Trade Secrets Flashcards
Prima Facie Case of TS under UTSA
- establish the existence of a TS
- ∆ acquired knowlede of TS as a result of Confidental relationship
- ∆ made unauthorized use or disclosure
Elements of a TS
- information
- independent economic value
- not generally known/readily ascertainable by improper means
- Subject of Reasonable efforts to protect
*tangible is helpful, not required.
*agreement defining it is helpful, not dispositive
What constitutes “information” when proving a TS
can be a compilation, generally not customer lists: must be something in addition to just names, can be affirmative (recipe or formula) or negative (what not to do)
Evaluation of “not generally known”
done on a case by case basis based on the value, size, and sophistication of parties
Evaluation of reasonable efforts
evaluated under the circumstances, taken into account relationship and sophistication of parties
What constitutes “misappropriation” of a TS
acquisition, disclosure, use
what constitutes acquisition of TS
- includes a breach or inducement of breach of FD
What constitutes disclosure or use of a TS
- disclosure or use
- without express or implied consent,
- by a person who:
- used improper means OR
- knew or had reason to know it was:
- from someone who had improper means OR
- acquired from or through someone who had a duty of secrecy
- derived from or through a person who owed duty
reverse engineering alone is not enough
Special Defenses under UTSA
basically disprove any PF + consent, disclosure
* generally known
* no reasonable efforts
* independently developed
* reverse engineered
* π disclosed it
* π implied consent
* no independent economic value
Generic/Equitable Defenses under UTSA
- laches
- estoppel
- unclean hands
- “memorization defense” (weak; someone who intenitonally memorizes a TS is likely still liable)
Remedies under UTSA
injunctive relief
- mandatory or prohibatory
- Prelim
- permanent
- DTSA is more elaborate, broader but less specific.
- DTSA grants FQJ without preempting state claims
- DTSA prohibits injunctions that prohibit a person from obtaining employment
- both allow for injunctive relief and damages
Vicarious Liability
majority rule is that UTSA covers vicarious liability
minority rule is that it does not