Transition Metals Flashcards
Transition element
d-block element which forms one or more stable ions with partially filled d subshell
molecule or anion that has at least one lone pair of electrons for dative bond formation with a transition metal atom or ion
A species which consists of a central metal atom or ion surrounded by ligands which are bonded to it by dative bonds
Electronic configuration trend across the period
- Across the period, additional electrons enter the penultimate 3d
subshell - When forming ions, 4s electrons are removed first before removing
3d electrons
Atomic radius/First I.E. across the group
- Across the period, atomic radius is relatively invariant
- Additional electrons enter the** penultimate 3d subshell**, increasing
the shielding effect between the nucleus and out 4s electrons - Thus the increase in nuclear charge is nullified by the increase in
shielding effect - Hence there is insignificant increase in ENC across the period
Second I.E.
- Greater than first I.E. M+ion > M
- Second I.E. of Cr and Cu are higher than expected as 3d electron is
removed instead of 4s
Third and higher I.E.
- Valence 3d electrons removed
- Across the period NC increases
- Shielding effect constant
- I.E. increase across the period
Melting point
- Higher than s-block elements
Both 4s and 3d electrons can delocalise as they are close in energies
to form stronger metallic bonds (s-block only 2 valence electrons
- Higher than s-block element
- Increases gradually across the period
- Greater relative atomic mass to atomic radius ratio
Variable oxidation state
- Both 3s and 3d electrons can be used for bond formation as they
are close in energies - Vacant 3, 4s or 4p orbitals available for bond formation
- Maximum oxidation state = 4s electrons + unpaired 3d electrons
Coloured complexes
Degenerate 3d orbitals in octahedral complexes are split into 2
different energy levels due to presence of ligands (d-d splitting) - A 3d electron from the lower energy level is promoted to the upper
energy level by absorbing energy from the visible regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum, known as d-d transition - Only possible with partially-filled d subshell configuration
- The complement of the colour absorbed is seen
Homogeneous catalysts
- A homogeneous catalyst is in the same phase as the reactants
- Transition metals or their ions can act as homogeneous catalysts as
they are able to assist in transferring electrons in redox reactions
due to their variable oxidation states - They work by reducing or oxidising the reactants
- Lowering the Ea of the reaction
Heterogeneous catalysts
- A heterogeneous catalyst is in a different phase as the reactants
- Transition metals can act as a heterogenous catalyst as they can
form weak bonds with reacts molecules using their partially filled 3d
subshell. - Hence reactant molecules can be adsorbed onto the catalyst
surface, weakening the covalent bonds within the reactant molecules - Adsorption also increases the concentration of the reactant
molecules at the catalyst surface and allows the reactant molecules
to come into close contact with each other and with proper
orientation for reaction - Lowering the Ea of the reaction
Monodentate ligands
Ligands that have one lone pair of electrons to form one dative bond
eg: NH3, H2O, CN-, Cl-
Bidentate ligands
Ligands that have two lone pair of electrons to form two dative bonds
eg: ethylenediamine/ethan-1,2-diamine CH2CH2CH2CH2
Hexadentate ligands
Ligands that have six lone pair of electrons to form six dative bonds
eg: EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetate)
Coordination number
The number of dative bonds formed by the transition metal atom or ion with the ligands in the complex
Coordination number | Shape
2 | Linear
4 | Tetrahedral
6 | Octahedral
Structural requirements for formation of complexes
- Lone pairs of electrons from ligands
Available vacant orbital from transition metal atoms or ions to
accommodate the lone pairs from ligands
Ligand-exchange reactions
Ligands in a complex can be replaced to form a more stable complex or through a shift in equilibrium position
LEx in oxyhaemoglobin
- At regions of high concentrations of Osub>2</sub>, it will replace
water in haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin
haemoglobin + 4O2 ⇄ oxyhaemoglobin + 4Hsub>2</sub>O
- CN- and CO are toxic since they can be strongly and
irreversibly bonded to Fe in haemoglobin - When replaced by CN- ligands, the complex becomes
negative charged. It is harder to add electrons to a negatively than
the charged ion than to a positively charged ion. Hence it is harder
to reduce the negatively charged [Fe(CN)6]3-
than the positively charged [Fe(H2O)
Chromium complexes
dark green
grey green ppt
Manganese compounds and complexes
dark brown ppt
dark green
Iron compounds and complexes
pale green
green ppt
pale yellow
blood red
reddish brown ppt
Copper compounds and complexes
pale blue
dark blue
pale blue ppt
Aluminium compounds and complexes
white ppt
Silver compounds and complexes
Zinc compounds and complexes
white ppt
d-d splitting
- In a complex, the presence of ligands split the d orbitals of the transition metal atom
or ion into two energy levels - a d electron absorbs certain wavelengths of light energy from the visible region of
the electromagnetic spectrum - The d electron undergoes d-d transition and promoted to a higher energy d orbital
- The remaining unabsorbed wavelengths are transmitted and the complementary
colour of the wavelength of light absorbed is observed
Criteria for coloured complexes
- ligands for d-d splitting to occur
- ΔE(difference between two split d orbitals) must be in visible light
- Need to have partially filled d-orbitals