Trait approaches to personality Flashcards
the trait approach to personality =
the current approach
cattells 16 major source factors
ranked in order of importance - Factor A : outgoing- reserved Factor B: Intelligence Factor C: stable – emotional Factor E: assertive – humble Factor F: happy go lucky- sober Factor g: conscientious –expedient Factor H: venturesome-shy Factor I: tender-minded > tough minded
explain briefly about cattell and validity
Depends who you ask
Cooper, cites studies showing failure to replicate
H.cattell and mead – cited recent replications
Widely used commercially
trait approach =
Dimensions along which people differ – can’t be directly observed, develop valid tests
Should stay – constant over time and situation
How and when they differ – otherwise purely descriptive, heritability, underlying cause.
establishing the dimensions via
factor analysis
reviewed existing work, suggested 5 factors > OCEAN > arbitrarily decided on 6 facets per trait. Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism
ten item personal inventory
young women tend to be more neurotic than men?
4 dimensions of introversion =
Social – like doing things alone, avoid bustle
Thinking – reflective, inward looking, self-analytic
Anxious – feel awkward in social situations
Restrained –like to take things slowly, deliberately
Very much work in progress
but what about other traits?
The big 5 seems to be fairly solid however what about the other traits?
honesty, negative, seductiveness, humour, integrity ect….
These are known as ‘ narrow personality traits’
one extension of the big 5
HEXACO > Honesty/humility, emotional stability, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness
Agreeableness – 2 facets, straightforwardness and modesty, correlate less well.
morningness >
Considering only your own 2feeling best2 rhythm, at what time would you get up if you were entirely free to plan your day?
Rosenberg self-esteem scale
Asks same question, 10 times
‘I have high self esteem’ works as well.
grit =
Perseverance and passion for long term goals
Self-importance, grandiosity, entitlement and low empathy
Modesty doesnt become me
If I ruled the world it would be a better place
1 item test for narcissim….
Asks the statement “ i am a narcissist” < how much you agree