Trading Losses Flashcards
What is Shown in The Tax Computation for a Loss-Making Year?
Loss Relief
What are Losses Set Against Under Section 64?
Net Income in the Current and/or Preceding Tax Year.
Net Income is Also Referred to as ‘General Income’
Loss Relief
When is a Section 71 Claim Available?
Once the Maximum Section 64 Claim Has Been Made for a Tax Year.
Loss Relief Claims
When Must Loss Relief Claims Under Section 83 be Made?
Within 4 Years Since the Loss Arose.
5 April 2029 for Losses Arising in 2024/25
Effects on Tax Payments
Tax Refunds Under Section 64 Carrybacks are:
- Calculated Using That Year’s Rates;
- Given as a Credit in Current Tax Year.
Loss Relief Restrictions
Certain Loss Relief Claims are Restricted to the Greater of:
- £50,000;
- 25% of Adjusted Total Income.
‘Adjusted Total Income’ is Total Income Less Any PPCs
Loss Relief Restrictions
What Does The Restriction Exclude?
Losses Set Against Income From The Same Trade.
Other Restrictions
What is a Commercial Trade?
Trade Carried on Throughout a Tax Year for Profit.
Early Trade Loss Relief
What is a Section 72 Claim?
Losses Made in the First 4 Tax Years of Trading are Set Against Net Income of the 3 Preceding Tax Years.
Early Trade Loss Relief
How are Losses Under a Section 72 Claim Allocated?
On a ‘First in, First Out’ Basis.