Transitive sentences Flashcards
ba:ban ‘o huhu’id g wapkail
the coyote in chasing the cowboys
to:bi an a:ni neid
I am seeing the rabbit
a:pi ‘an a:ni m-cendad
I am kissing you
n-ceggia ‘o g to:bi a:ni
the rabbit is fighting me
ceggai an a:ni g to:bi
I am fighting the rabbit
a:cim ac ha-gagtwid g ba:ban
I am shooting the coyotes
a:pim ‘an a:ni em-huhu’id
I am chasing you plural
hegam ‘an a:ni ha-s/.a:mud
I am shooing them away
a:pim ap a:ni n-nu:kud
you are taking care of me
hegai ‘o ha-cecposid g hahaiwan
he is branding the cattle
haiwan ‘o g wakial ceposid
the cowboy is branding the cow
a:pi ap ha-kegcid g dadaikud/.
you are cleaning the chairs
A:ni an ha-s/.a:mud g hahaiwan
I am herding the cows
A:ni an ha-s/.a:mud g hahaiwan m-wehejed/.
I am herding the cows for you
A:ni an m-wakon
I am washing you
A:ni an m-cendad
I am kissing you
A:ni an m-ceggia
I am fighting you.
coyote ‘o ceggia g cu:wi
The coyote is fighting the rabbit
Ani an n-cendad
you are kissing me
Wikail ‘o ceposid d wipsilo
The cowboy is branding the calve
Hegai ‘o ha-gatwid g totobi
he is shooting (pl) the rabbits
acim ac ‘em-huhu’id
we are chasing them
hegai ‘o kegcid g mi:sa
he is cleaning the table
A:pi ap n-ka:
you are listening to me
A:ni and t-ma:k g daikud/.
I am giving the chair to you
Ani an kegcid g daikud t-wehejed/.
I am cleaning the chair for you
api ap mamk g ha’icu g ceoj
you are giving the thing to the boy
acim ac kegcid g ha’icu ‘em-wehejed/.
we are cleaning the thing for you (pl)
ani an kegcid g ha’icu wehejed/. g husi
I am cleaning g thing
ani an kegcid g ha’icu wehejed/. g husi
I am cleaning the thing for jose
api ap kegcid g ha’icu m-wehejed/.
I am cleaning the thing for you
acim ac kegcid g ha’icu ‘em-wehejed/.
we are cleaning the thing for you(pl)
hegai ‘o kegcid g ha’icu m-wehejed/.
he is cleaning the thing for you
Hegam ‘o kegcid g ha’icu t-wehejed/.
They are cleaning the thing for us