregular
Obama’s actions have soothed anti-americanism
Suavizou; acalmou
The putative common market is leaving many behind
Suposto; putativo
A Syrian settlement palatable to the White House
A barter trade can be the answer
Barter trade: troca direta; comercio de escambo
Barter: troca, permuta; escambo
Mainstream parties pandered to prejudice to win votes
Cederam; alimentaram
They are railing against the establishment
Lutando contra o modelo
There is an upsurge in populist rethoric
To tackle the myriad challenges plaguing the conflict-torn country
To tackle: lidar com; resolver
Myriad challenges: multiplicidade de desafios
Conflict-torn country: pais dilacerado pelo conflito
Catalans are mimicking the Serbian government
Mimicking: mimetizando; copiando; reproduzindo
Each flummoxing step in the process is eroding the confidence many Catalans had in the social contract
Flummoxed = confusing; bewildering; perplexing
Atordoado; confuso
Illiberal reaction is viewed as a cathartic political act
A cathartic reaction: emocional; emotiva
Madrid has botched /cluttered its response
Botched: badly done or planned = messed up; mishandled; cluttered
Fracassou; executou mal
Cluttered: desordenado; desorganizado
A nakedly repressive crackdown
Uma repressao claramente opressiva; dura
We must give serious consideration to the ominous progression of global warming
Ominous: ameaçador; sinistro
I would not wish to rummage around in anyone’s conscience,
Vasculhar; procurar
One objective of this website is to debunk the lies and create transparency.
Desmascarar; desmitificar; denunciar
Violence begets violence, and revenge begets revenge.
Beget: gera; conduz a
The government is punishing the many for the deeds of a stubborn few
Atos; feitos; façanhas
It is well nigh impossible to cope with these challenges
It is nigh on impossible to prove it.
Well-nigh: quase
The idea that the flow of goods from China is somehow going to dwindle is an illusion.
Diminuir; reduzir
Compensation for bereavement or grief to relatives of a deceased victim can also be put in this category.
Perda; luto; morte
The dissident Chech playwright
Escritor; dramaturgo
They toppled military regimes in the 1980s
To topple = to oust = to overthrow: derrubar; tirar do poder
In Poland, a shipyard worker swept the Communist government from power
Shipyard: estaleiro (naval)
The Chinese massacre is the grimmest example
Horrível; sombrio
Mandela has weathered the inevitable compromises of office with his reputation intact
Resistir a
He considers it no mean feat for dissidents to keep their reputation untarnished
No mean feat: não é pouca bosta; é uma proeza
She epitomises moral values
Resume; sintetiza
The life and work of our open and democratic societies will continue undeterred.
Undeterred: irredutíveis; inabaláveis