Traditional Grammer Flashcards
A noun, noun phrase, or noun clause that follows a noun or pronoun.
Often set off by commas.
Split infinitive
An infinitive verb form with an element, usually an adverb, interposed between “to” and the verb form
“To kindly stay” adverb “kindly” comes between “to” and “stay”
Independent clause
A stand alone sentence
Name people, places, things, or abstractions
Substitutes for nouns
Describes and limits nouns
Pretty, tall, new, red
Define states of being or actions
Action words
Express relationships-in space, time, or other senses-between nouns or pronouns
For, of, with, by, to, in, out
Tell where, when, and how the action or state occurs
Modify verbs
Here, today, fast, happily
Connect and relate various elements of a sentence
And, but, so, however
Collective nouns
A noun that names a group of people with common interests
Team, class, family, office
Proper noun
A specific person, place, or thing
Common noun
A general group of a person, place or thing
Direct object
Noun or pronoun that tells whom or what the verb points to
Indirect object
The person who is the receiver of the direct object
The present participle (basic verb+ing).
Used as a subject, direct object, object of a proposition
(To+ basic verb)
Used as a subject or direct object of a sentence
Prepositional phrase
A phrase beginning with a proposition, a noun, or pronoun; object of the preposition. Any modifiers of the object.
Participial phrase
Consists of a present participle or past participle and any modifiers, objects, or complements.
- ed
- ing
Appositive phrase
A noun phrase that renames the noun or pronoun that immediately precedes it.
Ex. The report, “a hefty three-volume work…”
Antecedent-pronoun agreement
Agreement between the pronoun and the noun it replaces.
Subordinate clause
Depends on the rest of the sentence for its meaning.
Must always be attached to a main clause that completes the meaning.