Toyota Production System Flashcards
What caused the American industrial decline?
Firms became lax, took quality for granted and lacked innovation due to no competition.
They continued to pursue MRP while Japan moved on to other methods
What is MRP?
Materials Requirements Planning:
Schedules release of work based on actual or forecasted demand
‘Push’ system based on info outside of production process and can lead to lots of costly inventory
TPS structure
Two pillars, JIT and Jidoka (automation with a human touch) with the aim of achieving highest quality at the lowest cost and lead time through elimination of waste
Who developed the TPS
Taiichi Ohno
Overview of JIT
Making what the customer needs, when it is needed, in the quantity needed
Must use the minimum resources of manpower, material and machinery
3 elements of JIT
Takt time
Flow Production
Pull System
Definition of Takt Time
Available Time/ Product Demand
e.g Automobile assembly line :
Available time =7.5hrs X 3 shifts = 1350mins/day
Demand = 1600 cars/day
Takt time =51s
What is ‘waste’ and what are the benefits of its elimination
Anything not adding value to the product
Exposes problems and bottlenecks caused by variability
Achieves streamlined production
7 types of waste
Wait time
Kanban definiton
Japanese word for card
Authorises production from downstream operations via some sort of signal
Heijunka definition
‘Levelling’/’smoothing’ production schedule using mixed model sequencing
Reduce ripple effect of small schedule variations
production quantities evenly distributed
Who pioneered SMED
Dr Shigeo Shingo, a consultant who has proven the effectiveness of SMED by reducing setup times from hours to less than 10 mins
Advantages of SMED and quick setup
Reduce lot size
Makes production more agile
Jidoka philosophy
Doing it right first time
uses traffic light system to allow workers to stop the line poka yoke to prevent defects
visual controls to make spotting problems easier
under capacity scheduing (~80%) to allow maintenace and room for error
Main manifestation of Visual Management
Andon Lamp (traffic light system)
Kaizen definition
Kai=change, Zen= good
i.e. change for the better
Philosophy of continuous improvement and breaking apart a problem and putting it back together to make it better
Gemba definition
Japanese word for ‘real place’
It is where the real action adding activities to satisfy the client take place
It concerns the physical sites for designing, producing and selling
Stresses that real improvement can only take place after observation of the current conditions of where the work is being done
5 rules of GEMBA
1 - Go to GEMBA! (spec. location) when a problem arises
2- Check with gembutsu (relevant objects)
3- Take temp countermeasures on the spot
4- Find the root cause
5- Standardise to prevent reoccurrence
5s’s of workplace housekeeping/organisation
Seiri (simplify or sort)
Seiton (straighten)
Seiso (Sweep)
Seiketsu (Standardise)
Shitsuke (sustain)
Method used to enforce 5s’s (Shitsuke)
‘Red Tag attack’