Trade And Commerce Flashcards
What is Trade?
The buying and selling of goods.
What is commerce?
Activities that help facilitate the exchange of goods from products or manufacture to markets. It includes transport, banking, insurance and warehousing.
What is Mercantilism?
A system of regulations governing trade whereby colonies had been obliged to send most of their produce to Britain, to buy British manufactured goods, and use British ships for both their imports and exports.
What is meant by protectionist?
Using tariffs, particularly duties on imported goods to regulate trade.
How did the idea of free trade come about?
In Adam Smith’s influential book, The Wealth of Nations, he argued that wealth was expandable ad freedom from commercial restrictions was the only way to maximise prosperity. Britain was able to indulge in this theory as it was the world’s most foremost trading nation and by the middle of the 19th century British trade was left free from gov trading restrictions.
How did the British gov react to free trade?
They were active in supporting the idea of free trade around the world (tended to benefit Britain’s trade dominance) and was ready to resort to threats and sometimes coercion to achieve it (e.g. In the case of China in the Opium Wars). This is sometimes know as the ‘imperialism of free trade’.
Why was colonial trade a good thing?
There was always a concern that non-colonial trade could be restricted(e.g. American Civil War) whereas colonial markets would remain open. Additionally, colonies generally wanted to trade with Britain partly out of loyalty but also because it was easier, trading patterns well established, countries of the empire shared a common language, common or tied currency and a common system of commercial law. Borrowing in London capital markets was also cheaper as lenders had faith in the reliability of British possessions.
What was the consequences of free trade?
- Imperial trade and investment grew enormously.
- An ‘industrial empire’ was created where the colonies provided the raw materials and foodstuff in which Britain would convert into finished goods and which generally the colonies were compelled to buy back.
- In the 3/4 of the 19th century around 20% of Britain’s imports came from colonies while empire provided a market for 1/3 of British exports.
- London became the worlds financial capital as British investment overseas increased and the sterling became the main currency of international trade.
- Growth in trade was also supported by technological improvements in railways, steamships, underwater cables and telegraph lines as well as innovations in banking and company organisation.
What were self-governing settler colonies permitted to do in regards to trade?
While Britain adopted free trade, there was no internal free trade between colonies and the self-governing settler colonies were permitted to adopt protective tariff systems of their own. Countries such as Australia and Canada imposed import tariffs in order to protect their own growing industries.
How were sailing ships improved due to increase trade and commerce?
Sailing ships reached max efficiency in the 1860s with clippers sailing all over the world, particularly the route to China and the East.
What were clippers.
They were fast ships ideally suited to low-volume, high-profit goods, such as tea, opium and spices and were also used to carry mail and people. Competition among them was fierce (times recorded in newspapers) but they had a short life expectancy of around 20 years of use.
What ships did Britain use for more bulky and heavy goods?
For bulky and heavy goods needing to be carried across oceans and up rivers, steamships were used. These ship’s efficiently was improved due to the development of the compound steam engine in the 1850s (consumed less coal) allowing ships to trade economically with more distant possessions. In 1850s companies reduced travel time between Britain and West Africa to less than three weeks and increased cargo capacity.
The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 and the development of the triple expansion steam engine in the 1870s further stimulated the construction of steam carriers. Steamships could also be used inland, e.g. British companies sent steam-trading vessels up the Niger.
How were railways useful and what role did they play in the self-governing settler colonies?
Railways were key to economic development and British control. Britain provided the investment, the engineers and the rolling stock and the colonies resulting dependence on Britain could be used to pressurise governments (e.g. Canada forced to accept British policies on defence). Railways provided the largest single investment of the period in the self-governing settler colonies of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. They opened up Canadian prairies, enabled Australia to export its wheat and wool and offered South Africa a chance to expand its territories and commercial interests into the interior.
How were railways bad?
They encroached upon indigenous lands, disrupted long-standing ecologies and communities, and often led to the displacement and forced removal of indigenous peoples.
What role did railways play in India?
They had been built for a strategic purpose but also linked the cotton and jute-growing areas of the north with the mills of Bombay and Calcutta and enabled rice to reach ports for export.
What role did railways play in less Westernised areas, such as West Africa?
Railways provided the vital link between the interior areas of production and the sea.
As a whole what were railways and why were they used?
They were useful for trading and investment in railways provided ‘invisible trade’ for Britain and the spread of railways within the empire facilitated commercial enterprise.
Railways also provided a huge market for Britain since most of the engineers and parts were from Britain and around 70% of British investment was in transport infrastructure, especially railways.
What is invisible trade?
The supplying of services or investment overseas, money made in this way is referred to as ‘invisible earnings’.
How were rivers important?
Internal river systems were an important means of transport for trading products and were often the focus of explorers’ quests to discover what was in the interior of places such as Africa. To facilitate trade rivers had to sometimes be straightened, diverted and deepened which had profound ecological effects.
How were canals important?
Canals could be built to avoid hazardous stretches of water or provide waterways where there was none. E.g. In India canals developed on huge scale after 1857, In Canada (after 1867) canals were deepened around the St Lawrence/Great Lakes Safeway system and the Welland Canal was built to overcome height differences between Lakes Eyrie and Ontario.
What agricultural goods did Canada, Australia and New Zealand provide?
There were vast tracks of land permitting the production of cheap foodstuffs and agricultural raw materials such as wool. These colonies produced goods that were available in Europe, but at a cheaper price.
What agricultural goods did the tropical colonies provide?
Colonies such as South Africa produced goods that were not available in Britain like sugar, coffee, cocoa, groundnuts, copra and palm oil. Although production was small-scale native farmers weer generally obliged to sell at whatever price they were offered.
How were plantations utilised to produce agricultural goods?
For example Indian labourers (known by the offensive term ‘coolies’) were transported to work in the Caribbean colonies for fixed periods (usually 5 years) in exchange for their transport. Some were also taken to South Africa. The workers were often paid low wages for hard, unpleasant work.
How was mining an important product of trade and commerce to Britain?
Tin in Nigeria, gold in the Gold Coast, diamonds in Sierra Leone helped develop these colonies. Copper was found in what would be Northern Rhodesia and coal and gold was found in Southern Rhodesia. In 1886, gold was found in South Africa promoting a gold rush to the previously poor Dutch-Boer republic in the Transvaal. Over 30,000 British skilled miners went to work there which increased British ambitions in the area. Diamonds were later discovered in the area - leading to the Kimberly Diamond Syndicate in 1890. Gold was in New South Wales (Australia) in 1851 and by 1866 Victoria was producing £124 million worth of gold (1/3 of world’s production). The Australian mines began to run dry in 1860s after the first Australian gold rush but there was a later wave of discoveries in the 1880s in West Australia and more gold deposits were discovered in New Zealand in the 1860s.
How did the empire effect industry in the colonies?
There was limited development in industry in the colonies, partly because they had a small internal market and because they could not compete in a world market with British manufacture. On the other hand, undeveloped areas were propelled to modernise due to British capital and technology but the independent economic development of colonies was restrained by the way that the British controlled and exploited their economies.
What is an example of a colonial industry not surviving?
In India, were there were large local demands, Indian-run mills could not compete in price with imported British textiles, leading to the destruction of the Indian textile industry.
What were chartered companies like before 1857?
In the 17th century the world’s leading economy had been India, and the royal chartered British East India Company had been established to gain access to India’s merchandise and markets. Other chartered companies followed. These companies were government-recognised and were granted monopoly rights to a specific territory’s resources in return for its administration. When free trade was introduced, in 1841 Lord Palmerston said it was “the business of the government to open and secure the roads for the merchant, but no more”. Free trade and the Indian rebellion of 1857 brought and end to the East India Company, but trading companies remained influential in Africa into the late 19th century.
How did the use of chartered companies change from 1850-1870?
The government allowed trading to proceed at its own pace in the 1850s and 1860s, seeing competition between rival companies as a healthy sign of successful capitalism. In the 1870s when Britain’s economic supremacy faced challenges from both European and American industrialisation and the onset of the Long Depression so the idea of chartered companies was revived to extend British trade and control at no cost to the gov.
What companies were given charters after 1870?
- In 1881, the North Borneo Trading Company received a charter to administer the territory. North Borneo benefitted from deposits of coal, iron and copper and from the development of tobacco and coffee plantations. It was also a key strategic site for Britain in the South China Sea at a sort of mid-point between India and Hong Kong. This charter set a precedent for the following.
- The Royal Niger Company received a charter in 1886 permitting trade in the lands alongside the Niger and avenue rivers, giving permission for expansion northwards and allowing the company to serve as a government of the Niger region.
- The Imperial British East Africa Company received a charter in 1888.
- The British South Africa Company received a charter in 1889.
What was the purpose of trading companies?
Their primary purpose was to generate profit for shareholders in Britain often leading to ruthless exploitation of local peoples and environments.
What was The Imperial Federation League and what was its purpose?
It was founded in 1884 to promote colonial unity and internal imperial tariff preference. Despite some traction in Britain, it was unsuccessful at overturning free trade which underpinned British economic dominance in the 19th century.