Tourism Principles Flashcards
What is the definition of tourism by WTO?
Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes.
Temporary short-term movement of people to destinations outside the places where they normally live and work and their activities during their stay at these destinations
Give the 7 characteristics of Tourism
- In tourism, the product is not brought to the consumer.
- The product of tourism are not used up, thus they do not exhaust the country’s natural resources.
- Tourism is labor-intensive industry.
- Tourism is people-oriented.
- Tourism is multi-dimensional phenomenon.
- The tourism industry is seasonal.
- The industry is dynamic.
Tourism is firmly established as number what industry in many countries?
Number one industry
In terms of foreign exchange earnings and job creation, tourism is considered as what?
It is the fastest growing economic sector
Tourism stimulates enormous investment in what? And what its purpose?
Infrastructure - which helps to improve the living conditions of local people as well as tourists
Tourism provides the government with substantial what?
Tax revenues
What are the effects of new tourism jobs and businesses?
It helps to equalize economic opportunities and keep rural residents from moving to overcrowded cities
What causes powerful force for improving international understanding and world peace?
Intercultural awareness and personal friendships fostered through tourism
Top 5 Asian destinations
Hong Kong China Philippines Japan Taiwan
Three tourism that will grow in importance
Sustainable tourism
Heritage tourism
The number of tourist arrival will increase by how many percent every year
It makes obtaining visas easier
Bilateral treaties
How much is tax paid when going out of the country?
Give the 9 pillars of tourism
- Food and beverage
- Transportation
- Accommodation
- Attractions
- Travel and Trade sector
- Tourism planning and development
- Entertainment and recreation
- Souvenirs and Handicrafts
- Allied services
A tourist destination must have what?
3 A’s