Toxicology Flashcards
Most common substance abuse
Most licit abused is oxycodone
Substance that is toxic by nature no matter how it gets into the body or how much is taken
A substance that has some therapeutic effect when given in appropiate circumstance and dose
When a drug, licit, or illicit, is taken in excess
Describe the extent to which any drug is present in sufficient amounts to produce the desired effect
Toxicological emergencies
Fall into two categories,
Intentional and unintentional
Will put anything in their mouth, including dangerous medications
Chloral Hydrate
Also known as “knock out drops” are used to commit assault for decades
Date Rape drug
A powerful benzodiazepine that has both antegrade and retrograde amnesiac properties to erase memory for next 4-5 hours
Posion Center Number
Four Methods of Absoprtion
Ingested Posions
Immediate damage to tissues, or may be delayed for several hours
- Look for stained fingers, lips, or tounge a
- Sudden report of cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
- look for empty pill bottles
- ingestion is usually a more forgiving time frame for identification and treatment
- Goal: remove or neutralize the posion before it gains access to intestines
Inhaled Posions
First, the person will remained poisoned as long as they are exposed, as well as the paramedic
Second, atmosphere poisoning, you are likely to encounter more than one patient
-Home agents such as Clorox or Bleach are responsible for most inhalation Emergencies
-CO poisoning is a painless suicide
-CO can be caused by old furnaces as well
Inhaled substances reach the alveoli instantly gaining almost instant access to the circulatory system
Carbon Monoxide
Binds to hemoglobin 250x more readily than oxygen
Injection Poisioning
Sting, bites from insects and animals
IV drugs such as meth, heroin, cocaine
Absorption Posioning
When substance is absorbed through skin
E.g organophosphate
The Syndrome-like symptoms of a class or group of similar posionous agents Are useful for remembering and management of different substances that fall under same clinical umbrella
Toxidrome Categories
Stimulants Narcotics Cholinergics Anticholinergics Sympathomimetics Sedative/Hypnotics
Stimulant Examples
Amphetamine Methamphetamine Cocaine Diet Aids Nasal Decongestants Bath Salts
Stimulants Signs and Symptoms
Restlessness, agitation, incessant talking
Insomnia, anorexia, dilated pupils, tachycardia, tachypnea, paranoia, seizure
Narcotic Examples
Heroin Opium Morphine Dilaudid (hydromorphine) Fentanyl Oxycodone Ambien Secobarbital
Narcotic Signs and Symptoms
Constricted pupils, respiratory depression,
Needle tracks, drowsiness, coma
Sympathomimetic Examples
Pseudoephedrine, amphetamine, methamphetamine
Sympathomimetic Signs and Symptoms
Hypertension, tachycardia, dilated pupils, hyperthermia, seizures
Sedative/Hypnotic Examples
Phenobarbital, diazepam, midazolam, lorazepam
Sedative/Hypnotic Signs and Symptoms
Drowsiness, ataxia, slurred speech, ams, CNS depression, hypotension
Cholinergic Examples
Acephate Diazinon Celthion Cythion Sarin Parathion
Cholinergic Signs and Symptoms
Increased salivation, lacrimation, diarrhea. Respiratory depression, apnea, seizures
Anticholinergic Examples