Manipulative, sensory rattles, musical sounds, beliefs, swings, soft toys, bases, pots and pans, wooden spoons, books
0-1 years old
Movement, manipulative, sensory; push-pull toys, balls, pop-beads, pop-up toys, toy phones, musical books, noisy toys, ride-on toys, trucks, cause and effect toys
1-2 years old
Pretend-play, movement, manipulative, sensory; dolls, trucks, action figures, play-doh, markers, water play, balls, lego, books, dress-up toys, hats, shoes, clothes, and tricycles
2-4 years old
Pretend play, craft activities, movement: swing, gyms, bicycles, scooters, ball games, beads, painting, play-doh, arts and crafts, dolls, cooking, group games(follow the leader, tag)
4-6 years old
Pretend play, craft activities, movement gymnastic play, jumping rope, coordinated games(keep-away with ball), arts and crafts, wood kits, model airplanes, painting, drawing, skating, bike riding, swimming
6-8 years old
Movement, group games, manipulative: basketball, baseball, soccer, Bike riding, skateboarding, tennis, swimming, volleyball, arts and crafts requiring more skills, cooking, collecting
8-10 years old
Movement, games that challenge GMS, skilled manipulative resulting in products: competitive sports, sewing, knitting, woodworking, bowling, walking, going to the beach, flying kites, boating, camping, reading
10 years old