Trajan's campaign on the Dacians Flashcards
When did it happen?
101 CE- First Dacian War
105-6 CE- Second Dacian War
Where did it happen?
Dacia (modern day Romania)
Side 1:
Rome, led by Trajan
Side 2:
Dacia, led by Decebalus
Who was Trajan, and how did he became well-known?
- Born in Hispania
- His father was a politician, and had held the consulship
- Trajan made his name as a military commander and was very popular with the legions
Who was Domitian, and who was he unpopular with?
- Domitian was an Emperor
-He was popular with the army, but not with the Roman nobles, who assassinated him, and appointed Nerva as the new emperor
Who was Nerva unpopular with?
- Popular with the Roman nobles but not the army
What did Nerva do?
- He was elderly and had no sons so he adopted Trajan and appointed him as his co-emperor
What is Trajan remembered as?
- One of Rome’s best Emperors
- The army respected him, he led successful campaigns against Dacia and Parthia and built new public buildings and a harbour in Rome
- He also gave support to the poor
What did the Dacians do in 69CE?
- Attacked the Roman province Moesia in 69 CE
- They then attacked again in 85-6 CE, killing the Roman governor Oppius Sabinus
What was the Roman governor killed by the Dacians?
Oppius Sabinus
When did Emperor Domitian attempt to conquer Dacia, and what happened?
87-88 CE
- He suffered a humiliating defeat and was forced to retreat and pay money to Dacia to secure peace
- Rome invaded the next year more successfully, and made Dacia into a client kingdom
What was Decebalus given and what did people believe he was doing with it?
- Annual payments from Rome to strengthen his defences, hoping that a strong Dacia would lead to a strong Roman border
- Some people believed that Decebalus was using this money to build his own strength and make alliances with Northern people so he could launch an attack on Rome
Who did people think Decebalus was recruiting to his cause?
- Northern people
- Runaway Roman slaves
- Roman soldiers
What did Trajan say was the cause of him declaring war?
- Concerns about the security of the border
What are the other reasons possible for Trajan declaring war on the Dacians?
- He wanted a campaign to raise the morale of his legions
- He wanted to make his mark as an emperor
- Dacia contained many gold mines
What happened in the summer of 101 CE?
- Trajan’s forces crossed the river Danube into Dacian territory
- A major battle was fought at Tapae- there were serious casualties on both sides but the Romans won
Where did the Romans move closer to in 102 CE?
- The capital city of Sarmizegethusa
- Decebalus surrendered
What happened after Decebalus surrendered?
- The Dacians were forced to dismantle their war machinery and demolish their forts
- Trajan withdrew and celebrated a triumph in Rome, and left many soldiers behind in Dacian territory
What happened after Decebalus broke the terms of his surrender?
- Trajan’s forces built a bridge across the river Danube making it easier for his army to cross
- Dacians were defeated and Decebalus committed suicide
- Trajan celebrated a triumph and made Dacia into a province of the Roman Empire
What were the consequences of the campaigns?
- Dacia became a Roman Province- Dacia Traiana, which was a massive increase to the size of the Roman empire
- Increased Trajan’s prestige and solidified his position as a good emperor- he ruled without major opposition until his death
- He took 500,000 prisoners, bringing 10,000 to fight in gladiatorial games in Rome that were hold over 123 days in celebration
- Trajan used gold from the campaign to improve the city of Rome
How did Trajan improve the city of Rome using Dacian gold?
- Building public works like baths
- Building a new road
- Extended corn dole for Rome’s poor
- Established a support system for Italy’s poor and orphaned children
What are the two best sources for Trajan’s campaign, but what should they be considered as?
- Trajan’s column
- Arch of Trajan
Should be considered as propoganda
What did the forum of Trajan contain?
Public buildings
Shopping centre
Two new libraries
Trajan’s column
What was at the base of Trajan’s column?
- A 5m high marble pedestal, which served as a tomb for his ashes
What scenes does the column not show?
- Hardly any scenes show combat
- No scenes of violence towards Dacian women and children
What are the most common scenes on the column?
- Romans building
- Negotiations
- Romans performing sacrifices led by Trajan
- Trajan delivering speeches
What are the different types of Roman that appear on the column?
- Citizen soldier
- Moorish cavalrymen
- Armored officer
- Auxiliary infantrymen
What are the different types of Dacian that appear on the column?
- Dacian noble
- Dacian warrior
- Northern Dacian
- Sarmatian cavalrymen
How are the Roman army often presented on the column?
How are the structures built by the Roman army on the column depicted? What does this show?
- Well supported and symmetrical bridge- shows good planning and skill in building
- Soldiers building a fortress are working together
How is Trajan shown to be a good leader in ‘Trajan and his advisors in a war council’?
- Everyones looking at Trajan, making him the focal point
- Shows that they respect him, meaning he’s probably a good leader
- He’s taking an active part in discussing strategy, showing he has experience in the field
How is Trajan shown to be a good leader in ‘Trajan addressing his troops’?
- Standing in Ad Locutio position
- Commanding, used for a general speaking to his soldiers, shows he’s listened to and followed
How is Trajan shown to be a good leader in ‘Trajan performs a sacrifice’?
- Fulfilling his religious duties, show’s he’s pious and wants the Gods to like him
What type of sacrifice is Trajan doing on the column?
- A sacrifice of a cow, sheep and pig
- Done to purify the Roman army
What does the scene depicting a wounded Roman show?
- Other soldiers are holding onto him, showing their loyalty to one another
- 2 men helping him, shows teamwork
- Demonstrates comradeship within the army, meaning they must fight well together
How are the Dacian prisoners depicted on the column, and what does this show?
- Dacian prisoners inside a walled Roman enclosure
- Shows the Romans as being more compassionate and kind
- Also suggests they have more resources if they’re able to build an enclosure to keep them in
How are the Roman prisoners depicted on the column and what does this show?
- Dacian women torture captured Romans
- They have been stripped naked and are being burned with flaming torches
- Shows Dacians as barbaric, as their women are violent and not subservient, which is the opposite of Roman women
What does the scene of Dacian women being taken as slaves show?
- Contains women and babies
- Even though they’re being taken as slaves, they’re not being handled aggressively, showing the Roman’s control and composure
What does the scene depicting a trophy made from weapons and armour of defeated Dacians soldiers show?
- Shows Roman’s as humble and pious
- Spoils of war are bing given to Gods to thank them, Votive offering
What does the scene depicting treasure being loaded into saddlebags show?
- Roman’s are taking treasure calmly instead of just taking what they want and going
What does the scene depicting the Romans crossing the Danube river (shown as an old man) show?
- The old man is trapped, which shows that the God that may once have supported Dacians now can’t help
- Dacian Gods easily overcome by Roman ingenuity
What does the scene depicting the Romans fighting the Dacians aided by Jupiter show?
- Jupiter showing strength
- All the Dacian’s shields are at different angles, showing they’re not as controlled
What does the scene depicting Victoria (Goddess of Victory) writing on a shield show?
- Inscribing Roman’s victory into histroy
- She’s standing on a Dacian helmet, instating Roman imperial hierarchy
How do the scenes after the Dacian defeat portray the Dacians?
- Running away from Romans, panicked and cowardly
- Only unified in their fear of Romans
- Most prestigious people killing themselves
- Poison is a feminine way to die, showing themselves to be effeminate
Who and what is shown on the top of the Arch? (FRONT)
- The Gods Jupiter, Juno and Minerva
- Jupiter holds out a lightning bolt to Trajan
- Trajan looking towards the centre of the arch
What was the arch of trajan built to commemorate?
- Trajan’s reign
- The opening of a new road
How are Rome, and the Romans made to seem strong on the Arch of Trajan?
- Trajan is shown handing out money to children, making him look wealthy
How is Trajan made to seem like a successful leader on the Arch of Trajan?
- Depicts a barbarian pleading with Trajan, which shows he must have been feared due to his military success
- Features scenes of Trajan’s achievements, such as foundation of cities and organisation of corn supply
- The inscription recognises many different titles, with a lot of them being ones that he held for multiple years- Consul for the Sixth time, Imperator for the seventh time etc.
How are the Dacian campaigns made to seem beneficial for Rome on the Arch?
- Shows children, who are a reference to the support system for the poor and orphaned set up using Dacian gold
How is Trajan made to appear superhuman on the Arch?
- Jupiter is shown giving his lightning bolt to Trajan- it seems as though he’s recognising him as an equal
Who and what is shown on the middle of the Arch? (FRONT)
- Winged Victoria slaying bulls
What is shown on the bottom of the Arch? (FRONT)
- Scenes focusing on the Emperor’s civic acts at home and abdorad
- Foundation of cities, reorganization of corn supply etc.
Who and what is shown at the top of the Arch? (BACK)
- 4 Gods depicted- Diana, Sylvanus (fields and flocks), Liber and Libera (wine, fertility and freedom)
- All these divinities were associated with the protection of Dacia Traiana
- Kneeling barbarian pleads with Trajan for mercy
Who and what is shown in the middle of the Arch? (BACK)
- Personifications of rivers
- Frieze depicting a triumph, probably Trajan’s second Dacian triumph of CE 107
Who and what is shown on the bottom of the Arch? (BACK)
- Depict military scenes, including recruitment of soldiers and scenes from wars in the East
- Winged Victoria, slaying bulls
Who and what was shown inside the Arch?
- Trajan presiding over a sacrifice
- Trajan handing out money to children