It is considered useful, because they help in finding the most suitable candidates for the jobs.
A. Recruitment
B. Job posting
C. Recruitment and selection
D. Advertisement
It is the process of identifying, screening, shortlisting and hiring of the potential human resources for the purpose of filling up the positions within the organisations.
A. Recruitment
B. Selection
C. Recruitment and selection
D. Advertisement
It is the process of picking or choosing the right candidate, who is most suitable for the job
A. Recruitment
B. Selection
C. Recruitment and selection
D. Advertisement
It is called a positive process with its approach of attracting as many candidates as possible for the vacant positions
A. Recruitment
B. Selection
C. Recruitment and selection
D. Advertisement
It is called negative process with the elimination of many candidates as possible.
A. Recruitment
B. Selection
C. Recruitment and selection
D. Advertisement
It is to narrow down the field so that one is able D. to spend more time with the candidates for formal interview
A. Screening candidates
B. Interview candidates
C. Attracting candidates
Selecting and appointing candidates
It refers to the external source of recruitment, where the recruitment of qualified candidates are carried out by putting a notice regarding job vacancy in the notice board of the organisation
B. Direct recruitment
C. Campus recruitment
D. Job posting
The interview takes place on one to one basis. There will be a verbal and a visual interaction between two people, an interviewer and a candidate.
A. Individual interview
B. Formal interview
C. Panel interview
D. Stress interview
It is being conducted by a group of people. In this type of interview three to five members of the selection committee will be asking questions to the candidates on various concepts.
A. Individual interview
B. Formal interview
C. Panel interview
D. Stress interview
The candidate will be aware about the dates and timings of the interview well in advance and the interviewer plans and prepares the questions for the interview. This is also called as a planned interview
A. Individual interview
B. Formal interview
C. Panel interview
D. Stress interview
In this type of interview, all candidates or a group of candidates are interviewed together.
A. Individual interview
B. Exit interview
C. Group interview
D. Stress interview
Conducted for those employees who want to leave the organization.
A. Individual interview
B. Exit interview
C. Group interview
D. Stress interview
In this type of interview, conducted to ascertain how a candidate would react during the time of stress and cope up with problems.
A. Individual interview
B. Exit interview
C. Group interview
D. Stress interview
In this type of interview, the interviewer will come to know whether the candidate can deal in an effective manner with the demands and needs of a complicated job.
A. Individual interview
B. Exit interview
C. Group interview
D. Stress interview
In this type the interview is planned, designed and detailed in advance. It is pre planned, precise and reliable in hiring the candidates
A. Depth interview
B. Unstructured interview
C. Group interview
D. Structured interview
This type of interview is an unexpected one, where the interview questionnaire is not prepared.
A. Depth interview
B. Unstructured interview
C. Group interview
D. Structured interview
In this type of interview, it is semi structured interview where the candidates have to give detailed information about their educational qualifications, work experience, special interest, skills, aptitude and so forth.
A. Depth interview
B. Unstructured interview
C. Group interview
D. Structured interview
Having a good positive image in the market can easily attract competent and proficient resources.
A. Image of the organization
B. Image of the job
C. Demographic factors
D. Recruitment policy
It is contribute a critical role in the recruitment and selection process.
A. Image of the organization
B. Image of the job
C. Demographic factors
D. Recruitment policy
Related to the characteristics of potential employees such as their age, religion, educational, qualifications, gender, occupation, economic status and place of location.
A. Image of the organization
B. Image of the job
C. Demographic factors
D. Recruitment policy
It includes hiring from the internal or external source of organizations. It is an important factor, which affects the recruitment process.
A. Image of the organization
B. Image of the job
C. Demographic factors
D. Recruitment policy
It reflect the social and political environment of the market which are created by the central and the state of government.
A. size of the organization
B. Labour market
C. Unemployment rate
D. Labour laws
It exercise control on the demand and supply of labour. On the other hand, if the demand is less that the supply, then hiring will be relatively more manageable.
A. size of the organization
B. Labour market
C. Unemployment rate
D. Labour laws
It is high in a specific area hiring of human resource will be simple and manageable as there will be an increase in the number of applicant .
A. size of the organization
B. Labour market
C. Unemployment rate
D. Labour laws
It is one of the most important factors affecting the recruitment process. To develop business, recruitment planning is mandatory for hiring more resources, which will be crucial in the management of future operations.
A. size of the organization
B. Labour market
C. Unemployment rate
D. Labour laws
Passed by government will have a positive or negative impact on the recruitment policies of the organizations
A. Equal opportunity
B. Competitors
C. Posting vacancies
D. Legal considerations
It is vital to take into consideration, equal employment opportunities for the individuals. When all the applicants are treated on an equal basis and consistently at every stage of recruitment.
A. Equal opportunity
B. Competitors
C. Posting vacancies
D. Legal considerations
When organizations in the same industry are competing for the best qualified resources.
A. Equal opportunity
B. Competitors
C. Posting vacancies
D. Legal considerations
When organizations in the same industry are competing for the best qualified resources.
A. Equal opportunity
B. Competitors
C. Posting vacancies
D. Legal considerations
Jo Posting refers to the practice of publicising and displaying advertisement of an open job to the employees. In most cases, Internet, newspapers, notice and bullet boards are the areas where job postings are found.
A. Equal opportunity
B. Posting Vacancies
C. Labour Law
D. Legal considerations
It consideration vital in all types of organizations to improve employee morale, so they do not find their job duties monotonous and tedious
A. Job rotation
B. Job posting
C. Posting vacancies
D. Legal considerations
There are two important sources that need to be taken into consideration internal recruitment and external recruitment
A. Attracting Candidates
B. Interviewing
C. Posting vacancies
D. Legal considerations
Monitoring the performance of the employees is essential aspect within the organization. It is necessary to evaluate the employees from time to time in order to monitor enhancement or productivity and their performance.
A. Employee evaluation
B. Transfer
C. Promotion
D. Recruitment of former employees
Types of recruitment, it refers to advancement of the employees by evaluating their job performance.
A. Employee evaluation
B. Transfer
C. Promotion
D. Recruitment of former employees
Types of recruitment, the process of interchanging from one job to another without any change in the designation and responsibilities
A. Employee evaluation
B. Transfer
C. Promotion
D. Recruitment of former employees
Types of recruitment, it is a process of internal sources of recruitment where in the ex employee are called back, depending upon the requirements of this position.
A. Employee evaluation
B. Transfer
C. Promotion
D. Recruitment of former employees
Types of recruitment, it is an operative way of sourcing the right candidates at a low cost. It is the process of hiring new capitals through the reference of the employees, who currently employed within the organization.
A. Employee referral
B. Previous applicants
C. Professional association
D. Internal Advertisement
Types of recruitment, these applicants are those who have applied for jobs in the past. These individuals can be easily contacted and the response will be positive in most case.
A. Employee referral
B. Previous applicants
C. Professional association
D. Internal Advertisement
Types of external recruitment, it can help the organizations in hiring professionals, technical and managerial personnel, they focus on sourcing mid level and top level resources
A. Employee referral
B. Previous applicants
C. Professional association
D. Internal Advertisement
Types of external recruitment, as per the law, for a certain job vacancies, it is compulsory that the organisation provides details. It is a government entity where the details of the job seekers are deposited and given to the employer’s for filling the vacant positions.
A. Employment agencies
B. Employment exchanges
C. Campus recruitment
D. Job posting
Types of internal recruitment, referred to as the process of posting and advertising jobs within the organisation. An open invitation to all employees within the organization
A. Employment agencies
B. Employment exchanges
C. Campus recruitment
D. Internal Recruitment or Job posting
Types of external recruitment, they are functioned by various sectors such as private, public and government. It provides unskilled, semi skilled and skilled resources
A. Employment agencies
B. Employment exchanges
C. Campus recruitment
D. Job posting
It is external source of recruitment, where the educational institution such as colleges and universities make provisions of information to the students regarding employment opportunities
A. Employment agencies
B. Employment exchanges
C. Campus recruitment
D. Job posting
Types of external recruitment, it is an imperceptible way of sourcing the candidates for filling up the vacant positions
A. Word of mouth advertising
B. Interview
C. Job vacancy
D. Interviewing candidates
It is vital to implement time management skills for the interview processes so that they can be completed on time
A. Word of mouth advertising
B. Interview
C. Job vacancy
D. Interviewing candidates
It is determined exchange notion the answering of questions and communication between two or more persons.
A. Word of mouth advertising
B. Interview
C. Job vacancy
D. Interviewing candidates
The first step is when vacancy arise within organization. It should be aware of the vacant positions and when they should get filled with capable employees.
A. Word of mouth advertising
B. Interview
C. Job vacancy
D. Interviewing candidates
Two main factors need to be taken into consideration. First id expectation of the employees and second is characteristic of the job. Development and utilization of well structured questions based on the profile of the employees will help in getting the better insight of the true personality of the candidate.
A. Word of mouth advertising
B. Interview
C. Job vacancy
D. Interviewing candidates
The most prevalent and common external source of recruitment. It regarding jobs are displayed in newspapers, magazines and on the websites.
A. Recruitment
B. Selection
C. Recruitment and selection
D. Advertisement