Periodic Table Flashcards
Effective Nuclear Charge Zeff
Net nuclear charge experienced by an outer electron
Zeff = Z - S
Z = nuclear charge
S = Shielding effect
Ionic radius across the period
Ionic radius decreases across the period from Na+ to Si4+ and P3- to Cl-
Same no, of electrons now attracted more strongly by the increasing nuclear charge
Size of anions vs cations
Anions are larger than cations due to one more occupied shell of electrons
Electronegativity across the period
Eneg increases across the period
(Eneg is a measure of the tendency of an atom to attract the bonding pair of electrons)
- NC increases, shielding effect constant
- ENC increases
- Stronger EFOA between nucleus and bonding electrons
(similar explanation to IE and radius)
Melting Point across period 3
- Increases across Na, Mg and Al:
- Increasing no of valence electrons to delocalise
- Decreasing size of cations leading to increasing charge density - Si has highest melting point
- Large amount of energy needed to overcome the strong covalent bonds between Si atoms in giant covalent structure - Lower melting point
- S8 > P4 > Cl2
- As no of electrons decrease, size of electron cloud decreases
- Electron cloud becomes less polarisable and less needy require to over the weaker id-id attractions
Electrical conductivity across period 3
- Na, Mg and Al have increasingly higher electrical conductivity
- Increase in no. of valence electrons contributing to sea of delocalised electrons - Si has low (not zero) electrical conductivity
- Si is a metalloid - P4, S8, Cl2 are non-conductors of electricity
- Absence of mobile ions or sea of delocalised electrons
Covalent character
- Polarising power of cation (charge density, q/r)
- ability to distort electron cloud of anion - Polarisability of anions (radius of anion)
- how easily anion electron cloud is distorted
Trend of bonding/structure of period 3 oxides across the group
- Na2O, MgO and Al2O3 are giant ionic lattices (LE, q+q- / r+ + r-)
- SiO2 is giant covalent (strong covalent bonds)
- P4O6, P4O10 and SO2, SO3 are simple molecular (weak id-id)
- Across the period the bonding of the oxides change from ionic to covalent.
- This is due to the difference in Eneg decreasing across the period, leading to bonding becoming increasingly covalent
Melting point of period 3 oxides across the period
- Na2O < Al2O3 < MgO
- LE ∝ - SiO2 is giant covalent (strong covalent bonds)
- P4O6, P4O10 and SO2, SO3 are simple molecular (weak id-id)
Oxidation number of period 3 oxides across the period
- Oxidation number of metal in oxides increase across the period
- No. of valence electrons available for bond formation increase - From Na to Si, the oxidation number of the oxide is equal to the number of valence electrons in an atom of the element
- P and S can exhibit multiple oxidation numbers due to vacant and energetically accessible 3d orbitals
Why are ionic (metal) oxides basic?
The basic O2- reacts with H2O to get OH-
O2- + H2O → 2OH-
Why are covalent (non-metal) oxides acidic?
They produce H3O+ and an oxo-anion (SO42- and PO43-)
Why is Al2O3 amphoteric
Al2O3 has both ionic and covalent properties
Al3+ has a high charge density and thus giving it great polarizing power, polarizing the O2- ion and conferring some covalent character.
Na2 O in water
Na2O + H2O → 2NaOH
pH = 13
MgO in water
MgO + H2O → Mg(OH)2
pH = 9
Al2O3 in water
Insoluble, pH = 7
SiO2 in water
Insoluble, pH = 7
P4O10 in water
P4O10 + 6H2O → 4H3PO4
pH = 2
SO3 in water
SO3 + H2O → H2SO4