An Instructional System is composed of
A. Problem Diagnosis B. Program Design, C. Program Delivery, D. Program Evaluation. E. All of the above
The systems approach gives important impetus to the establishment of objectives and evaluation criteria.
A. An Instruction System
B. Training and Development
C. Program Delivery
D. Problem Diagnosis
HR Training and Development Methods
It is never a finished product. There are always continued revisions to meet goals, situations change, and goals also change.
A. Coaching
B. Training/development
C. Employee Orientation (Onboarding)
D. Job Instruction
HR Training and Development Methods
Basic background information is provided. The history of the organization, culture and the basics of various HR subjects are covered. The aim is to make the employee feel welcome, provide a general understanding of the organization, and start to socialize them with regard to the policies and procedures
A. Coaching
B. Training/development
C. Employee Orientation ( Onboarding)
D. Job Instruction
HR Training and Development Methods
The trainer explains the job in its proper sequence and demonstrates how it should be done. The trainee tries to replicate the methods, and receives feedback from the trainer.
A. Coaching (Understudy Method)
B. Training/development
C. Employee Orientation (Onboarding)
D. Job Instruction
HR Training and Development Methods
On a day-to day basis the manager notes what the employee is doing properly and improperly. The trainer should provide advice on how the trainee can do his/her job more easily and effectively. Some supervisors, however, are reluctant to challenge or criticize.
A. Coaching (Understudy Method)
B. Training/development
C. Employee Orientation (Onboarding)
D. Job Instruction
HR Training and Development Methods
Employees learn much from peers. Surveys have found as much as 80% of what employees learn on the job
A. Informal Learning ( The Buddy System)
B. Project Teams ( Action Learning)
C. Apprenticeship
D. Mentoring
HR Training and Development Methods
A figure who is often 8 to 15 years older, and 2 or 3 levels above provides career advice, hints on how to tackle problems, and demonstrates interpersonal/political skills by example.
A. Informal Learning ( The Buddy System)
B. Project Teams ( Action Learning)
C. Apprenticeship
D. Mentoring
HR Training and Development Methods
A temporary team, often consisting of people from different areas or functions, that works on real projects. The results are taught to others.
A. Informal Learning ( The Buddy System)
B. Project Teams ( Action Learning)
C. Apprenticeship
D. Mentoring
HR Training and Development Methods
This normally involves craft positions. It normally lasts 2 to 5 years. It primarily involves on the job training under the direction of an experienced person.
A. Informal Learning ( The Buddy System)
B. Project Teams ( Action Learning)
C. Apprenticeship
D. Mentoring
HR Training and Development Methods
Simulations of what it is like to make top management decisions.
A. Case studies
B. Business Management Games
C. Discussion Method ( Incident Method)
D. In basket Exercise
HR Training and Development Methods
Trainees are given in-depth descriptions (5 to 30 pages), of the experiences of disguised organizations. This allows them to see the experiences of numerous managers in a short period of time.
A. Case studies
B. In basket Exercise
C. Discussion Method ( Incident Method)
D. Sensitivity Training (T-Groups)
HR Training and Development Methods
Short controversial scenarios (one to three pages). This method can only be effectively carried out in small groups. The nature of the feedback needs to be monitored
A. Case studies
B. In basket Exercise
C. Discussion Method ( Incident Method)
D. Sensitivity Training (T-Groups)
HR Training and Development Methods
The trainee is given a stack of memos, phone messages and letters. In the upcoming time frame (one week), the person has too much to do. Therefore, the problems must be prioritized. Time management must be exercised.
A. Case studies
B. In basket Exercise
C. Discussion Method ( Incident Method)
D. Sensitivity Training (T-Groups)
HR Training and Development Methods
This method is intended to change interpersonal relationships. A series of somewhat bizarre exercises will be carried out. The trainee will then discuss the experiences with the other participants (group analysis). Later, the trainee will put his/her reflections in writing (self analysis).
A. Case studies
B. In basket Exercise
C. Discussion Method ( Incident Method)
D. Sensitivity Training (T-Groups)
HR Training and Development Methods
The most common training method. This is an economical way to convey information to large numbers of trainees with a small number of trainers.
A. Lecture
B. Programmed Instruction ( Auto Instructional Techniques)
C. Behavioural Modeling
D. Role playing
HR Training and Development Methods
Modules like the SRA reading program and computer software packages that promote self paced learning. There is a question, respond, and feedback cycle. Ideally, this method will be challenging and individualized.
A. Lecture
B. Programmed Instruction ( Auto Instructional Techniques)
C. Behavioural Modeling
D. Role playing
HR Training and Development Methods
Simulations where the trainees learn by doing. They carry out their prescribed roles and in the process develop their interpersonal skills.
A. Lecture
B. Programmed Instruction ( Auto Instructional Techniques)
C. Behavioural Modeling
D. Role playing
HR Training and Development Method
First, the trainees are exposed to “model behavior.” After observing, they practice the techniques, get feedback as well as praise, and make revisions. This training should then be transferred back to the job
A. Lecture
B. Programmed Instruction ( Auto Instructional Techniques)
C. Behavioural Modeling
D. Role playing
HR Training and Development Methods
Train on the same or at least similar equipment in order to learn how to operate planes, ships, or autos. You should have an opportunity to practice, sequenced learning, knowledge of results and reinforcement.
A. Lecture
B. Vestibules/ Simulators
C. Behavioural Modeling
D. Role playing
Human Resource Development Principle
Conducting the program over a long enough period of time for the trainees to be able to digest and apply the material (not trying to do too much, too fast).
A. Rewards
B. Feedback
C. Motivation
D. Distributed Learning
Human resource development principles
The trainees should be able to see what is in it for them (praise, recognition, promotion, etc.).
A. Rewards
B. Feedback
C. Motivation
D. Distributed Learning
Human resource development principles
Trainees need to know what progress they are making and what mistakes need correction.
A. Rewards
B. Feedback
C. Motivation
D. Distributed Learning
Human resource development principles
Trainees must want to learn. Some people do not believe it is very easy to motivate people. If so, you better pick people who are already motivated.
A. Rewards
B. Feedback
C. Motivation
D. Distributed Learning
Human resource development principles
The training should apply to the job activities.
A. Opportunity to practice
B. Learning from many sources
C. Transfer
D. Individual differences
Human resource development principles
Trainees should be able to try the techniques they are being taught in order to make these methods part of their repertoire.
A. Opportunity to practice
B. Learning from many sources
C. Transfer
D. Individual differences
Human resource development principles
Trainees should be able to try the techniques they are being taught in order to make these methods part of their repertoire.
A. Opportunity to practice
B. Learning from many sources
C. Transfer
D. Individual differences
Human resource development principles
The trainee’s intelligence, motivation, aptitudes and interests should be taken into account.
A. Opportunity to practice
B. Learning from many sources
C. Transfer
D. Individual differences