TP paper 2 Flashcards
Biblical interpretation- Hermeneutics
- Difference in time
- Difference in Language
- Difference in social convention
- Polyphonic nature of texts
The bible- Authority for christians
- gospel writers are said to have heard the heralds call (Barth)
- contains the accounts of Jesus life (Trinity)
- contains central teachings in christianity
How Might Christians use the bible
- lectio Divina: where christians read the bible, meditate, oratio and then contemplate on their reading ( this aids in meditiation)
- missal: small sections of the bible are selected day by day for mass which activates on a 3 year cycle that contains extracts from the old testament, new testament, gospels and psalms ( aids in worship)
Biblical interpretation ( Bultmann)
Demythologisation- what bultmann is essentially arguing is that we shouldnt take the bible literally as it is bound to an obsolete worldview, and we should instead seek to apply meaning to todays world (which has more scientific evidence)
Biblical interpretation ( Kierkegaard)
Fideism, what kiekegaard is arguing is that to interpret the bible you must disregard reason and be guided by faith. You need to take a leap of faith, which provides a clear lens for interpretation as it removes historical innacuracy
Biblical interpretation ( Barth)
Neo Orthodoxy, the gospel accounts in the bible are the word of God, and any inaccuracies are down to human error. He believed that the gospel writers could hear the heralds call, but however cannot literally be gods word as it goes beyond human expression
Jesus Life (Baptism)
Mentioned in all four gospels and was meant to be carried out by john the baptist. It is understood as one of the 7 sacraments. In the baptist faith it marks the start of a new life; “as soon as jesus was baptised he went up, out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened and he saw the spirit of God descending” Matthew
- the first time we saw the entire trinity aspect: “ this is my son with whom i am well pleased”
Jesus Life ( Temptations)- Links to lent
Mentioned in 3/4 Gospels- matthew mark and luke
The temptations were
1. Make bread out of stones to relieve his own hunger
2. Jump from a high point and rely on angels to break his fall (luke and matthew had indicated that god had promised this assistance )
3. Worship satan in return for all the kingdoms in the world
After being baptised Jesus fasted for 40days and 40nights. During this time satan is meant to have come to jesus and tried to tempt him. Jesus refused each one
Jesus life ( Crucifixion)
This was an act of atonement, by dying on the cross he took the punishment of the sins of the world and by this made salvation possible. He suffered full pain, and this is how christians can believe that god can understand human suffering.
Jesus life (incarnation)
As god incarnate, Jesus was able to perform miracles during his time on earth. Many believed that this not only demonstrated he was god, but provided a glimpse of heaven. His incarnation meant he was not affected by original sin. He provides the perfect example of how God wants every christian to live. One of his main purposes was to die, and take the punishment for human sin, in order to restore the human relationship with God
Jesus life (ressurection)
Many christians believed that Jesus did not stay dead, but 3 days after his death, rose from the dead. His resurrection demonstrates his power over death. Christians find hope in the resurrection that they too will be raised from the dead to share eternity in heaven with God.
Jesus life (healing miracles)
Blind Bartimaeus- Jesus was leaving Jericho, followed by a large crowd when he came across a blind beggar called Bartimaeus, who called out “Jesus son of David. Take pity on me.” Bartimaeus asked jesus to restore his sight. Jesus healed him and says “your faith has made you well.”
Healing a leper- Jewish people believed that if you came into contact with a leper you would be ‘unclean’… to try and combat this misconception Jesus touched the man when healing him —> only in Matthews gospel that he healed him out of pity. The leper showed great faith in Jesus ability to heal him
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF TOUCH: symbolic of unification, lepers may seem outcasts and jesus is aiming to combat this.
Jesus life (ascension)
Could also be seen as symbolic, jesus showing triumph over evil, that he lives alongside God in heaven; “he is not here; he has risen, just as he said” (Matthew). Forty days after his resurrection, the book of acts in the new testament records that jesus returned to heaven
Jesus life (the last supper) - links to eucharist and maundy thursday
Here Jesus prophesied that one of his disciples would betray him. At the end of the meal, Jesus said ‘this is my body, given for you, do this in remembrance of me’ —> basis of the eucharist, the most important part of christian worship
Jesus life (betrayal and arrest)
After the last supper, Judas arrived with the chief priests and the temple guard. Jesus’ followers wanted to fight but Jesus told them to put their swords away, however one of his followers struck a servant of the high priest and cut his ear off, but Jesus healed it and ordered there be no more violence.