Formation Flashcards
- For four-ship runway line up with number 3 in the slot: (AFMAN 11-251)
A.Number 4 will line up offset from number 2’s jet blast while aligning the gear doors of number 3.B. Number 3 will line up between lead and number 2, maintaining nose-tail clearance
- The fighting wing position is a cone _____ aspect angle from lead, _____ feet aft. (AFMAN 11-251
30-45 degrees, 500-1500
- Wedge is a position _______ off lead’s 6 o’clock at a range of _______ feet. (AFMAN 11-251)
30-45 degrees, 4000-6000
- Once in position on the runway, use a thumb’s up to signal ready for engine run-up. (AFMAN 11-251)
- Line abreast (tactical) formation is defined as _____ feet line abreast to _____ degrees aft with a vertical stack of up to +/- _____ feet. (AFMAN 11-251)
4000-6000, 10, 2000
- Aspect Angle (AA) is: (AFMAN 11-251)
The angle measured from the tail/longitudinal axis of one aircraft to another aircraft’s position
- Angle-off is defined as: (AFMAN 11-251
The angle formed by the extension of the longitudinal axes of two aircraft
- Closure is: (AFMAN 11-251)
Overtake created by airspeed and/or angles
- For formation takeoffs, place the wingman on the upwind side if the crosswind exceeds 5 knots.(AFI 11- 2T-38 Vol 3)
- Single-ship rolling takeoffs are authorized: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
During daylight hours only.After the pilot has considered TOLD with a runway length 300 feet less than the availablerunway.
- Which of the following does not prohibit a formation takeoff: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
D. CFL within 1,000 feet of available runway.
- Which of the following is not true concerning flight join-up and rejoin: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
D. For a turning rejoin, the number 2 aircraft will join on the outside of the turn unlessotherwise briefed.
- A battle damage check is mandatory after every mission prior to or during return to base. (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
- The minimum altitude for changing leads is: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
500 feet AGL over land.1,000 feet AGL over water.1,500 feet AGL in IMC or at night unless on radar downwind.
- During tactical maneuvering of two-ship formations: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
The wingman is normally responsible for deconfliction.The flight lead becomes primarily responsible for flight path deconfliction whenmaneuvering places the leader in the wingman’s “blind cone” or the wingman calls “blind” andreceives an acknowledgement from lead.Once lead acknowledges the wingman being “blind,” the primary deconflictionresponsibility transfers back to the wingman only when the wingman acknowledges a visualon lead.
- The parameters for a safety observer in a chase aircraft are: (AFI 11-2T-38 Vol 3)
B. A 30- to 60-degree cone out to 1,000 feet.