TQM Flashcards
management approach to long-term
success through customer satisfaction. In a TQM effort,
all members of an organization participate in improving
processes, products, services, and the culture in which
they work.
A core definition of total quality management (TQM)
Many of TQM concepts are present in
modern quality management systems,
8 principles of total quality
employee commitment can only be obtained after
fear has been driven from the workplace,
when empowerment has occurred, and when
management has provided the proper environment.
High-performance work systems
integrate continuous improvement efforts with
normal business operations.
are one form of empowerment.
work teams
s a series of
steps that take inputs from suppliers (internal or
external) and transforms them into outputs that are
delivered to customers (internal or external)
Although an organization may
consist of many different functional specialties often
organized into ???? , it is
the ??? interconnecting these
functions that are the focus of TQM
Although an organization may
consist of many different functional specialties often
organized into vertically structured departments, it is
the horizontal processes interconnecting these
functions that are the focus of TQM
An integrated business system may be modeled
after the ?? and/or incorporate
An integrated business system may be modeled
after the Baldrige Award criteria and/or incorporate
the ISO 9000 standards.
connects business
improvement elements in an attempt to continually
improve and exceed the expectations of customers,
employees, and other stakeholders.
integrated system
: A critical part of
the management of quality is the
strategic and
systematic approach to achieving an organization’s
vision, mission, and goals.
the formulation of a strategic plan that integrates
quality as a core component.
drives an organization to be both
analytical and creative in finding ways to become
more competitive and more effective at
meeting stakeholder expectations
continual imrpvement
In order to know how
well an organization is performing, data on
performance measures are necessary. TQM requires
that an organization continually collect and analyze
data in order to improve decision making accuracy,
achieve consensus, and allow prediction based on
past history.
fact based decision making
uring times of organizational
change, as well as part of day-to-day operation,
effective communications plays a large part in
maintaining morale and in motivating employees at
all levels. Communications involve strategies,
method, and timeliness.
The methods for implementing TQM approach
come from the teachings of such quality leaders
as Philip B. Crosby, W. Edwards Deming, Armand
V. Feigenbaum, Kaoru Ishikawa, and Joseph M.
The history of total quality management (TQM) began
initially as a term coined by the ??? to describe its Japanese-style management
approach to quality improvemen
The history of total quality management (TQM) began
initially as a term coined by the Naval Air Systems
Command to describe its Japanese-style management
approach to quality improvemen
TQM draws on a knowledge of the principles
and practices of:
draws on a knowledge of the principles
and practices of:
The behavioral sciences
The analysis of quantitative and nonquantitative
Economics theories
Process analysiS
Some of the first seeds of quality management were
planted as the principles of scientific management
swept through U.S. industry.
Businesses clearly separated the processes of planning
and carrying out the plan, and union opposition arose
as workers were deprived of a voice in the conditions
and functions of their work
The Hawthorne experiments in the late ??showed
how worker productivity could be impacted by
The Hawthorne experiments in the late 1920s showed
how worker productivity could be impacted by
Walter Shewhart developed the methods for statistical
analysis and control of quality.
taught methods for statistical
analysis and control of quality to Japanese engineers
W. Edwards Deming
Developed the methods for statistical
analysis and control of quality.
Taught the concepts of controlling
quality and managerial breakthrough.
Joseph M. Juran
forerunner for the present understanding of TQM, was
Armand V. Feigenbaum’s book Total Quality Control,
paved the
way for quality improvement in many companies.
Philip B. Crosby’s promotion of zero defects
- W. Edwards Deming taught methods for statistical
analysis and control of quality to Japanese engineers and executives. This can be considered the origin of
Joseph M. Juran taught the concepts of controlling
quality and managerial breakthrough.
Armand V. Feigenbaum’s book Total Quality Control, a
forerunner for the present understanding of TQM, was
Philip B. Crosby’s promotion of zero defects paved the
way for quality improvement in many companies.
The Japanese named their approach to total quality
“companywide quality control.” It is around this time
that the term quality management systems arises.
Kaoru Ishikawa’s synthesis of the philosophy
contributed to Japan’s ascendancy as a quality leader.
It is around this time
that the term quality management systems arises
The Japanese named their approach to total quality
“companywide quality control.”
contributed to Japan’s ascendancy as a quality leader.
Kaoru Ishikawa’s synthesis of the philosophy
he name for the philosophy of a broad and
systemic approach to managing organizational quality
Quality standards such as the ???? and
quality award programs such as the ???? specify
principles and processes that comprise TQM
Quality standards such as the ISO 9000 series and
quality award programs such as the Deming Prize and
the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award specify
principles and processes that comprise TQM
TQM as a term to describe an organization’s quality
policy and procedure has fallen out of favor as
international standards for quality management have
been developed.
Strengthened competitive position
Adaptability to changing or emerging market
conditions and to environmental and other
government regulations
Higher productivity
Enhanced market image
Elimination of defects and waste
Reduced costs and better cost management
Higher profitability
Improved customer focus and satisfaction
Increased customer loyalty and retention
Increased job security
Improved employee morale
Enhanced shareholder and stakeholder value
Improved and innovative processes
tqm benefits and advamtage
has collected a series of total quality management
case studies to illustrate the impact a TQM system can
have on your organization.
1) Top management learns about and decides to
commit to TQM. TQM is identified as one of the
organization’s strategies.
2) The organization assesses current culture,
customer satisfaction, and quality management
3) Top management identifies core values and
principles to be used, and communicates them.
4) A TQM master plan is developed on the basis of
steps 1, 2, and 3.
5) The organization identifies and prioritizes customer
demands and aligns products and services to meet
those demands.
6) Management maps the critical processes through
which the organization meets its customers’ needs.
7) Management oversees the formation of teams for
process improvement efforts.
8) The momentum of the TQM effort is managed by
the steering committee.
9) Managers contribute individually to the effort
through hoshin planning, training, coaching, or
other methods.
10) Daily process management and standardization
take place.
11) Progress is evaluated and the plan is revised as
12) Constant employee awareness and feedback on
status are provided and a reward/recognition
process is established.
Imprints of TQM concepts can be found in modern
approaches to quality management, such as
the???? as well as the examples
Imprints of TQM concepts can be found in modern
approaches to quality management, such as
the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
(MBNQA) criteria, ISO 9001, Six
Sigma and lean manufacturing, as well as the examples
takes key business
processes and/or organizational units and uses the
tools of TQM to foster improvements. This method was
widely used in the early 1980s as companies tried to
implement parts of TQM as they learned them.
The TQM element approach
Examples of this approach include quality
circles, statistical process control, Taguchi methods,
and quality function deployment.
The TQM element approach
uses the teachings and writings of
one or more of the leading quality thinkers as a guide
against which to determine where the organization has
deficiencies. The organization makes appropriate
changes to remedy those deficiencies.
The guru approach
For example,
managers might study Deming’s 14 points or attend the
Crosby College. Afterward, they would work on
implementing the approach learned
guru approacjh
In this approach, individuals or teams visit organizations
that have taken a leadership role in TQM and
determine their processes and reasons for success.
They then integrate these ideas with their own ideas to
develop an organizational model adapted for their
specific organization.
organization model approach
This method was used widely in
the late 1980s and is exemplified by the initial
recipients of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality
The organization model approach
Organizations using the Japanese total quality approach
examine the detailed implementation techniques and
strategies employed by Deming Prize-winning
companies and use this experience to develop a longrange master plan for in-house use. This approach was
The Japanese total quality approach
This approach was
used by Florida Power and Light—among others—to
implement TQM and to compete for, and win, the
Deming Prize.
Japanese total quality approach
When using this model, an organization uses the
criteria of a quality award (e.g., the Deming Prize, the
European Quality Award, or the Malcolm Baldrige
National Quality Award), to identify areas for
improvement. Under this approach, TQM
implementation focuses on meeting specific award
The award criteria approach
Although some argue that this is not an appropriate
use of award criteria, some organizations do use this
approach and it can result in improvement.
The award criteria approach