Traditional Marxism Flashcards
Traditional Marxist concepts
Capitalism Ruling class ideology False class consciousness Exploitation and alienation Revolutionary change
- See the capitalist social structure as divided in to 2 inter related parts (infrastructure and superstructure)
- Infrastructure - Dominated by the bourgeoisie who own and control the means of production eg land and factories
- The social relations of production are unequal
- Superstructure - The WC put up with the exploitation due to social institutions which have 3 functions
1. Reproduce generational inequalities of wealth , power etc
2. To legitimate inequalities through ideologies so they seem normal and natural
3. To hide inequalities and the reason why inequalities exist ( the poor lack knowledge about inequalities so this reduces their potential to challenge the system ) False class consciousness
Evaluation of Capitalism
- Functionalists argue that specialised division of labour is based on genuine meritocratic values
- It ignores the prevalence of social mobility
- The nature of class is more complicated than just 2 groups
Ruling class ideology
- Ideas which support the interests of the wealthy
- These are transmitted through education and the family eg parents encourage children to take their place in capitalist systems as workers by teaching them hard work irrespective of pay and conditions
Schools also falsely convince pupils that a capitalist system is meritocratic through exams - People are persuaded to prefer capitalism because it reward people based on effort
- This benefits the ruling classes as people grow up accepting these ideas as true and thus not challenging it so the wealthy can maintain their positions
Evaluation of Ruling class ideology
- Action theorists criticise it for being overly deterministic as it creates the impression that the WC are puppets
- Functionalists argue that society is based on value consensus not ruling class ideology
False class consciousness
- The WC fail to recognise they are being exploited and accept without question
- It is passed through each generation through socialisation in to ruling class ideology
- People are socialised in to a product of their social class eg football tends to be a WC pursuit and it distracts them from the problems of capitalism
- People are encouraged to blame others in similar social positions for wider social problems eg white WC are encouraged via the media to be pre occupied with other groups in society eg migrants
- The ruling class divides the population so reduce the likelihood that people will challenge those in authority
- WC are provided with basic opportunities eg free healthcare which cons them in to thinking the system cares about them
This reduces the likelihood of the WC challenging the status quo
Evaluation of False class consciousness
- neo-marxism argues that people live in a state of dual consciousness so people are aware of inequalities
- Most people do genuinely benefit from capitalism eg career opportunities and social mobility
- Some accept capitalism as they see it as better than communism
Exploitation and alienation
- The bourgeoisie dominate wealth because they exploit the surplus value of WC labour ( the differences btwn the value of labour and the wage paid
- 2016 ( The richest 1% of people in GB own as much wealth as the poorest 55% which demonstrates how the wealthy members of society benefit )
- The WC tend to have fewer qualifications and alternative career options so they tolerate the exploitation as they are dependent on the wages
- Workers are alienated in the workplace as they have no control over their work lives eg wages
- The proletariat are powerless because they are disposable and workers have no ownership over product
Evaluation of exploitation and alienation
- Functionalists claim people end up with low paid job roles because that is all they are capable of achieving
- The theory is outdated eg workers have greater rights than ever before
Revolutionary change
- Marx believed that society would undergo a revolutionary change (only way to free workers from exploitation)
- The proletariat would rise up and realise they were being unfairly treated
- This would leave to the abolition of the state and the creation of a classless communist society putting people before profit
- For a revolution the proletariat need to be awakened from their state of false class consciousness and replace it with full class consciousness
Evaluation of Revolutionary change
- UK continues to practice capitalism
- In the soviet union leaders such as stalin exploited and oppressed people for the benefit of those in power
- The majority of people are content under a capitalist society