Trait approaches to personality Flashcards
the trait approach to personality =
the current approach
cattells 16 major source factors
ranked in order of importance - Factor A : outgoing- reserved Factor B: Intelligence Factor C: stable – emotional Factor E: assertive – humble Factor F: happy go lucky- sober Factor g: conscientious –expedient Factor H: venturesome-shy Factor I: tender-minded > tough minded
explain briefly about cattell and validity
Depends who you ask
Cooper, cites studies showing failure to replicate
H.cattell and mead – cited recent replications
Widely used commercially
trait approach =
Dimensions along which people differ – can’t be directly observed, develop valid tests
Should stay – constant over time and situation
How and when they differ – otherwise purely descriptive, heritability, underlying cause.
establishing the dimensions via
factor analysis
reviewed existing work, suggested 5 factors > OCEAN > arbitrarily decided on 6 facets per trait. Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism
ten item personal inventory
young women tend to be more neurotic than men?
4 dimensions of introversion =
Social – like doing things alone, avoid bustle
Thinking – reflective, inward looking, self-analytic
Anxious – feel awkward in social situations
Restrained –like to take things slowly, deliberately
Very much work in progress
but what about other traits?
The big 5 seems to be fairly solid however what about the other traits?
honesty, negative, seductiveness, humour, integrity ect….
These are known as ‘ narrow personality traits’
one extension of the big 5
HEXACO > Honesty/humility, emotional stability, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness
Agreeableness – 2 facets, straightforwardness and modesty, correlate less well.
morningness >
Considering only your own 2feeling best2 rhythm, at what time would you get up if you were entirely free to plan your day?
Rosenberg self-esteem scale
Asks same question, 10 times
‘I have high self esteem’ works as well.
grit =
Perseverance and passion for long term goals
Self-importance, grandiosity, entitlement and low empathy
Modesty doesnt become me
If I ruled the world it would be a better place
1 item test for narcissim….
Asks the statement “ i am a narcissist” < how much you agree
myers-briggs type indicator (MBTI)
Preferences – like handedness
Opposite types, not just low or high
Are you – easy to get to know or hard to get to know
Which appeals more: statement or concept, speak or write, build or invent.
trait theory ‘is the only game in town’ (ian deary)
Big 5seems reasonably consistent
Cultural variaations
Multiple facets
Other possible traits (eg: honesty/humility)
Some evidence for loose clusters within the 5 factors.