Transition Flashcards
- With squadron supervisor approval, pilots may reduce gross weight by burning down fuel to apredetermined usable fuel weight prior to taking the runway for takeoff. (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
- For local sorties, begin briefings a minimum of 1 hour before scheduled takeoff. (AFI 11-2T-38Vol 3)
- An alternate mission: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
- If unit-developed checklists are used in lieu of flight manual checklists, carrying a flight manualchecklist and having it immediately available on all flights is optional. (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
- The crew chief will repeat ground visual signals when it is safe to operate the system. (AFI 11-2T38 Vol 3)
- Objects will not be placed on top of the glare shield during start with canopies open. (AFI 11-2T38 Vol 3)
- Minimum taxi interval is: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
150 feet staggered or 300 feet in trail.300 feet when ice or snow is present.May be reduced when holding short of or entering the runway.
- Do not takeoff when: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
The runway condition reading (RCR) is less than 10.Computed takeoff roll exceeds 80% of the available runway (single ship or interval).Computed takeoff roll exceeds 70% of the available runway (element takeoff).
- For operations without a remotely controlled BAK-15, when DS is less than RS-BEO, go/no-gospeed is: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
- For operations without a remotely controlled BAK-15, when DS is greater than RS-EF, takeoffsare not authorized. (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
- When aircraft operate on a runway with a remotely controlled arresting system, pilots will remainon the frequency of the agency that controls the runway and the arresting system until safelyairborne. (AFI 11- 2T-38 Vol 3)
- The MA-1A is suitable for stopping an aircraft with a travel pod. (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
- The minimum runway required for operations is 8,000 feet or 7,000 feet with squadron supervision level approval. (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
- The minimum airspeed for all maneuvering is 150 KTS unless conducting training under a formalsyllabus that specifies or allows a slower airspeed for the training to be conducted. (AFI 11-2T-38Vol 3)
- Which of the following is not a prohibited maneuver: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
B. Overhead patterns to set up a practice single-engine go around using 60% or 100% flapsand both throttles until rolling out on final.
- During a simulated single-engine go-around, initiate the maneuver by: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
C. 100 feet AGL (300 feet AGL if full flaps are used).
- Minimum items to check during an ops check are: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
Fuel quantities, fuel balance.Oxygen system, G-suit connection (when appropriate), and cabin altitude.Engine instruments.
- All flight members will acknowledge understanding the initial air traffic control (ATC) clearance.(AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
- For low altitude procedures: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
Wingmen will not fly a lower AGL altitude than lead at altitudes below 1,000 feet AGL.To ensure vertical separation by 2nm, climb no later than 3nm prior to an obstacle that flightleads are unable to visually acquire, or ensure lateral separation.Maintain a minimum of 500 feet above the highest terrain or obstacle within 1/2 nm of theaircraft.
- Radar altimeters will be set to a minimum of 500 feet AGL during low level operations. (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
- Bingo fuel is: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
A. A prebriefed fuel state which allows the aircraft to return to the base of intended landing oralternate, if required, using preplanned recovery parameters and arriving with normal recoveryfuel.
- Normal recovery fuel is: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
C. The fuel on initial or at the FAF at the base of intended landing or alternate, if required.Established locally or 800 pounds, whichever is higher.
- Minimum fuel is: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
C. 600 pounds or less.
- Emergency fuel is: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
C. 400 pounds or less.
32+1. Reduced Same Runway Separation (RSRS) for landing trainer-type aircraft is: (AFI 13-204 Vol 3 AETC SUP)
-3,000 feet or preceding aircraft is airborne for similar aircraft -6,000 feet for dissimilar aircraft in all cases -6,000 feet or preceding aircraft is airborne if alternate runway side procedures are not employed
- Unless safety or circumstances dictate otherwise, minimum low approach altitude for chase aircraft during an emergency is: (2T-38 Vol 3)
300 feet AGL
- Local training flights are not permitted when steady state winds (forecast or actual) in training or operating at areas exceeds: (2T-38 Vol 3)
35 knots over land, 25 knots over water (or forecast or actual wave heights exceed 10 feet)
- Initiate the closed traffic pattern: (2T-38 Vol 3)
-At the departure end of the runway unless directed or cleared by local procedures or the controlling agency.-To plan to arrive on downwind between 200 and 240 KTS
- Climbs or descents through forecast icing conditions more severe than light rime are prohibited: (2T-38 Vol 3)
- When stowing items in the rear cockpit, if it necessary to place items on or near the rear cockpit breaker panels, aircrews should: (2T-38 Vol 3)
-Ensure items do not exceed 8 inches in height-Visually confirm clearance exists between the balance weight arm and the stowed object with the canopy closed
- G-suits are required for all sorties (2T-38 Vol 3)
- As a minimum, use the videotape recorder (VTR) or video-data transfer system (VDTS) to record: (2T-38 Vol 3)
- For operations with a remotely controlled BAK-15, when DS is greater than RS-EF and less than TOS: (2T-38 Vol 3)
- For operations without a remotely controlled BAK-15, when DS is greater than RS-BEO and less than RS-EF, takeoffs are authorized with OG/CC approval and go/no-go speed is: (2T-38 Vol 3)
RS-EF (only a rated pilot or student under IP supervision may perform the takeoff)
- Unless local procedures or unique runway surface conditions require landing beyond a given point on the runway, the desired touchdown point for a VFR approach is: (2T-38 Vol 3)
150-1,000 feet from the threshold
- Taxiing an aircraft with a single generator malfunction or failure is allowed: (2T-38 Vol 3)
- Rear cockpit landings do not update normal (front) cockpit landing currencies (2T-38 Vol 3)
- During the NAVAID ground checkpoint check, the allowable bearing pointer and CDI error is: (11-251)
Plus or minus 4 degrees from the depicted course to the station
- You may combine the climb check with the level-off check when your cruise altitude is at or below: (11-251)
FL 180
- Unless the controller directs otherwise, initiate the break between ____ and ____ down the runway. (11-251)
The approach end,3,000 feet
- Begin the closed pattern pull-up with a minimum of ____ and maintain a minimum of ____ until wings level downwind: (11-251)
240 KCAS; 200 KCAS
- Allow _____ seconds for landing-taxi light retraction and (or) closure of ram dump door prior to engine shutdown. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- The canopy seals will remain inflated if the engines are shutdown with _____, making the canopies more difficult to open. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
both canopies locked
- Do not exceed _____ KCAS while taxiing with the canopies open. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- When using the canopy breaker tool, the curved edge of the blade must be _____. This will allow glancing blows against the canopy to deflect away from you. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
toward you
- Aerodynamic braking is more effective than cautious wheel braking above: (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
100 KCAS
- If engine failure occurs after rotation, it will probably be necessary to lower the nose to attain speed above SETOS. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- With the left engine inoperative with windmilling hydraulics, gear retraction, when initiated between SETOS+10 and 200 KCAS, may require up to: (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
1 minute
- During a single-engine takeoff/go-around, at high gross weight, with the landing gear extended, flap retraction should not be initiated prior to _____ KCAS. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- The effects of a tire failure are most pronounced at heavy gross weights and speeds below _____ KCAS. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- _____ should be attempted immediately upon detection of dual engine flameout at low altitudes, if time permits. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
Alternate Airstart
- Do not crossfeed if: (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
Boost pump inoperativeEED or fuel quantity failureLeak in the fuel systemLow altitudeLow fuel (dual engine)
- During a restart in flight, leave the throttle at IDLE for _____ before aborting the start. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
30 seconds
- After retarding the right throttle to idle for a fire light, the fire light immediately goes out. When you test the fire warning system, the right fire light does not illuminate. You should: (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
shut down the right engine
- Delaying placing the throttle to off after a fire warning light illuminates could result in possible loss of _____ from fire damage. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
flight control system
- If smoke and fumes are encountered in the cockpit, select Oxygen - 100%. If odors persist, use of emergency oxygen bottle should be considered. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- If either canopy is lost in flight, immediately slow to _____ KIAS or less to minimize turbulence and noise. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- After a 1.0 hour leg on a cross-country, the oil consumption was one quart. This is acceptable. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- The minimum altitude recommended for bailout in a controlled situation is _____ feet AGL. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- Under uncontrollable conditions, eject at a minimum of _____ feet AGL. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- If _____ power is lost with the gear extended, the gear should be pinned prior to taxiing clear of the runway. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- If the engine had previously been shut down due to a hydraulic over temperature, and the caution light has gone out, you can restart the engine if necessary. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- If you suspect brake fluid venting overboard, pump the brakes in flight to ensure you will have pressure after landing. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- Compared to a normal landing, a no-flap landing may increase the landing distance by: (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- If you suspect the right brake system has failed, with no other directional control problems, plan to land in (on) the _____ of the runway. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- The main wheel tire is rated to _____ knots (14 ply). (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- Maximum allowable transient RPM is _____%. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- At full afterburner, the nozzles should read between: (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- During cold weather starts, oil pressure above 55 psi may be observed. As the oil warms up, oil pressure should continue to decrease and return to normal operating limits. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- Crossfeeding is recommended when fuel differences exceed _____ pounds. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- The maximum recommended crosswind component for a dry runway is _____ knots, wet runway is _____ knots, and for a runway containing standing water is _____ knots. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
30, 20, 10
- Which of the following components is NOT lost when the cabin pressure switch is placed at RAM DUMP? (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
- A _____ percent loss in MIL thrust and a _____ percent loss in MAX thrust can be expected with the engine anti-ice switch on. (T.O. 1T-38C-1)
8.5, 5.5
- The following post-flight actions shall be taken in the event of a deviation from a flight rule: (AFI 11-202 V3)
The PIC shall make a detailed written reportThe unit will keep a copy of the PIC’s detailed written record