Trade unions - GA Key debate 1, to what extent did improvements in the economy during the gilded age benefit workers and unions Flashcards
Do most sources agree or disagree that growth was found in this period?
Yes, most accounts agree that the period witnessed significant growth in the American economy. It can be argued that it was the fastest growth period ever (7% per year)
What happened to wages during the gilded age?
They rose dramatically, especially for skilled workers. Increase of some 60%, despite the rapid rise in available workforce caused by immigration.
What increased the demand for labour in this period?
Increase in transport and heavy industry.
What kind of unions grew? And examples.
Unions like the Knights of Labour saw rapid growth. KOL went up from 20,000 in 1881 to 700,000 in 1886 and included both AAs and women.
When was the AFL formed? What did it focus on?
It was formed in 1886. It sought to link all unions. Some businesses were willing to work with it and establish mechanisms for negotiation.
What were sickness clubs?
Workers contributed to them incase they were ill but compensation was limited.
What happened in terms of inequality in the Gilded Age?
A period of increasing inequality, 2% of the population owned 30% of the wealth.
What were wages for unskilled and skilled workers compared?
Unskilled workers earned about 30% of what skilled workers did.
What led to the decrease in demand of skilled workers?
What did the ‘contract system’ mean for workers in quiet periods?
They could be laid off.
What were workers rights looking like?
They had little rights. They worked in poor and often dangerous conditions, 2000 workers were killed in rail accidents in 1889.
What was the reputation of unions? Why?
Violence of strikes destroyed the reputation of unions. The KOL collapsed due to the Haymarket affair in 1886.
What did the economic slump at the end of the 1880s do to workers?
Unemployment increased, job security decreased, reduction in wages
Why were workers divided?
The workforce was divided between white, skilled workers (who made up most of the unions), and African Americans. This was made exacerbated by immigrants from Asia and Europe. Fears that this would decrease wages. AAs or new immigrants not usually allowed to join unions.
What was the governments view on trade unions and workers?
Government’s laissez-faire attitude encouraged large corporations and there was no protective legislation for the workforce.
Who’s side were courts on?
The courts supported employers and issued injunctions to end strikes.