Roman Organisation & Military Command Flashcards
What are the key factors for successful command?
- Clear chain of Command
- Fighting alongside comrades
- Support roles
- Strategic commander
- Detached commander
- Inspirational commander
How many legions were there in the Imperial Period, and what was a legion made up of?
30 legions
- Made up of 10 cohorts
How many men made up each section of the Roman Military?
Cohort- 480 men
Century- 80 men and led by a Centurion
Contuberniam- 8 men
Who was the legatus?
- Roman commander of whole legion
- Rich politican, not a soldier
Who was the camp prefect?
- Roman
- In charge of day-to-day running of legion
- Most senior professional soldier in the legion
What is a Tribune?
- Roman junior managers
- Young men who would spend some time in the army before going back to Rome to be politicians
What is an optio?
The centurions second in command
What is a Tesserarius?
Roman commander of the watch- in charge of organising guards and passwords
What is the Primi Ordines?
- What the centurions of the First Cohort were known as
- The most senior of these Centurions would be known as the Primus Pilus
- The Primus Pilus would join the most senior commanders of the legion in war councils
What were some support roles in the Roman army?
Cornicen- a horn player
Signifer- A standard bearer
Aquilifer- Responsible for carrying legions emblem into battle
Equites Legionis- cavalry unit of a Roman legion
What was the Principia?
- HQ of a Roman Legionary fortress
- Included a courtyard with a notice board, a meeting hall, offices for admin work and a small temple
What is a Praetorium?
- Like a luxury villa in a Legionary Fortress, for the legatus to live in
Who appointed the Legatus, what experience would he have, and how long would he stay in position for?
- Appointed by the Emperor
- Would have had some experience in the legions, as a Tribunus Laticlavius
- Serve for 3 or 4 years
How did a Camp prefect get his role, and what would he do?
- He would have worked his way up to the position by proving his ability and dedication, first as a soldier, then as centurion, Primi Ordines then Primus Pilus
- Contributed to strategic councils and responsible for overseeing legion’s equipment and transport
How did someone become a Centurion?
- Reward for serving well
What did Vegetius say about Centurions?
’ Chosen for his expertness in all the exercises’
What were those with special skills called in the Roman army?
- A regular soldier might train to develop a skill the help the Legion such as carpenter, engineer, hunter
- In return they’d be exempt from tasks such as road-building or ditch-digging
What was a signum?
- Each century had one
- Typically a series of discs or medals on a pole, topped with an open hand (representing military oath) or laurel wreath (representing military victory)
What was an aquila?
- Each legion had one
- In the shape of an eagle
-Represented the spirit of the legion, and to lose it was a deep disgrace
What tribunes would each legion have?
1 Tribunus Laticlavius
5 Tribune Angusticlavius
Who were the Tribunus Laticlavius?
- A man from a senatorial family in his early 20’s
- No military background and probably a friend of the Legatus, who he was the second in command for
- He would spend 2-3 years in the role before going back to Rome to become a politician
Whe were the Tribunus Angusticlavii?
- Men from equestrian families, usually with some experience in the military, serving in the cavalry
- They had very little actual authority, but would sometimes command detachments of soldiers whilst on campaign
- They were said to be lazy and not take their job seriously
Where is the Chester Roman Legionary Fortress and when was it built?
- Between Wales and Brigantia (both areas the Romans wanted to subdue)
- Close to an estuary, making shipping convenient
- First built in the 70’s AD
Who did the Chester fortress house?
20th XX Valeria Vixtrix Legion
(20th Legion of the Victorious black eagle)
What were purposes required from a Legionary Fortess?
- Self Sufficiency
- Health
- Religion
- Living Quarters
- Entertainment
- Military training
- Communication
- Defense
How did CRLF provide self-sufficiency?
- Grain, which was the main staple of Legionary’s diets was stored in granaries in the fortress
- Had workshops, which would be used to build things such as armour, weapons and furniture
- Horses were kept inside
How did CRLF provide health?
- Hospital available to treat minor injuries
- Baths so soldiers could stay clean and healthy
- Toilets were positioned above running water to remove waste
How did CRLF provide religion?
- Principia contained a small temple (but just for the Legatus)
How did CRLF provide living quarters?
- Larger and more comfortable rooms for senior positions
- Principia contained Legates’ accom
- Each contuberniam would have 2 rooms- bedroom and communal space
How did CRLF provide entertainment?
- Communal baths, so soldiers would be able to socialise
- Ampitheatre was available for entertainment
How did CRLF provide military training?
- Drill hall for legionaries to practice fighting techniques
- Prison could teach discipline and inspire obedience in soldiers
- Ampitheatre was available for training
How did CRLF provide communication?
- Well connected via roads, and tightly packed design
- Principia had notice boards and meeting rooms
- Ampitheatre was available for meetings