Structures and Buildings Allowance Flashcards
When is a SBA Claim Unavailable?
Where Taxable Trading Profits are Calculated Using the Cash Basis.
What Buildings Qualify for the SBA?
- New Buildings and Structures;
- Renovation or Conversion of an Existing Building.
Construction Must Occur on or After 29 October 2018.
Amount of Relief
How is the SBA Calculated?
Qualifying Expenditure x 3% Per Annum
2% Prior to 6 April 2020.
Amount of Relief
The SBA is Time-Apportioned in:
- Accounting Period of Construction/Purchase and Sale;
- Long or Short Accounting Periods.
Qualifying Expenditure
Expenditure Qualifying for an SBA Claim Includes:
- Construction Costs;
- Land Preperation Costs;
- Demolition Costs.
Allowance Statement
An Allowance Statement Details:
- A Contract’s Date for Construction;
- Qualifying Expenditure;
- The Date of First Business Use.
Required to Make a Claim
Use of Building
In What Situation can the SBA Still be Claimed?
Where Use of the Building Ceases.
Treated as Being Used for Business Purposes
Use of Building
How is Qualifying Expenditure Apportioned if There is Business and Residential Use?
On a Just and Reasonable Basis.
No Relief is Available if Business Use is Insignificant or a Home Office.
Interaction with Capital Gains Tax
What Must be Added to a Building’s Eventual Sale Proceeds?
The Total Amount of SBAs Claimed.