Trade - Key Terms Flashcards
Goods going into a country
The exchange of goods and services between countries
Goods going out of a country
Balance of payment?
A record of all payments and receipts, difference of total payments in and out of a country
Trade deficit?
The amount of money on imports exceeds that of exports, buying in more than earning
Trade surplus?
Exports values exceeds imports values
Free trade?
International trade with no tariffs, quotas or other restrictions
The practise of shielding a country’s domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports
Visible trade?
When goods are exchanged that can be counted, weighed and given a value (eg. Raw materials, foodstuffs and manufactured goods)
Invisible trade?
When services are exchanged (eg. Tourism, earning from workers overseas)
Primary products?
Raw materials from which other products products can be manufactured; are made in that country (eg. Natural rubber, crude oil)
Secondary products?
Manufactured goods which may need to be imported as they are not made there; can reflect freedom of choice, wealth rather than need (eg. Cars)