tracy k smith letter to a photojournalist going in Flashcards
emphasis of how much photojournalism matters to speakers lover and what lengths he goes to to succeed
“you go to the pain city after city”
“when they….kick at your gut”
imagery of the warzone
“soldiers smoking”
“bodies blown open like curtains”
“boys brandish plastic guns”
the war has after effects as he is left thinking about it at night
“at night you sleep playing it back in reverse”
“people close their mouths and run backwards out of frame”
speaker is in competition with his career when it comes to his love she wants him but he is solely made up of himself and war
“but who can love two things at once”
she wonders if everything was for nothing and maybe theres no point in the relationship
“what i say is nothing but a way to kid ourselves into thinking we might last”
she wants to hold on to the relationship more than him
“sometimes i think youre right wanting to lose everything”
constant referral and comparison to the camera showing her jealousy
“single flimsy frame”
“empty as the camera”
she devalues the camera to show to him that it doesnt matter as much as her and she tries to convince him that its useless
“we all know is just a hollow box mechanized to obey”
she wants time to stop
“for time to land at my feet like a grenade”